SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, July 28, 193» 1 families were present. Mrs Rich­ ing at the hillin' of his parents. ard Joy played a prelude, "At Mr and Mrs. Willis Byrd Morn," and hook "<> Promise Me.” • Ray Lnlow and Milo Kaya cii ~j» f followed by the wedding march Joyed a fishing trip near Mount 'iff j . Mmv De'•/ntt ornee* IF *1 he bride was attractive in a suit Ashland Sunday / Mfl Vi FteMTH tìVF* IN Tití ÏMAItf • of delphinium blue, with white ac- Published Every Friday Leonard N. Hall ' ceasories. Die maid ot honor, Miss (HARLEM W. < ROM W ELL / f z ry at 167 East Main Street ! Beulah Hervey, wore orchid with Funeral services for Charles Editor and Publisher ASHLAND. OREGON ; beige accessories. Friday Homes Webster Cromwell, till, who died acted as best man Following was nt his home on Malli street July the wedding breakfast with Mrs 15, were belli July 18 at the Lit- Entered as second-class SUBSCRII’TION Richard Joy ¡muring and Miss willvr Funeral home with the Rev February IS. matter RATES I’oiu Prideaux. sister of the bride E E Wordsworth officiating In­ 1935. at the postoffice at (In Advance» groom, assisting with serving terment whs in Hill cemetery Ashland. Oregon, under ONE YEAR $1.51 Mrs Prideaux Is a graduate ol the act of March 3. 1879 SOc SIX MONTHS Ashland high school, the SOUE HENRI CI.AV SHEETS * 1 Mailed Anywhere in the and OSC and for the last three Fum ml services for Henry Clay United States) years has been teaching home ec­ Sheets, 71. who died in Jackson­ TELEPHONE 8561 onomics at the Silverton and ville July 25, will lie held 10 a. m Uraaham school* near Portland. July M al U m Utwliloi Funeral SET YOU FREE” Mr. Prideaux is also a graduate home Interment will be In Moun­ of OSC and is employed in a Port­ tain View cemetery. land liiiiilri' mill Out o( town guests included Mr and Mis A GET IN STRIDE, BONNEVILLE! ( IIARI.EM IVEM HOMES .1 Prideaux and daughtci •. < lola Funeral services for Charles Leading the fight against publicly-owned utilities and Elizabeth, Dr. and Mrs F. W Ives Homes, 07, who died July 21 Wallington, and Mi an.I Mr. at his home on Siskiyou boulevard, in Oregon is C. C. Chapman, able publisher of the Prlday Homes of Terrebonne were held July 20 at the Litwlllvr Oregon Voter, whose writings are most fervent when • Misses Pearl and Mary Jean Funeral home Interment was in Henry of the Deed Indian district Mountain View cemetery. telling his readers how’ taxpayers are being hood­ .spent a few days last week nt the winked by public ownership of power. Vai Inlow home W IMHINGTON M. I’ETRI • Mr. and Mrs I >ewey Simmons Funeral ■ervlqrs for Washing­ We are willing enough to believe that Chapman is of Prineville and Stonewall Sim ton Michael Peril, 70. of Talent a sincere editor but we also suspect that his wishes— mons of Eureka, visited Tuesday were held nt 10 n ill July 20 nt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R E the Mtwlller Funeral home with or the wishes of his favorite social strata—are father Bell They are cousins of Mr Beil. > the Rev Thomas Temple officiat­ of some of his conclusions. We say this because, living • George Yockel left Wednesday ing Interment was in Stearns morning for Fl e.ano. < ’nllf , ..n a cemetei y in a city where the power system is publicly owned, short business trip The Miner has seen how well public ownership can and • Gifford Ise had the misfortune of cutting the end of his thumb off does work out for the benefit of consumers, taxpayers while working in the hay Monday for Wade Wallis at his ranch at and the community. Jenny creek Ashland consumers enjoy a lower light and power • A group of girls arc enjoying a camping trip on the Applegate rate than consumers adjacent to the municipality, and r river tins week, plunning to return the Ashland light department regularly turns over an to their homes Sunday They arc Rosemary Bell, Lola Welch, of important profit to the city coffers which goes a long Ashland and la-ona Chipman of way toward paying the city’s operating expense. And Ashland, Esther Wade, Fem We • Mrs. L. I. Moon and Juanita • Mr. and Mrs Herb Moore spent naus, Evelyn Willis, Eula Wenuus, this when but a small portion of electric energy used Moon are spending several days in last week-end at their cabin at Wanda Reynolds and Miss Elsie here is generated in the city’s hydroelectric plant. The Boise. Ida. Lake o’ the W cmm I s i Willis as chaperon Nancy Lm R;i Klamath • Leslie Kincaid returned to his balance of power is bought from a privately owned • Mrs Ted Schopf underwent a • Falls is visiting here at the home home Tuesday from Camp Bonne­ tonsilectomy Monday utility and fed into city lines. • Lee Port Jr. of Applegate vis- of her grandmother, Mrs Maude ville where he has spent the past sevetal Weeks Private utilities have their definite and important ited here Sunday with relatives. Huger • Mrs R A Barker and sons • The birthday club gave a party • Mrs. J. H Philpott returned re ­ place in the business life of the country, but munici- j cently from Dunsmuir where she made a trip to Klamath Falls Sunday at U m home ol Mi and Mrs Henry Stenrud In honor of palities fortunate enough to own their distribution visited at the home of her daugh Sunday. the birthday anniversary of Mrs ter, Mrs. Voyie Richardson. lines and part or all of their source of power are in • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hartman Stenrud The group enjoyed a cov- (A Smail Gumge) | cred dish luncheon on the lawn at an enviable position. of Junction City are the parents | noon. 'Die Im th.I.iv < ake was bak a daughter. Mrs. Hartman is Ashland enjoys wise and efficient management of of ed by Mrs Pankey and the group the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert And even your garage i presented the honored guest, Mrs its system and is strong proof that all publicly-owned Miller of Ashland. • Mrs Isaura Whitcher and chil­ ' Stenrud, with a gift at the cloae utilities are not community curses and political grab­ • Betty Grace Robbins, Dorothy dren and Mr. and Mrs Charles | of the afternoon. Those enjoying and its contents have Thomas and Margaret Starnes Henry enjoyed a picnic at Cold the day were Mr and Mrs Archie bags. made a trip to Crater Lake Sun­ Spring at the summit of the liead Kincaid, Mr and Mrs. J. E Gow- a value, the loss of day. Indian Sunday. land, Mr and Mrs. Louis Pankey. • Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor | Miss Marie Walker, Mrs Ella which would be hard and family returned early in the • The Bellview PT-A sponsored True, Miss Eunice Kincaid and CONGRESS VOTES IN FAVOR OF TRUTH week from the southeastern part a dance at the Twin Plunges Sat­ | Mr. and Mrs Stenrud urday evening Virgil Jackson's to take without insur­ Following several yeais of agitation and a lot of i of the United States. • W O Martin and Louise made • Virginia Frost of San Francisco orchestra furnished the music Mrs a trip to Medford on business hard work by sheepmen, congress has passed legisla­ I is visiting here this week with rel­ R D. Reynolds took tickets and ance. J. L. McCollum was floor manager Wednesday morning tion which compels truth-in-fabric merchandising of atives and friends. • Miss Marjorie Bell was removed President of the I*T-A, Mrs Rey ­ • Mrs Helen Fisher returned to her home Sunday from the wool. It seems that manufacturers have been in the early SEE UM FOR in the week from San Fran­ nolds. announced that they would Community hos|Htal in Ashland sponsor no more dances at the habit of advertising reprocessed wool as ‘‘virgin wool” cisco where she attended a con­ plunges. (.(Hili INSURANCE where she had recently undergone an appendectomy and not until the forces of law were marshaled on the vention. • Hugh Barron and Sumner Par­ • Mr Campbell, who was taken • ¡Jclbert Bond Injured his leg to Medford where he has been re ­ side of truth w’as it possible for the consumer to know’ ker spent several days at the fair ceiving medical treatment, relum­ while working in the hay Thursday San Francisco this week. on UM Hugh Barron rant h whether he or she was buying virgin wool fabrics or in • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kaegi and ed to his home Sunday. He is much • Earl De Sota ami small son reworked hand-me-downs. sons Bill and Dale are visiting the improved. REAL ESTATE and • The many Bellview friends of Jimmie of Yreka visited Saturday in San Francisco this week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ar­ REAL INSURANCE As such dishonest practices are uncovered, it be­ fair Charles Homes were sorry to learn • Mrs. Eddie Joanis of Talent vis­ chie Kincaid. Mr ami Mrs lie Sota of his death, which occurred Mon ­ comes more and more understandable why it is that ited here Monday at the home of day at his Ashland home. For a are moving here, as Mr. De Sota Phone 211 (I East Main Ida Crandall. business is mad at government regulation. Truth-in- Mrs. is now employed at the Junction number of years members of the • Dr. Mattie Shaw and Mrs. Lulu family have lived in Bell­ garage for Clyde Caton fabrics legislation is better late than never, and if Wilson made a trip to Buckhorn Homes view and the children of Mr • Miss Marie Walker, Mrs Archie lodge Sunday. somebody would launch a drive for truth-in-congress­ • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Warden are Homes attended the Bellview Kim .nd ami Mrs Her.ry .Stem U I made a combined business and men the reform could continue. visiting with relatives in Salem school. pleasure trip to Klamath l-'alix • Mrs Gardner of Ashland is this week. Friday of last week. • Mr. and Mrs. James Yeo re­ spending this week at the home of • Miss Helen Dunn returned to constant roar of the 12-ton 21- turned r her sister and brother-in-law. Mr Sunday from Sheridan, Ore. passenger capacity planes cracked and Mrs. Herman Helm. She is her home Friday from Seattle, the plaster and drove away their where they have been visiting with caring for Mrs Helm, who is con­ where she has been attending the relatives. University of Washington during customers. • Mr. and Mrs Mark True visit­ valescing from a recent appendec­ summer session. After getting nowhere by going ed with relatives in Central Point tomy. • Mr. and Mrs Wade Wallis vis­ • Mr. and Mrs Ed Grimm ami to court the ladies have erected Sunday. By MINER STAFF WRITER two 51-foot radio aerials so placed • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scholin of ited Sunday at the home of their daughter Ola May attended the that they are right in line with Grants Pass visited here Sunday son and daughter-in-law. Mr and South Dakota picnic, which wus held Sunday at Ja< k.vm Hot \’OT that anyone has any busi- the path of the take-off when a with their son, George Goswick, Mrs. Lee Wallis and family at Springs The people present voted their home In the Applegate dis ­ plane flies into the prevailing ness trying to mix alcohol and and attended the Townsend picnic to hold the picnic next year in trict. Government aeronautical in Lithia park. gasoline or are we advising the wind. Idthia park in Ashland more adventurous souls to try it authority pronounced the masts a • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edsall of • Mrs Charles White and daugh­ • Mrs Miles Farmer and daugh­ out but Dr. Howard W. Haggard, grave hazard to night flying and Eagle Point visited with friends ters Agnes and Lois returned ter Betty Lou returned Sunday to Monday from San Francisco where working in the laboratory of ap­ now the night planes come no here Monday. their home in Dorris after spend­ QUALITY AND SERVICE! plied psychology at Yale univers­ closer than Oklahoma City, 100 • Irene Cuthbertson of Klamath they spent a week visiting the ing the week at the home of Mrs exposition. miles away. ity, has given the following Falls visited here with relatives • Mr and Mrs. John Prideaux Farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. The sisters will sell for $3,000, and friends last week-end. amounts of intoxicants: two Willis Byrd. ounces of whiskey, a somewhat which is $1,250 less than they say • Mrs Elsie Churchman of Port­ visited Monday afternoon at the • Kenneth Bell, who has been smaller amount of gin and a quart is invested in the property and land visited here recently with home of Mr and Mrs Albert C. employed in a mill in Klamath DAIRY and a half of beer as the quantities our guess is that American Air­ friends. Mrs. Churchman is a for­ Joy enroute to Portland. They had Falls, now is employed in a mill spent the week at Lake o ’ the that may be taken and still leave lines will pay the price and heave mer resident. nearby in California. the drinker in shape to handle an a sigh of relief. • Wyatt Padgett and Ruth Craft Woods. • Mr and Mrs. Charles Smith of • The Embroidery club held their automobile efficiently, i We infer visited with friends in Klamath I Central Point visited Friday of I meeting in Lithia park Tuesday, T 1 1 that these are individual amounts Falls Sunday. ; last week at the home of Mr. and j and for separate libations but if • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Prescott are the members enjoying a covered Mrs. Waiter Brahs and family Don't worry- says the editor. visiting the fair in San Francisco dish luncheon at 1 o’clock The af­ you want to try mixing them don't Only half of the subscribers see ternoon was spent in visiting and • Reverend J. Z Walker and sons | say you were not warned in plenty your column this week. anyway and out of doing fancy work. The members Jesse and Tom, Mr and Mrs .!"<■ of time). • Mrs. William Hunter is visiting the half who do see it only half of present were Mesdames Claude Walker spent Saturday and Sun­ The good doctor goes further them read it and to only half of in Klamath Falls this week at the Conley, Walter Ix>ngstreth, J. M day at Monmouth visiting Rev. Monurnenta and Markers and states that on a full stomach these home of her daughter, Doris will it make sense. Out of Crow, Roy Crow, Ben Christleib, Walker’s son and daughter-in-law, j of Bronze and Granite the amounts may be doubled. At­ that many Hunter. only half of them will • Mr and Mrs. Harry Carlton George Helms. Two members. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. David Walker. Miss ; At Prices You Cun Afford tempting to put three quarts of Mary Walker returned home with believe it and about half of them are vacationing in Portland and Herman Helm and Mrs. Edwin beer on an already full tummy is will think it any good. According Dunn, were unable to attend Mrs them after spending two weeks at , the only place where we are in­ Seattle. to our elemental and untutored I, E. Deadmond was an invited the David Walker home. clined to disagree. Small minds • Mr. and Mrs. Al Brower and Next Door to Post Office • Warren Fichtner of Medford such as ours must have some place intellect that leaves one thirty- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kerr spent last guest. visited Wednesday evening at the , ( all Office 113, Res. 218-R second (stop me if I ’ m wrong) • Sumner Parker and Hugh to show off even if it is non-es­ of the subscribers. week-end in Crescent City. home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J Evening Appointment« sential or beside the point. • Mrs. Arthur Smith left Thurs­ Brown left Sunday for San Fran­ Anyway we would feel well com­ day for her home in Paso Robles, cisco where they are attending Brahs and family. "DEPENDABLE SERVICE" * v r • Miss Anna Mae Hazelwood pensated if that many hold a fav­ the exposition for several days. When American Airlines extend­ orable judgment in regard to this Calif., following a visit here at the • At 8 o’clock Saturday morning, spent Wednesday In Aahland vis­ « ed their flying field in Tulsa, Okla, comer and it would be a lot bet­ home of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregg Miss Elizabeth Joy, daughter of iting at the home of Mrs. Hazel and other relatives and friends. until it Joined the small tea room ter batting average than the Mr. and Mrs Albert C. Joy, was Fems. property of the spinsterly Little­ writer has hit in numerous other • Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Frideger and united In marriage to John Pri­ • Mrs. Edwin Dunn, who under­ daughters, Jean and Dorothy, field sisters they claimed that the fields of endeavor. went a major operation at the spent last week-end at Lake o’ deaux, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Community hospital in Aahland will be paid for any corn Great Prideaux of Portland, in a lovely the Woods. 'Thursday of last week, is improv­ Christopher Corn and Callous garden ceremon which was read by • Mr and Mrs. O. G. Crawford ing as well as can be expected. Remedy cannot remove! returned this week from Heppner Dr. E. W. Warrington of the de­ • Elmer Byrd, who is employed in EAST SIDE I’HARM AC Y where they spent the past two partment of religion of Oregon Dorris, Calif., spent Sunday visit­ State college. The two immediate months. • Dale Adams and Billy Elam are With sympathetic tact and under­ spending several days in Portland IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE this week as guests of the Oregon standing we endeavor to lighten INNUBA NOB ADEQUATET Journal during fleet week. the sorrow of those we serve. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lusk are the parents of a daughter, Sally Marie, born Sunday at the Com­ STEVEN R. munity hospital. Funeral Service Since 1X97 • Bill Jungwirth of Klamath Falls DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED visited with friends here last week-end. All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low Ap • Mr. and Mrs Larry Porter were Phone 834-R $10 per Thousand Feet! guests at the J. C. Hamaker cabin • at Lake o’ the Woods Sunday. (Formerly Stock’s Funeral METROPOLITAN LIFE • Mr. and Mrs Jean Eberhart Parlor) INSURANCE CO. are the parents of a son. Jack IxM-al Sawmill—Phone 287-.I We Never Close—Phone IS4l I Henrv, horn Tuesday at the Com­ munity hospital. J Southern Oregon Miner LIFE’S BYWAYS! ★ ★ • • • About People You Know! j IT DID BURN! • BELLVIEW • ★ ★ ★ Billings Agency OF ALL THINGS! CLOVER LEAF Life - Auto - fire INSURANCE M. T. BURNS $25.00 REWARD To Those We Serve Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft DRY BLOX LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME ASHLAND PLANING MILL