Friday, July 7, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • TALENT • • Mis M Wllketison of Dead Indian soda springs arrived Mon- day evening by stage and »pent the week with her daughter, Mr» Claude Jone» and husband • Mr« Joe Dennis came home Friday evening from Heed-port where she has been visiting the last week with Mr. and Mrs. J St.imllff • Mr and Mrs Bradley Dixon ami son Donald air thia week's guests of Mis Emma Moore. Mo Dixon's mother. • Mr and Mrs Joe Tryon and Mrs Lem Frink attended u mat Inee In Ashland TUesilay. • Hetty Combi-st and grandfather, John Lovell, left Tuesday for Sun Francisco to attend the exposition and visit relatives. They plun to tie away two weeks • Irene Alcocks left Thursday for Portlnnd after a month vaca­ tion She is attending medical col- lege there • Mrs. Huy Bums of Central Point and slater, Mrs Huth Helf­ rich of Eugene, attended church in Talent Bunday morning, »¡»end­ ing the rest of the tiny visiting acquaintances. • Mr and Mrs Leroy Olsen went to Tule latke Sunday to visit Mr ant! Mrs John Hamilton • Mrs Martha IHumoml left Sun ■ lay for!.. CMtf., for a two weeks stay prior to sailing for China, where she will Join her husband, u navy man. who will be stationed In the Orient for two years She will be rrmemberetl as Martha Breese prior to her mar- rtage. • Mrs Irene Wells was hostess Sunday to her granddaughter. Charlotte Beeson, and Donna Stev­ ens of Medford. • Charles lxx-kwood ami family moved to Dead Imilnn to work for A ilnilmiii. who will start a saw mill there • Talent Camp Fire girls spon­ sored a dance In the city hall Sat­ I ' | I J urday night with a good crowd in attendance Music was furnished by the Mcailow Mountain Hillbil­ lies of Ashland • The Talent fire diqiartment was l to th.. I> |( Smith mil' h Wednesday afternoon when a straw stack «aught fire, prrsum- ably from a threshing machine Little damage resulted. • The Girl Scouts enjoyed day camp In Mixlford Thursday. • Lloyd lximb visited his father, loin Lamb, ami «Men Mm Hoy Kates and Mrs Clarence Homes during the week-end. • Louis Erbes mail« a business trip to Mvdf«rd Monday morning • Mi Carroll and son Crit and Ha I ph Wilburn and son spent Sun­ day at Hyatt dam fishing They rejsirt a g