Friday, July 7, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Toots Estes, Favorite Matman, Will Return To Armory Monday AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! ON SPORTS Toots Estes, an old favorite with wrestling fans, will return to the Medford armory Monday night to meet another favorite. Sailor Dick Trout in the top event. These two boys know all the holds and will present a match to be remem­ bered. In the middle event Bulldog Jackson, the rough-tough egg from Portland, will meet Otis Clingman. a clever and scientific wrestler who is becoming a fav­ orite with local mat bugs. In the opening pairing Verne Peterson will square off willi Bobby Wagner, another well known wrestler who has been ab­ sent from these parts for several months. Monday night's show’ will be ladies' night, according to Pro­ moter Mack Lillard, and they will be admitted free when accompan­ ied by an escort. Opening match will start at 8:30 p. m. sharp. * FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES A EVENINGS Kiddie* 10c NOW PLAYING Through Saturday! JANE WITHERS “Boy Friend” plus “The Jones Family in Hollywood” SUN«MON*TUE Henry Fonda in “YOUNG MR. LINCOLN” * By I TOLD YOU NO tt’ELL. the Medford all-star soft- ’’ bailers <>utsplashed the Ash land repraaentation on the high school field Monday night to win the game 11-6, but the local lads won ail the arguments. The only real difference in the teams was the imported pitcher who faced Ashland batsmen Field­ ing was uniformly rot ton on both sides. But then, when you reach for a low hopper and come up with a face full of mini a few er­ rors aie understandable The only really neat play of the game wax by Parker Hess when he whipped out a rule book and lawyered a runner from third buse to home Ashland All-Stars Bow to Medfordites 11-6 in Monday Rain The representative team chosen from players of the city softball league went down to a muddy 11 to 6 defeat at the hands of the Medford all-stars at the high school field Monday night. Rain drizzled throughout the game and the field was a near lake of mud. Numerous errors on the part of the all-stars at crucial moments contributed heavily to the loss and the pitching of Borcher and Walker of Medford didn't help matters any when they fanned 15 men between them. Tallis and Harris occupied the mound for the losers and accounted for seven strikeouts. Score by innings: RHE Medford 313 100 030 11 10 6 Ashland 120 000 012— 6 4 7 Immediately following the soft- ball game polo teams from Med­ ford Riding stables and Yreka took to the field for Ashland's first view of regular four-man polo. The exhibition was greatly en­ joyed by a packed grandstand of excited spectators although only a few realized that the final score favored Medford 4 to 2 after six five-minute chukkers. Little Iris Dodge took the eye o’, the crowd as she accounted for both of the California team's scores and often was called upon to make desperate stops at her own goal line. Ken Edwards starred for Med­ ford when he crashed down the field with countless long passes and turned in an otherwise bril­ liant game. Mud was so thick by half-time that it was necessary to substi­ tute a large rubber ball for the regular smaller pellet. * • BELLVIEW • • Word has been received here of the birth of a girl, bom June 19 to Mr. and Mrs Elmer Halbert, who make their home in Watson­ ville, Calif. The baby has been named Carol Lee. Mr. and Mrs Halbert are former residents of this district and Mrs Halbert will . be remembered as Pansy Reed. • Mr. and Mrs. George Yockel. daughters Inez. Louise. Edna and Miss Mona Yockel. who is visit­ ing them here, spent Tuesday at . Crater Lake. • Mr. and Mrs James Metcalfe made a trip to Medford on busi- ness Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orr and Mrs. Tomilson and two daughters of Everett, Wash., visited Friday evening and Saturday at the home of J. H. Williams. • Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Arnett and daughter Suzanne and Miss Evelyn Miller of Klamath Falls visited Tuesday at the R. E. Bell home. • Members of the Bellview P-TA sponsored the dance given at the Twin Plunges Tuesday evening. Those in charge were Edwin Dunn. Walter Longstreth, R. D. Reynolds and Mr. McCollum. Mrs. Edwin Dunn sold tickets. • Mr. and Mrs. W O. Martin and daughter Louise spent Tuesday afternoon in Yreka. • Robert Stokes of Medford and Glen Weybright of Ashland were dinner guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bell and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Gus VVetterer Medford were guests Tuesday It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Farmer and daughter Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farmer and daughter Betty Lou and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Byord of Dorris spent Saturday, Sunday and July 4 visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Davis, Mrs. Haines, Mrs. R. C. Avent, Miss Marie Walker, Miss Betty Avent, Ivan and Lucille Ed­ wards and Mrs. J. E. Gowland met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid to complete the work on the Bellview Grange float Sunday. The group enjoyed a pic­ nic luncheon at noon. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ayres re­ turned to their home in Days Creek Wednesday after spending the last month visiting here at the home of Mrs. Ayres' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs. and at his parents’ home, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ayres. They also spent a week in California visiting friends and relatives • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth and son Jimmie of Pinehurst spent the week-end and Monday visiting at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin. • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Moore left Tuesday evening for their home in Portland after spending the week­ end at the home of his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore. Karl ! Moore is employed by the Univer­ sal Credit company at I\>rtland. • Approximately 17 children took advantage of the free clinic which was conducted at the Bellview school Friday of last week Seven of the children were of pre-school age and were found to be in gxxxl health Dr. Merkel and Miss Par- nsh of Medford, who examined the children, were assisted by Mrs. R. D. Reynolds and Mrs. V. E. Seitz. • Mr. and Mrs Floyd Carter, whose home recently burned, are building another home on the same location. They do not plan to com­ plete it for some time. • Mrs. Cora Sleener of Palsubo, Wash., and Mrs. Bertha Bell of Bly, Ore., visited Thursday and Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid They are former school chums of Mrs. Kincaid. • Mrs. Walter Longstreth and daughter Veeda Williams were Medford business visitors Monday. • Mrs. R. L. Brantley and daugh­ ter Clarice returned Thursday from San Francisco where they attended he fair and also visited with friends and relatives. • Mrs. Ada Huxley recently sold her home and now has moved to Ashland. • Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud left Thursday morning for Ta­ coma, Wash., where they plan to visit for a week at the home of their daughter and son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green. • The Reverend Young of the Lutheran church of Medford held church services at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grimm Wednesday evening due to July 4 coming on the regular meeting night. • The Bellview P-TA operated a concession in Lithia park during the celebration and cleared a nice sum. The concession, built by R. D. Reynolds. Dunham and J. L. Mc­ Collum, opened Saturday evening and closed late Tuesday. Those who assisted were Mrs Charles Anderson, Mrs. Gresham and Mrs. George Sunday, Mrs. Willis Byrd, Mrs. J. - M. -- Crow - and Mrs Her- man Helm Monday, and Tuesday Mrs. Anderson, Mrs J. L. McCol- lum, Mrs. Gresham, Mrs. R D. Reynolds and Mrs. Theodore We- naus worked. • Mrs. Willis Byrd, who is ill at her home, is improving. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sexton and daughter Elizabeth of Klam­ ath Falls spent Friday and Sat­ urday visiting at the home of Mrs Sexton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grimm. 30 Years Success! Doctor's Formula for Itching of ECZEMA First applications of powerfully soothing Liquid Zemo (a tested anrtuiiity many lo­ cal funs had to blink ut the fane) |>ant» now the ruge over there. Yep, .Medford's got Mitin jeiuis tuid toilet», but we'll take the toilets, thank you. Plumbing ut u twill ¡mrk is more elemental than glit­ ter garb mid beside» no he- nuui want» to look like he'd Just leu|M* .350 0 Talent * 1 According to Eugene Hamilton of Medford, polo is played with six five-minute chukkers consti­ tuting a fun game tu <> minutes rest is allowed between each chuk- ker. with five minutes at half­ time. The chukker period is straight time, with no time-out except when a player or horse is injured. (Which could be frequent­ ly. If mallet-swinging orgies Mon­ day night were any Indication.) In future games, which are to be held in southern Oregon this summer says Hamilton, a larger white ball will be used by the mounted croquetters ree Many were the rodeo fans Tuesday afternoon who'd have given the last bite of their hot dog to have seen a cowhand bulldog Herschel Claycomb, field marshal of the day. One of our most re­ liable keyhole peepsters swears Clay's horse, at the end of the day, whewed "Gad. I'm glad THAT'S over with!” Herschel's horse-talk, however, packed in the greatest crowd of people ever jammed Into the high school park in many a year. Dodgers, Talent Up Standings in Friday Night Brace of Tilts A IIOMF <)W M’.ll THE t I ICT. Friday, Saturday “STORM OVER BENGAL” with Rochelle Hudson Patrick Knowles —plu»--- “MY WIFE’S RELATIONS” with the And a Comedy-— Game* List Week: DodgWI 7. Pine Box 2 'ruh nt io, Regina 7. Game« Coming Week: Monday, July 10 Miner Press vs. Pine Box, 8 p. m ; Rogues vs. Elks. 9pm Wednesday. July 12 Dodgers vs Talent, 8 p m. ; Riegues vs line Box. 9 p m. Friday. July 14 Elks vs Tal­ ent, 8 p. m.; Dodgem vs Miner Press, 9 p. tn. • GOVERNOR IN ASHLAND Governor Charles A Sprague, enroute from Salem to Treasure Island where he will participate Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “YOU CAN’T TAKE WITH YOU” A ICE H ICS SHOWING • WANT ADS • lc per Word per Insertion | FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co , 32 North Grape street, Medford (48tf) 4—318b United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office ut Roseburg, Oregon, June 20, 1930. Notice is hereby given that Charles A Muscutt of box 101, Ashland. Oregon, who, on May 14. 1934, made original homestead entry, Acta 0-0-12 A 0-9-16, No 021395, for S'jSK',. SE'.SW1., section 11. township 39S, range 2 E, Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make flnui proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. H Billings, notary public, at Ashland, Oregon, on the 1st l>-, M E Kaegi and A C. Edwards. all of Ashland, Oregon. GEORGE FINLEY, Register (Jun 30 Jul 7-14-21-28) ■ WWHMSMi THAT'S AS CHEAP AS RENT! • Many modern homes have built-in garages but folks living in older houses can enjoy the same convenience of a warm place to store the family car. Ser U n for Full Information The Best Deal | ASHl AND in Ashland PHONE 20 ON YOUR OLD CAR TRADED IN ON A NEW PLYMOUTH OR CHRYSLER OAK ST at RAILROAD ZENITH RADIOS NEW RADIOS *9.96 UP Have That Radio Cheeked at Dickey’s Ktidio Service 727 Boulevard Phone 421-R GET OCR DEAL BEFORE YOU BUY! ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c Sample of Our Used Car Bargains Ford Coupe, Radio, Clean Dodge Coupe, best buy in town $535 Chev. De Luxe Sedan Plymouth De Luxe Tudor Chev. De Luxe Coupe $565 Chev. De Luxe Coupe $675 per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-Oz. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor Texaco Service Station 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! 71 EAST MAIN STREET, ASHLAND Medford Armory