Friday, July 21, 1039 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 NITE BASEBALL WILL FEATURE PLAY THURSDAY BETWEEN sniffs and sneers. Manager Bert Simmons of the Talent Firemen's softball team is­ sued a challenge to Manager Charlie Skeeters' Ashland-Talent baseball team this week and an­ nounced that he had tricked the A-T’s into a night baseball game to be played on the Ashland high field starting at 8:30 o'clock Thursday. July 27. With both outfits in their re­ spective league cellars, it will be a fight to the finish to determine who can and who cannot hold their heads up among the assorted Tal­ ent softball and baseball players, said Simmons, and he expressed confidence that his outfit would wallop the A-T's at their own game. The exhibition will be the first night baseball game of the year in southern Oregon and is expect­ ed to draw a large crowd of fans. Banter has been hurled in friendly jest but an underlying current of seriousness has marked the chal­ lenge as the result of "jilting " of some players by the hardball team. Preceding the baseball battle a pair of teams in the junior soft- ball loop will play as a warmer­ upper, starting at 7:30 p. m. A-T’s Will Journey To Gold Hill Sunday Manager Charlie Skeeters' up- and-down Ashland-Talent nine «¿11 travel to the baseball wars Sunday with Gold Hill's Cement Makers their next foe. Already downed at the hands of the A-T’s. the Gold Hill lads are making elaborate plans for their first Southern Ore­ gon league victory at the expense of the Skeetermen. The A-T’s have other ideas, however, for a series of victories will place them into the league's Shaughnessy playoff and a chance at the loop pennant. Skeeters will throw his entire weight and power at the cellarites FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES A EVENINGS Kiddies 10c Schedule Outlined For Softball Tilts Remainder Season Friday, July 21: Dodger» v». Rogue*; Miner Pre*» va. Tal­ ent. Monday. July 24: Elk» va. Miner Pre«»; Dodger» va. Pine Box. Wednesday, July 26: Rogue* vs. Talent; Miner Pre*» vs. Pine Box. Friday, July 28: Rogue* vs. Elk»; Dodger* v*. Talent. Monday, July SI: Rogues vs. Pine Box; Elks vs. Talent. Wednesday. Aug. 2: I lodg­ er* vs. Miner Press; Talent va. Pine Box. Friday, Aug. 4: Elk» va. Dodgers; Rogue* vs. Miner Press. Monthly. Aug. 7: Pine Box v». Elks; Miner Press vs. Tal­ ent. Wednesday. Aug. 9: Dodg­ er» vs. Rogues; Elks vs. Miner Press. Friday . Aug. 11: Dodgers vs. Pine Box; Rogues vs. Tal­ ent. Monday, Aug. 14: Miner Pre** vs. Pine Bov; Rogue* vs. Elks. Wednesday, Aug. 16: Dodg­ ers vs. Talent; Rogues vs. Pine Box. Friday, Aug. 18: Elks va. Talent; Dodgers vs. Miner Press. ROGUES OPEN WITH 6-5 WIN Manager Johnny Daugherty's revised Rogues served notice on the teams in the league that they will be contenders for the second- half crown when they opened Wed­ nesday night's softball menu with a sparkling 6 to 5 defeat of the Miner Press. Curry's home run in the sixth with two aboard settled the contest. The Miner Press took the lead i in the first frame when Alphonse I scored on Rose's double, and the Pressmen widened their one-run margin to two in the fourth when another after Bentley had singled The lead was stretched to 3 to 0 in the first of the fifth but in their half of that frame the Rogues scored twice on four walks and a fielder's choice. The Press­ men added two more in the sixth on two hits and a fumble and then the Rogues took over after Rose had walked in one run and Curry broke up the ball game The Min­ er's tying run and last chance died on second base in the first of the seventh. Score by innings: RHE Miner Press 100 112 0— 5 9 1 Rogues ....... 000 024 x— 6 5 3 Batteries: Rose to Coleman; Aus- land and Eberhart to Daugherty. In Wednesday's nightcap the Pine Boxmen took the measure of the Elks nine 7 to 4 in a fast game to place the Shookmakers in top position of early second-half standings with two wins and no losses. The always hustling Boxers out- DODGER-ROGUES CLASH TO OPEN WARS TONIGHT AN improved Rogue lineup will square off with Parker Hess' first-half champion Iksigers at 8 o'clock tonight on the high school field and the outcome might point a knowing finger toward the sec­ ond division's probable league con­ tenders. According to Manager Johnny Daugherty, the Rogue hex over the 1 lodgers will be called on in Uie clutches and new players Curry and Card are expected to furnish a balance of power that will give the Hessmen a busy eve­ ning. The Dodgers, on their part, will jog out onto the diamond bent on proving that Monday night's de­ bacle at the hands of the Elks was Just one of those things Hess probably will start Lefty Charlie Warren on the rubber with Baugh­ man catching, and has indicated he may bench Roberson and play shortstop himself while the little infielder licks the butter off his fingers. Otherwise the Dodger lineup probably will be about the same as that which took over the first half title Friday night. The second game of the evening will pit Bert Simmons' Talent Firemen and the Miner Press. It was Talent which knocked the Miners out of the league top spot first half and the Printers are re­ garding this meeting with a wary eye and crossed fingers Hungate probably will start on the rubber for Talent while Rose will attempt to repeat his five-hit pitching chore of Wednesday evening. Both Talent and the Miners lost their opening games this week and both will be fighting hard to start the climb to league importance. Bob Kennaston And Bulldog Jackson To Settle Ring Grudge Bob Kennaston of Gold Hill will tangle next Monday night at the Medford armory with Bulldog Jackson, the bad boy from Port­ land who started an argument be­ tween bouts with Bob and was on the receiving end of a poke to the chin which sent him out of the ring mumbling threats, so now they will have a chance to even accounts which should thrill the fans. It will be a match wrestling bugs have been hoping for for some time. In the middle event two very capable and clever wrestlers will be matched when Toots Estes. meets Otis Clingman, and another crowd pleaser will be the opening go between Sailor Dick Trout and Bobby Wagner. First bell will sound promptly at 8:30 p. m. hit the Elks with eight safeties off Tallis while the Clubmen garnered but three from Woodward. Score by innings: RHE Elks 030 001 0 434 Pine Box 102 022 x— 7 8 3 Batteries: Tallis to Newton; Woodward to Schonicker. Pine Box, Elks Open Second Half Race In Brace of Victories (Continued from page 1) per cent of the consumers have purchased radios. 81 per cent bought electric irons, 47 per cent purchased washing machines, 25 per cent bought refrigerators. 17 per cent installed water pumps Secretary of Agriculture Wallace points out that farmers, through The big upset of the season and REA. are aiding business of the the one game which had fans as manufacturers of appliances f < r Next year there will be 13.(XX).- 000 or 10.4 per cent of the popula­ tion aged 60 years an ington $22 10. California $32 50. United State* Department of the Idaho $21.75, lowest. Arkansas. Interior, General lauid Office al $6.15. Proposed amendments alm Roseburg, Oregon, June 26, 1939. to increase these amounts The re­ Notice is hereby given thul vised Townsend bill defeated a few Charles A Muscutt at box 161, months ago was calculated to give Ashland, Oregon, who, on May 14. approximately $40 monthly. Im­ 1934, made original homestead portant part of the proposed ma-ial entiv. Acts 6-6 1-’ 4 lilt l'> NO security amendment is to st aft 0313M for S'.SE'., sk '. s W',. making payments under this act next January instead of in 1942 section 11, township 39S, range In this fund, June 1, there was 2 E, Willamette meridian, hue filed $1.098,814,347, of which 17 million notice of intention to make final dollars came from three per cent proof, to eatabUab claim to the interest on treasury securities land above described, before G. H Ixxtks like a happy New Year for Billings, notary public, at Ashland, Oregon, on the 1st day of August, several million elderly people. I < f f Claimant names as witnesses More mountain lion* were C. A. Applegate, H E. Applegate. killed in Oregon last year than M E Kaegi and A C Edwards, in any other state or Alaska. all of Ashland. Oregon. In total take of fur-bearing GEORGE FINLEY, Register animals, Oregon rank* 19th; I Jun 30 Jul 7-14-21-28) Washington 22nd. Oregon take was 66.800 animal* of 4—348b 13 *|>ecle»; muskrat* nunilrr- United State* Department <»f the ed 19,100. mink 6600, common Interior, General Isuid Office at skunk* 3600. Washington take Roseburg, Oregon. was 50,300 animal* of 1* spe­ Notice is hereby given that cies; muskrat* 35,159, mink* Grace G. Sikes of route I, box 206. 5200, coyotes 3000. New policy of the Federal Sur­ Ashland, Oregon, who, on Aug 21. plus Commodities corporation will 1934, made original homestead aid truck garden farmers. The entry, Acts •; • ; 11 and d-9-i«, n <> plan is to buy in farmers' markets ,021572, for v„w, aection fresh vegetables during certain township 40 south, range 2 east, periods of surplus production, as Willamette meridian, has filed not- a means of assisting vegetable ice of Intention to mnke final growers engaged in efforts to im­ proof, to establish claim to the prove marketing conditions All land above described, before G. H. vegetables bought by FSCC will is- Billings notary public, at Ash­ given to state welfare agencies land. Oregon, on the 29th day of for distribution to needy families Aug, 1939 Claimant names as witnesses: j This week the government launches an experiment to seek George Ricks of Ashland, Ore farm-source motor fuels The ex­ Claude Long of route 1, Ashland periments will be undertaken with i Ore., Richard Yartngton of route a view to making liquid, gaseous 1. Ashland. Ore., and Mrs. Gladys and solid motor fuels from pota­ E Ricks of Ashland. Ore GEORGE FINLEY. Register toes, corn, wheat, beans and other (Jul 14-21-28 Aug 4-11) crops. NOW PLAYING Through Saturday! SAVE 25% HOME-MADE PIE ALA MODE R4 SILVERTOWNS These tires are brand new famous Goodrich Silvertowns —America’s first cord tire—known for its (¿olden Ply Blowout Protection. HERE THEY ARE: 4.40-4.50x21 6.00x16 4.75- 5.00x19 6.50-6.25x16 5.75- 5.50x18 VICTOR McLAGLEN “PACIFIC LINER” “MR, MOTOS VACATION” ' 1 LITHIA A HOME OW NED THEATRE Friday, Saturday ; “GOLD DIGGERS IN PARIS” with Rudy Vallee Rosemary Lane Hugh Herbert Allen Jenkins and the HCIINICKELFRITX BAND “KING OF THE ARENA” with KEN MAYNARD and Ili* Wonder lliirsr Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ! “MAN OF CONQUEST” with Richard Dix as Sam Houston . WITH ALL THE GOODRICH 70TH ANNIVERSARY PICK OUT YOUR SIZE AND COME IN TODAY! • WED & THUR • O Subscribe for The MJner today HAMBURGERS TRIMMINGS! ON GOLDEN PLY SUN «MON »TUE • WANT ADS • R H E Seine by inning* (MX) 102 o 3 « 7 Rika (XX) KM) 0 I 3 3 Dodgers Butteries: Tallis to Newhouse and Newton; C Warren to Baugh­ man. TRY OIK JUICY Celebrate With Us! plus The second half of Ashland’s softball league schedule opened Monday night with a pair of inter- esting and exciting games, the Pine Boxers of Bob Flaharty re­ peating their debut defeat of Tal­ ent, ami the Elks upsetting the first half champion Ikalgeis in the year's best exhibition. In the evening's first game Pine Box took the lead from the find inning, when three runs were scored on two hits and two walks while the Simmons nine could muster but one tally on Learning's triple. It was Pine Box power all the way, although until the filial frame the score stood at 7 to 8 Score by Innings: R H E Talent i" ■ ""i <)7 8 4 line Box 341 004 x 12 13 6 excited as a sweepstakes winner was the Elks-Dodg»ra game which ended 3 to 1 in fnvor of the purple­ clad charges of Harry Morris. It was a pitchers' game all the route, Charlie Warren allowing but six Elks safeties while walking seven and Tallis holding the Hessmen to three scattered blnglcs in the first, fourth and fifth innings and whiffing nine iMitsmen while Issuing no piiHscs First scoring of the game came In the fourth, when each nine tallied once. The Elks commanded the game 111 the sixth o.i n combination of three lilts und a bobble by Shortstop Roberson fiat netted two runs THIS SPECIAL OFFER INCLUDES YOUR OLD TIRES THIS OFFER EXPIRES MIDNIGHT, JULY 29 CLYDE CATON’S JUNCTION GARAGE SOUTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY Phone 5311 MN • AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT When In Doubt Eat at Pete’s Lunch EARL I>. (PETE) NUTTER 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory