Friday, July 14, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • • Mr. and Mrs William Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace spent Sunday at Buckhorn lodge • Emil Gossman and Robert Mil­ ler were transacting business on Greensprings mountain Saturday • Mr and M ton Duffil who make their home in Bakers­ field, Calif., were visiting last week at the home of Mrs Duf­ field's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Os­ car Talent. Miss Jeanette Talent, sister of Mrs. Duffield, returned with them for a short visit. They plan to attend the fair while in San Francisco. • The Rev. and Mrs. J C. Orr and family of Klamath Falls vis­ ited Thursday at the home of Mrs. Orr's parents. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Talent. • R. E. Bell and son Kenneth, who are employed in Klamath Falls, were visiting at their home here Sunday • Mrs. V. V. Beirs of Pinehurst, who fell and broke an arm recent- ly, is spending several days at the I ! calfe prior to leaving Saturday for home of her cousins. Mr and Mrs the south where ahe will visit the fair and spend her vacation Wade Wallis. NAMED TO HEAD • Mr. and Mrs Walter Davis. • Glen Inlow attended the county B. I». O. ELKS Mrs Kat Haine» and Miss monthly meeting of the Grange Lydia Davis of Talent were call- 1 agriculture committee held in the mg on several of their friends in Medford courthouse recently. Bellview Sunday. Townsend clubs of southern Ore • Mr and Mrs C Hash oi • Merle Talent returned recently Knappa, Ore., spent several days gun and northern California will to his home here from Stockton, I last week at the ranch of Mr. and have an all-day picnic in Lithia Calif. where he has been em- | Mrs. Walter Hash in the Dead In­ park Sunday, July 23. with 20 ployed. clubs in attendance. dian district. • Mr and Mrs Emil Gossman and Entertainment for the day wid Mrs Elizabeth Walter were dinnei • Mrs. C. B Lewis is spending start with gumos at 10 a m The several weeks with her »on amt guests Tuesday of last week at the luncheon will start at I p. m with home of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter family, Mr. and Mrs Uoyd E. food on sale for those who do not Lewis of Oregon City and also Davis of Talent. bring tiaskets. Speakers in the at • Miss Charleen Byrd recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lewis temoon will include Martha and family at Corvallis. Mr. and underwent an appendectomy at the S|>anker. national s|>eaker for the Community hospital in Ashland Mrs. C. R. Lewis are former resi- | Townsend clubs, according to Mrs dents of this district. She is improving and was removed , Grace Jones of Jacksonville, pic­ • Ray Inlow and Roger De Shazer to her home Thursday. nic committee chairman. • Mrs. Louis Pratt of Klamath are working in the Valley View Other committee members in Falls and Miss Anne Strom of district helping Ben Bowers thresh elude George Iverson and l> I* Canada, who is visiting here, vis- ' I grain. Davis of .Medford and Joseph ited Saturday afternoon at the I • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash and Wales of Jacksonville home of Miss Louise Martin. daughter Edna and Mr. and Mrs. • • Miss Mabel Metcalfe, who is Charles Hash of Knappa left Sat­ JOHN W. HASKINS employed by the Community hos­ urday for San Francisco, wheie Funeral services for John W pital in Ashland, is spending Fri­ they will spend several days vis­ Haskins, 77, who died July 9 at day evening at the home of her iting the fair. They also will visit Merrill, were held July 12 at the parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Met- with friends and relatives while IJtwiller Funeral home with the there. Rev Junies Morgan officiating • Mrs. Herman Helm, who under­ Interment was in Mountain View went an appendectomy recently in cemetery. Community hospital in Ashland, is improving steadily. ENRY c WARNER, Dixon. 111., • Mrs C. A Hallies and Mrs • Louise (Juinn and Marvin Smith attorney and Industrialist, has Dom Provoet left Wednesday for visited Saturday and Sunday at been elected Grand Exalted Ruler a trip to Washington, Vancouver, the home of Mr and Mrs Herman of the Benevolent and Protective h C., and Vlcti u i i Helm. Louise ia a niece of Mr Order of Elks Under his guidance • Mr and Mrs W G Sander and Helm. this Tl-year-old fraternal organisa­ daughters Caroline and lloaran • Mr. and Mrs Herman Klapp tion. with Its 1500 lodges and half gela. Mary Claire Delaman and and Dorothy of Tacoma spent the million members, will continue Its Mr. anil Mr» Clark Thomas mudi* last several days at the home of broad program of civic and com­ a trip to Crater lurke Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Albert Arnold. While munity welfare and Its nationwide • The Rev and Mrs <’ E Dun­ here they, with Mr. and Mrs Ar­ campaign to promote a more vigor­ ham returned recently from I>>s nold, made a trip to Crater l^rke, ous Americanism. He succeeds Dr. Angeles where they have been at returning by way of Klamath Edward J. McCormick, Toledo. Ohio, tending a Baptist convention surgeon Falls. • Lucille Edwards and Mrs R Mr. Warner has long been active C. Avent visited Monday at the In bettering the lot of crippled chil­ LUNCH OR DINE WITH I'M home of Mr and Mrs Archie Kin­ dren both as chairman of the Illi- In Our ft caid. lots Crippled Children s Commission • Mrs. Louise Wilson, who has and as vice chairman of a similar been in Portland, returned Sunday commission of the Illinois State to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ Elks Association, of which body ho WAFFLE SHOP ard C. Joy for a few weeks viait- Is a past president, (AFE Mrs. Joy's ing. Mrs. Wilson is mother. • Mrs Tom Morris of Ashland. Mr, and Mrs. Orrin Avent and Jeanette and Jimmie Avent of Charles E. Dunham. Pastor Fruitdale, Ala . who are spending the summer here, vlsltod Friday Church school meets at 9:45 at the Archie Kincaid home. m., C. N. Glllmore, superintend­ • Mr and Mr». Dexter Wood­ a. worth made a trip to Lake o' the entMorning worship. 11 o'clock. "In Woods Saturday. • A group of six Grange mem­ Honor of the Church" Is the sub­ bers met at the Grange hall Mon- ! ject of the pastor's sermon. Young People's union, 7 p. tn. day evening to practice for a play Evening service, S o'clock. The which they plan to present in the will preach