( S outhern O regon 4 The Paper That Has Something To Say—And Say« It! Volume Vili Number 28 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1939 Oregon Shakespeareans Entertain Fair Crowds PLAYERS FOCUS PUBLICITY ON ASHLANOAREA IN the Ashlund opener of a serie: of Oregon Institutes on educa­ MAZI.M in the free city of Isanzlg tional policies held at the Mouth ure clamoring for Hitler to ' ern Oregon College of Education "liberate" them Boy, what ii Monday, July 10, panel discussion» haven that place would be for a ended with the summation as ex­ pressed by Assistant County magazine an Iranian with ¡i School 8u|>erintendent Una H offer.” Inch, who declared "Any teacher 1 1 who spends a year In a community Many motorists these summer and docs not better it by his pres week-ends answer the call of the cnee has failed" The sea.ilons open road and, if they're not care biou,-ht tOgOtiM r a group of out ful, it will Bound rmbarinaalngly standing educators defining th« like the call of a police siren, oi teacher's Job in American demo tragically like the acream of an crucy under the ajxinsorship of the ambulance. Oregon state system of higher ed­ ucation. 1 1 1 Heading the list of prominent Drr Fuehrer is believed by Ger speukera were Worth McClure. mana to poMess almost superna- Seattle su|M-rintendent of schools, turni power ami wc subscribe t< who »poke at the morning pane] the idea. Hasn't he already moved on ‘"Hie Definition of Teaching hell up to the earth? As a Profession,’’ and »12pm Chari O Williams, director of the 111 field service for the National Edu­ Crime is a profitable money- cational association, gave an ad­ gatherer until Somebody »lipa a dress well nlnu-d nlug In with th<- Ink.- Rex Putnam, state superintend­ ent of public instruction, led a 111 panel discussion on "Are Teach­ Business la said to be improving ers Becoming More Professional ?** and folks will be glad when it la Members of the panel included M well enough to get nround. B. Winslow, Granta Pass super­ intendent of schools, T J Norby, 111 Ashland superintendent; L. H In spite of administration's de­ Emery, Klamath Falla union high valuation of the dollar we think school principal; Rolla Reedy, more of 'em than ever Phoenix; H. P Jewett, Central Point; Walter Redford president 1 1 1 BOCK; L E Messenger, assist­ Herbert Hoover, in objecting t-r»' RMDOMibiMly in th«- 1 1 1 Clark Wood says the $200 car Community" when Nell R Allen of is coming and if he mean» one of Granta Pass inferred that teach­ those jaiopplca i with high-aimed ers' privileges were being en­ headlight*, no brakes I and a flat- croached by strict moral stand­ headed driver, he'd better atMrt ards of communities It was then ducking or the town of Weston that Mins Inch summarized the discussion with the statement that will be celebrating. arc failing their Jot» when they do not contribute to 1 1 € An attempt la Ix-ing made to the moral fiber of the community. prove Harry Bridges a red so that Worth McClure led the panel and he may be deported The least de­ members Included, besides Alien sirable alien, however, la the one and Mias Inch. Etta Schilling Ashland achdol board chairman; who la yellow Mrs B. C. Forsythe, president of 111 Southern Oregon P-TA, Ashland, While there inay be a place in and Sherman L Divine, Medford Other panel discussions follow­ the world for Jitterbugs (although we don’t ace how) a motoring Jit­ ed at Monmouth, Portland, Cor- , valila, Eugene and 1» Grande this . terdriver is even worse. week. I « « 1 1' 1 With the accuriUca exchange commission in high gear, it is get­ ting harder than ever to make a