Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 14, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, July 14, 1939
“ —
park and other places were on
their Itinerary Mrs Welling will
be remembered as Mrs Kenneth
Forbes of Ashland.
• Mr und Mr«. John Hamilton
of Tule l*ake visited relatives here
last week.
• The many friends and old neigh-
bois of Mi iions'I. who ■ ii In
Ashland Friday evening, were sad­
dened by loss of the former Tai- 1
ent resident.
• Roland Parks, who is employed
at I Jiva Beds, visited his parent» j
In Talent Saturday.
• L. Hheroes of California was a
guest of his sister, Mrs Hackler
and family, last week.
• Axel Amundson received word
recently of the death of Mrs Wil­
son at Wenatchee, Wash. Mrs.
Wilson and her husband were part I
owner« of a pear orchard opeiuted '
by Amundson, the husband huving '
died two years ago
• Mr and Mrs. Lem Frink and
family spent last week in Crescent '
City He is convalescing from an j
operation recently undergone. The i
couple returned Saturday
• Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis Estes had
as dinner guests Thursday evening i
MI nh Mabel Sayres of Boone, la.,
and Mr. and Mrs Elliott and son
James of Medford.
• The home economics group of
the Talent Grange met in an all- |
day monthly session in the city
hall Tuesday. A noon luncheon
was served, followed by the bust-
ness meeting. A program was en- .
• Billy Breese spent the week- 1
end at his home here.
• Mm Riley N'lswarner of Klam­
ath Fulls »¡>ent part of this week
visiting her mother and relatives
in Talent.
• Mr. and Mrs Gordon Higgins of
San Francisco visited his mother
last week,
• Roy Parr jr, who is attending
summer school at U of O in Eu- |
gene, was a Talent visitor last
• Mr. and Mm Maurice McShane
and soa and daughter of Grants
Puss visited Mr. and Mrs. R. F
Parks Monday evening.
• The Talent Townsend club rnet :
Tuesday evening in the city hall
with Mr Friedenburg conducting
the session in the absence of Pres- ;
ident Ben Clark Mrs Harriett i
lutes led a quiz program follow­
ing regular business
• Miss Betty Dailey of Myrtle
Creek is a guest of Mr. and Mrs
O. K McCurtain.
• Herb Davis, sailor stationed at
San Pedro. Calif., arrived home
Thursday for a furlough with his
• Mr and Mrs Lyle Russell left
Sunday for a trip to the coast
whore they were to visit friends
and relatives.
• Mr and Mrs. Claude Williams
,..| into the Henry Burnett
bouse on Gibson avenue recently
• Hazel Rigg«. who lives south of |
Talent, left Tuesday for Weiser,
Ida., to visit with friends.
• Mr and Mrs Spencer Hackler
and Mr and Mrs IJoyd Lacy have
as guests their cousins from Sac­
ramento, Mrs. Alice Ross and son '
Charles. Mrs Nellie Penfold and
daughter Phyllis and Miss Neva
King They will leave soon for a
visit with relatives at Fort Klam­
ath They will visit Oregon Caves
and other points of interest while
About People You Know! |
• Mi iiik I Mia .loseph Honson
mid daughters of Inwood, bi, via- '
Ited here recently nt the home <»f
Mr mid Mr«. (' B. luimkln
• II (’ Forsythe, .luck Forsythe
und Marshall Woodeli made a fish­
ing foray into Klamath county
• Mr and Mia (Tiff McLean re
turned Monday to their home in
Chiloquin following a visit here
with friends and relatives
• Mr and Mm Elmer Filbert of
Rio Viata, Calif., lire visiting here
at the home of I'at Dow
• Mra E Murray and daughter«
Grace and Lucille Cleveland left
Monday foi a viMI to tbs fail ta
San Frunclaco
• Mr ami Mra Bill Weatall of
Oakland, Calif., left Monday fol­
lowing a vialt here at the home of
Mia Paul 'I'aylor.
• N II Michelson left Monday
for Seattle where he will «pend
several days
• Mr and Mra Jack Young ami
Eunice Hager vlalted with frienda
in Ki.iniatii Falla Bund i•
• Mra Hattie Burnette of Klam
nth Falla vlalted with frienda here
laat week-end
• Mr und Mra Ix-slle HOST of
San Francisco vlalted heir thia
week at the home of Mra Bertha
• Mra Ida Crandall »¡lent aeveral
daya thia week In I'rndlcton at­
tending the VFW convention
• Mra. Howard Mayberry mid
daughter Sandra of Coluaa, Calif
vlalted here for several daya early
in the week
• Jean Bllllnga returned Monday i
from San Francisco where ahe has
been visiting und attending the
• Phil Wolcott of Lt*« Angelen
vlalted here this week at the home
o! m i and m ra • i 0 Wotootl and
other relativea and frienda
• Mi and Mra E 8 Robbins n
turned Sunday from Oregon City
where they attended the at ate con- I
vention of Oregon Rural Let tor I
• Mra Merle Jarmln and daugh
ter Audrey of Medford Visited here
Sunday at the home of Mr and
Mra It W Swnrtsley.
• Howaid Oden and Ed Peyton
fished ul Four Mile lake Tuesday.
tS The Rev. ami Mia. V. K Alli­
son and daughter Rosemary oi
Santa Cruz, Calif., arrived here
Tuesday tor a visit at the home of
Ml .mil Min W II Putman and
other relatives.
• Charlecil By id recently under­
went a major operation at the
Community hospital.
• Mr. and Mia Cliff Culmer are
visiting the fair In San Francisco
Inin week
• Mr and Mra. Lloyd Turner of
Oakland, Cui if , are visiting here
ul the home of Mr. und Mis O. B.
• Mi and Mrs. Wailuce Carrel
left Tuesday for their home in Ta­
coma following a visit here at the
home of Mra. C O. Holman.
• The Talent city council held a
regular monthly meeting Tuesday
evening in the city hall The city
lathers occupied the front of the
uuiidin« while the Townsend club
used the tear dining room
• Mi und Mia Jack Gardner re­
turned Wednesday from a trip to
Castle Rock, Wash., and other
northern ¡xilnts Enroute here they
visited with relatives in Salem.
Mra. Ruth Eggleston and two
aaughtera accompanied them for
a visit.
• Mi and Mrs laiuia Bates spent
Sunday on Rogue river.
• R F. i'uika apent a few daya
this week on the Greenaprlnga and
it Ilvutt num.
• Mr» Rosetta Merrick of Glen*
dale, Calif., ta a guest of her sis­
ter, Mta Breese, this week
• M and Mis. Wayns Cowdrey
and family visited relatives near
Butte Fall« and Medford Sunday
• Mr and Mra James Woodman
of Seattle, Wash., were guests of
Mr mid Mrs Claude Williams Sat­
• Mi and Mia Harry Hamilton
purchased Hi acres of land in the
Valley View district from Waller
Levrtelte and arc building a home
• Mi and Mra Jo«- Tryon enter­
tained al dinner Saturday Dudley
Estes and Mrs. Charles Estes.
• Talent firemen held a dance in
the city hall Saturday night to
raise funds lot the recreation hall.
a lanes crowd bttsndsd the affair,
must*) foi which wm furnished by
the Mtudow Mountain Hillbillies
• Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tame spent
Sunday at tbsti ranch on Dead
Indian mountain.
• Mrs Caariac Estes of Crsaocnt
pent n few daya visittag rel­
atives and friends last week. Mr.
and Mrs Estes formerly lived ta
Talent for many years
• M in J< u Welling and sister,
Mrs Bla.-ichc McGuire, stopped in
Tulrnl Sunday while enroute to
their home in Oakland. They apent
■lx weeks touring the country, in­
cluding a visit to their birthplace
in Boston, Mass Niagara Falls,
the New York fair, Yellowstone
Life - Auto - Fire
Monuments and Markers
of Bronze and Granite
At Prices You Can Afford
"TAe «e»
Next Door to Post Office
(nil Oftlee 113. Res. >4H R
Evening Appointments
Speed Plalet
are ntarrelout
. . . tontact
heat it to fati
and clean!"
Now . . . electricity comet into itt own . . . with the Norge Electro-Speed
Runge .. cooking time is speeded up miraculously ... you get all the advam
tagoa of cleaner, faster, safer cooking . . . much more delicious meals. Come
in and sec the many brand new features that make the Norge Electro-Speed
Power Range years ahead ... the best range buy on the market today!
.. %>*>**■ 'X
IIB fv '.--'
Ui« only on« level toe­
spoonful to a cup of lifted
flour for most recipes.
IbV powder
Same price today
as 48 years ago
25°uncej f°r 254
Manufactured by baking yewdar
ipacialiats wbn malt« nelhing bul
baiting y«w«lar<-undar «uparviainn
i ef «ip«rt «bamiili «I natianal
f yuta tian.___________
in franspare it Soaltest-approved wrapper
Page 3