Friday, July 14, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner V/HEJCl 'TouK? Bcy S'Cüur TKA i MING CoMrs in ham w jimmy I C appi ep Foie a Guy once Ptei-SAEir» Like T hau - amp Wl- PiPN T inp our . way out - of T he until - Eiuwr o ' clock , that N ight .- "THAT- Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 Eaat Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON Editor and Publisher ★ ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935. at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR ...... $1 54. SIX MONTHS 80c t Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 r- ★ ★ ★ The democratic way has been proved, to the satis­ faction of the average American, to be the best avail­ able form of government. Eut singing hosannahs to democracy will not keep our system firm of fiber and pure of action. Our greatest asset, perhaps, is free speech and a free press, with a constitutionally-guaranteed right to express our thoughts and beliefs. Yet the greatest abuses of free speech and expression are not made by those who would wilfully destroy our government, but by those who profess land probably more or less sin­ cerely) to be upholding it. Greatest offenders against our institutions are those who are sworn to defend them—congressmen and assorted politicians who would rather further party interests than the nation’s welfare. Current op­ position to administration legislation largely comes under this latter fault—politicians are forgetting statesmanship and their higher obligation to the peo­ ple in their jealous contemplation of the coming presi­ dential campaign. They would wound an entire nation’s business in order to make opponents limp at election time. Bad losers in our politics would scuttle their ship in order to drown their captain. That is a weakness of our democratic liberties—they force acquiescence to opposition not because the opposition is right, but because the opposition often stands with monkey­ wrench poised at our vital machinery. ★ * ★ THE MARK OF A HAS-BEEN! A man is never old until he starts living in the past. Halted and gray, some are as up-to-date and rarin’ to go as a high school athlete while others, in their thirties, spend their time looking over their shoulders and making of themselves has-beens. The same is true of communities. Whenever a town longs for the “good old days’’ instead of concentrating on the present and the future then it has ceased to be virile, progressive. Today and tomorrow demand the full attention of people and groups of people who would keep pace with times. The truth is that the person who constantly in­ dulges in “Now, I remember when—’’ usually has to delve into the deep past to relate action in which he took part. Those who have quit doing start recollecting, and when a community does that it is on the road to being forgotten. ASHLAND TOPS STATE IN NON-RESIDENT CAR TALLY OF ALL THINGS! By MINER STAFF WRITER L---------------------------------------------- 1 THE first direct airmail service will be inaugurated in Phila­ delphia where an autogiro will take off from the specially con­ structed roof of the main postof­ fice for the Camden, N. J., post­ office six miles away and the At­ lantic Clipper bums approximately one gallon of gasoline per mile Not that it makes any differ- ence but one-half million dollars worth of buggy whips are still sold every year in this country. Farmers and hoss racers account for the bulk of them but carnival hawkers with their 10-cent toy whips make the difference between profit and loss. 111 ----------------------- •------------- RECLAMATION SETTLERS TO GET BREAK IN LAW WASHINGTON. D. C (Special to The Miner)—Settlers on recla­ mation projects will receive a break under a bill which has passed the house and now is in the senate. The bill undertakes to IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? THI NEW FORMULA ' LUSTER-FOAM f I* irat consult your doctor, I hen ace your local Aeoua- tician to be PLEASE I’AHH THE BI TTER WASHINGTON. D C. Special to The Miner) Federal Surplus Commodity corporation bought 122 4)00,000 pounds of butter in the 12 months ending June 30. ami for this it paid $34,500.000 This money came from funds collected by the customs bureau. The butter was purchased from the Dairy Products Marketing association, Aeouaticon rr«|uirr«l (or your type and decree of ueaineaa. Arrange today for a I' REE omnonatration in your home or at our office. KM OOOD HtAHINO ousucon (LOCAL ADDRI11I Al»« Illi ttlH •• »l«Ker Pair, end I3P eitler ♦5,150 ruin in pilli I h «reel mew ACOUftftCON f A « > * AT All DRUG STORKS A RELIEF! TO BE COMPLETELY RID DANDRUFF AT LAST Motorino Antiorptle fata beneath tymptomr . . • killt dandruff form How many Utnca have you te»*a««-nslblllty.” It took three hours to fix the car, hut it took two days to get a court hearing! Our vacation was ruined! My husband got Insurance the very day we urrlved home. ARE YOU PROTECTED? I C. ERWIN 30 Years Success! Doctor’s Formula for Itching of Phone 334-R | iitteil with the 240 East .Main Street SCHUERMAN r Personal: The party who last night s|»ed away after crashing Into a car on the highway north of town might ■_j be interested in knowing that the driver is being buried ttxiay He might also like to know that his victim suffered such terrible pain he could not be move,! and died in the __ ____ dirt __ at the side of the road Th«* widow and three children will attend the funeral That "personal'* does n«»t appear in today's columns Yet. with varying details, It might be well to run each of the 50.4MM) times that highway accidents strike each year in California A “personal" matter! Have you stopped to think of sudden death on the highways as it affects you ? Suppose you sit down io dinner tonight with 10 of your friends Is it a personal matter to know that one h tn«! big tor tub«! containing morn (ban I, pound of thl* migiern. energized dentifrice. At all Älna/..tTOC|A] CLIPPED QUIPS HORSE AND EDITOR PERSUADERS! According to a census bureau report, buggy whips still are used for something besides getting even with the editor. An estimated $500,000 worth was sold last year in this country and with that kind of an output there is wonder that subscribers find anything worth reading. As southern Oregon's buggy whip authority, this department knows as much about the lash as most horses, albeit it was applied to us in a different place. Ah-h-h, them were the good old days a few years back when The Miner was printed on pink paper and the editor carried a fountain-pen tear gas gun that wouldn’t go off at a horsewhipping but blew its top in the Medford Mail Tribune office the next day. Phew! What we got for THAT was worse than the horse­ whipping! And speaking of the buggywhip trade, apparently it has never penetrated the Weston district up near the Columbia river for were the weapons available there surely Editor Clark Wood—he of the poignant, truthful type—would have encountered the laying on of willow. Experience prompts us to advise other young edit­ ors. trying for a start in the profession las we like to call it), that it is better to be horsewhipped than ig­ nored and, really, it don’t hurt hardly a-tall. WE RE A QUEER I’EOI’I.E! Some hundred and fifty years ago the people of this country revolted against kingly rule and set up a republic, forever re­ nouncing royalty. But now, in celebrating this event, it is con­ sidered necessary to have a UUCCII We’re a queer people South Umpqua News Mars the planet will be closeI to us July 17 than In 15 years So also, we apprehend, will I m * Mars the war god. lie was a fast-driving motorist (most likely he'll never I m * nilas ed) Ilia time came to die on the Fourth of July, and he helped swell the casualty list The editor who says "the mod- • ern girl la a spineless creatuie" has merely convinced us that hi docs all his Imthing in a bathtub Weston (Ore ) ls*ader. SET YOU FREE“ “THE TRUTH WILL What Other Editors Are Saying! which bought It with money loan­ ed by the Coniniodlty Credit cor­ poration and was distributed to the needy through slate relief agencies Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft DRY BLOX DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED All Kinds of Builtling Lumber A n L ow A h $10 per Thousand Feet! ASHLAND PLANING MILL Ixmal Hawmill—Phone 287-J