Friday, July 21, 1939 • BELLVIEW • • Mi nii<| Mra J i<: Howland and M ik Vai Inlow attended the Odd Fvllowa mid Kclwkiih picnic in Lithla park Sunday • Mi mid M in Al Floyd of Jack- aonvillc were viaitora at the Bell­ view Grange meeting Tueaday eve- nill|( M in Floyd In the county Po­ mona lecturer. • Samuel J oiii - n of Oakland. Ore. I n Nfa-iidlnx the remainder of the Nuiunici Ncaaon at the home of Mi and M in Walter llitah and Edna Mr Jotica I n on uncle of Mia 11 on I i • Mi and M in Leonard I‘oarco of Portland apent Saturday and Sunday vlHlthig lit the home of Mr and Mr» Hoacoe Applegate anil fumlly Mra Poarco la a niece of Mra. Applegate • Ml»» Allei-n Inlow »pent Sunday in the Applegate diatrict where ahe enjoyed a picnic with a group of frienda • M in lli-rinkn Helm, who whk brought to her home from the Community hoapltal in Aahland i Friday following an appendec- I toiny. la improving aa well aa can tie expected. • Mr ami Mra Charlca llaah re turned to their home in Knappa. Orc . Saturday after having »pent aeverai day a at the home of Mr and Mra Walter Hiiali and family OuulM llaah ami Walter Haah are brothcra. • Jack and Nancy Potter apent laat week at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mra. Chea- ' ter Applegate Jack and Nancy- arc the email »on and daughter of , Mr and Mra Mm Potter of Med­ ford • ft E Bell, who la employed in Klamath Falla, apent the wrrk-en