Friday, July 14, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 First Half Title Hinges on Tonight’s Qame CRESCENT CITY A-T’s TO BATTLE HERE SUNDAY MINER WIN WILL THROW TEAMS IN FIRST PLACE TIE Bob Kennaston Will HOW THEY STAND! Try Tangles With III fit N OREGON LEAGUE 'foots Estes Monday SOI Tram w I. l’< I ('rcscetit City 8 I .889 Tile former junior heavyweight .778 Grunt» l‘ii»» 7 •i champion, Bob Kennaston, returns <1 3 Medford .067 to the Medford armory arena Mon Dorris .MIO 4 4 day night, July 17. to meet Tools 5 Glen Ink' .441 4 Rates, who won from l>ick Trout 5 hl uiiiith Fall» 3 .37« last week, Also on the three all- 3 H .333 A-r star match will be Bulldog Jack 0 It Gold llill .000 xon facing Bobby Wagner, and Otis Clingnmn will square off with G tune» l4l»t Siifichiy i Mck Trout At Medford 4, Grunts Pasa I» Just which puir of wreatiers At Ashland 18. Glendale 8. would get the tup apot had not At Gold I Illi 9. Dorris 13 been decided by Promoter Mack At Klumath Fulls 3. Crescent ldllard last night, but he Indicated the flip of a coin would aeltle the City 7 (played July 2» |K>lnt Monday night Ernie Peterson, who wrestled NltiN THREE TEACIIERN Wagner last week, will act as ref­ Ashland school Isstid members eree at the matches, first of which Tuesday night selected three pri­ will get under way at 8:30 p. m mary teachers to fill leave of ab­ sence vacancies at l-lncoln school during the coming year They are Miss 1Vada Reid. Miss Clara Verhasset ami Mias Frances Becker. HIDING comfortably atop the v Southern Oregon league with I ram VV I. Pct. nine straight victories and no de­ *» Dodger» 7 .778 feats, Crescent City's Merchants Miner I’n-aa 8 3 .667 will invade Ashland Sunday in an Bogue» A 3 .500 effort to continue their spotless Elk» 4 ft •44ft baseball record at the expense of Pine Ho* 4 8 .4181 Manager Charlie Skeeters' Ash­ Talent 3 8 .333 land-Talent organization. \\ hat will await the Californians will be \VITH yy H final brace of games In something less than a brass band the first-half race tin tonight's and the game on a silver platter, menu, the Ashland softball league for the A-T's served notice last has reached the point where at week-end, in smothering Glendale least two managers have been 18-8, that they are nobody's push­ spending sleepless nights and overs. However, the Merchants al­ gaunt days worrying about the ready know that, having enjoyed outcome. Parker Hess. lAniger pil­ the good fortune of lucking out ot, has been taking bats to bed 2-0 over the A-T’s in their first with him and Manager Leonard meeting at the coast city. Hall of the Miner Press has been The game, which will get under observed gnawing on pencil stubs way at the high school field and leaving his pie untouched. Oc­ promptly at 2:30 p. m.. is expected casion for the fretting Is the to draw the year's biggest gate. "crooahul" game at 9 o'clock to­ Ashland softball funs were A win for Ashland-Talent would night which may decide the first- treated to an unusually exciting be considered an upset by those half champion between the Ikxig- pair of games at the high school who did not see the Skeetermen ers and Miner Press field Wednesday night when the in action last week, but followers Should the Printers win, the re­ Dodgers downed Talent 7 to 5 and of the local outfit will be of a dif­ sult will throw them into a dead­ the Rogues made a clivus-flrush ferent mind. "We're due to hit the lock for the first half title but if win over the nevcr-dle Pine Box jackpot,” said Skeeters this week, the Hessmen emerge triumphant, nine, final count ending 13-12 A "and I think our strengthened the Typesetters will have to con­ close decision at first base on the outfit can do er against Crescent sole themselves with resolutions last play of the second game gave City. Anyway, we’11 give 'em the concerning the second half race, fans an extra thrill when, with best ball game they ever sunk a ’ 111 Glendale's Loggers, remember­ winner of which will play the first- two away, Gregory hit a hot one cleat into.” ing the 16-0 shellacking admin­ half top outfit to decide the city to Shortstop Moore to send the By I TOLD YOU SO Skeeters probably will start istered to Ashland-Talent in their championship The Dodgers have tying run across home if the Box­ lightning-armed Nig DiSordi on first meeting in the mill village, won seven and lost two games man could make It to first In a the mound against the Merchants. The black-haired husky held the VVHEN Charlie Skeeters' Ash- tripped into town last Sunday with while the Miners dropped three photo finish at the all-important bag Umpire Curly Crrsae lofted coast nine to two hits in their * land-Talent outfit met Glen­ light hearts and designs on the and won six. Hess indicated last night that his thumb to end the game amid previous encounter and will be dale on the local lot last Sunday, league standings. When the rain primed to equal or better his pitch­ they gathered in enough runs to of baseballs was over Glendale had he would start either Kenny Har­ mingled shouts and groans. It was ing record. Rich Skeeters will be last any ordinary club the rest of been smothered 18-8 by a hard­ ris. Charlie Warren or himself on the season's biggest moment. In the first game Wednesday at his usual catching post when the season. Final bush league tally hitting. hustling A-T outfit bent the mound, with Baughman re­ ceiving. Jones at first, Bud Neal night errors by day-dreaming in­ the fireworks start Sunday, and stood at the staggering total of on sweet revenge. Things looked pretty bad for on second. Buzz Roberson short fielders gave the Dodgers the win­ long-armed Tiny Jones will be 18-8 in favor of the home-towners. reaching for them at first base. Now if the Skeetermen could Charlie Skeeters' lads in the first and Hess on third Powers, Miller. ning margin, although Talent wax Probably Bud Neal will be sta­ just take those extra runs they when two hits and an error pro­ Schilling and resting pitchers will in the running until Hexa Highrd ax the last man went down tioned at second base, with Park­ didn’t need and salt 'em down in duced three Glendale runs. The lo­ make up the outfield Score by innings: II E For the Miner Press, Rose will er Hess on the hot corner. Ted the bat bag they might come in cal defenders made a stand in (8)1 400 0 ft ft Schopf will get the call at short­ handy before the end of the sca­ their half of the opener when start on the rubber with Coleman Talent 124 000 X 7 5 patch with Don Montgomery a son. Pressed for the lead, they Schopf belted the first pitch of back of the plate, Ardis Warren on Dodgers likely starter in left field where could upend the bag. _ shake out Sporer for a homer in right cen­ first. Jack Bentley on second, Bud The Rogues-Pine Box game got he starred last week-end. In center the needed runs and there you are ter. but it was not until the third Silver, short, and Darby O'Toole at _ Darrel Leavens will guard the — right into the Shaughnessy play­ frame that the A-T’s took over third Outfield probably will be away to a lop-aided beginning the advantage when three runs peopled by Gordon Alphonse, Ern­ when the Rogues, first up. saw grounds while Orville Hampel, the off! were coined from four hits, a est Francis. Harry Pendleton. base by virtue of a pair of walks scourge of Southern Oregon league 111 walk and a hit batsman. The at­ Marion Mann or Ben Tanner Bert but could not convert The Boxers pitchers, will take over right field. Speaking of bush league scores, tack hoisted Sporer to the bench Larsen also will be on hand to j used their half for the game's On the bench will be Pete Mont­ first score and took the field to gomery, Eddie Joanis, Greeman this writer eyed several coast and Merle Johnson took over. Be­ act as relief catcher. yield one counter for the I >uugh and Ed Learning. Reserve pitchers games in hopes of seeing just how hind 4 to 3 in the first of the bad the boys in the willows would fourth, the Loggers blasted in In the opening game tonight, erties. will be Haynes and Combest. In the last of the second, how- Crescent City will bring here look by comparison. On one occas­ three more to take over briefly starting at 8 o'clock. Elka and Lefty Mike Koll for the mound ion the San Francisco Seals were until the A-T power could get Talent teams will be anxious to ever, the Shook men found the of- work, with Ferm receiving. The playing a double-header with Seat­ up to bat in the second half, when emerge victorious, as the result fenngs of Ausland for four hits, infield will include Miller at first, tle and in the first game the Si- two passes and three hits by will mean a three-way tie with used a walk and five error» to Matson at the keystone sack, Ray washers took the measure of the Hess, Hampel and Don Montgom­ Pine Box for fourth place if Tal­ produce seven runs That ended Deo at third and Loffer on short. Seals—with which was one Joe ery produced four more counters. ent wins, or a tie for third place their scoring until the sixth, when Left field will be picketed by DiMaggio at the time—with final Glendale was able to reach pay between the Elks and Rogues if another was pushed across, with three more being added in the sev- , Hanscam, center by Framsted. score standing at 16-4. We relaxed dirt but twice more off the fast the Clubmen take the contest The Elks, as one of the moat «•nth when. lH-hlnd 1» to 13 th« v lead-off man. and right by Ray a little and decided the sticks slants of Frank DiSordi, who went weren't too awful. But when the the route, both coming in the sev­ rapidly improving outfits in the made a desperate comeback try Koll. nightcap got under way, whew! enth. Ashland-Talent added two circuit, have been coming from falling short by inches after Reedy The bush league pastures loomed in the sixth and then cut loose behind steadily while other teams had started off the frame by like Yankee stadium.' with an eight-run barrage in the were losing their early footings, reaching first on an error, Pilch- I and Pitcher Bill Tallis is expected er Woodward had walked, Berg­ seventh to remove any doubt. The Seals came back to Hitting star of the afternoon to give the Talentltes a busy eve­ strom got aboard through a field­ score 22 (ye», twenty-two) runs in the first inning! Di­ was the newly-signed Medford re­ ning However, Hungate's deliver­ er’• choice-error combination. anri.- year $150 six inoiitli.H so. LITHIA Friday, Saturday u FIRST LADY” with Kay Francis Preston Foster nl»<> u Men lone: I IIE Ilin HIM ( (I 1 Added Attraction FOR FAENLNGM ONLY! GILBERT Master Hypnotist IN PERSON Prvsmthig a »rrlr« of comedy hypnotic te»t» using local |M*oplr en­ tirely. ADMISSION |0c mid 2ftc Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ‘EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN with Joan Blondeli Bing Crosby NOW PLAYING Through Saturday! A Midsummer’s Delight! KING KONG” Robert Armstrong Fay Wray HOME-MADE PIE ICE CREAM! “STAGECOACH John Wayne Claire Trevor Pete’s Lunch AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory CHEST COLDS Here’s Quick Relief from Their DISTRESS! The annoying «¡¡scomforts of a cold In cheat or throat, generally caao when ■oothing, warming Mtixterole la applied. Better than a mu» turd plaster, M