Friday SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. UFES BYWAYS! Leonard N. Hall Editor and Publisher ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR .......... $1 M SIX MONTHS...........80c l Mailed Anywhere in the United States) AN app««l ft»' residents of Ore- gon to Join » statewide drive to reduce truffle accidents during the coming July 4 holidays was voiced today by Earl Snell, serre w tnry of state, who issued a state­ ment pointing out that during the TELEPHONE 170 fiist four days of July last year five persons were killed and 118 SET YOU FREE ” “THE TRUTH WILL injured in truffle accidents In the state. I lie first four days of July, 1938. HE ASKED FÜK IT! saw 475 traffic accident« <»n the highway» and streets of the state, Several weeks ago a young ruiiian from Rogue 17 per cent of the total accidents River, alter being reporteu to Asnland police as unv - re|H*rted for the entire montli of July, Snell «aid. lug in a aangerous manner, attempted to pummel ami July traffic accidents limi year Ashland s <; m claimed a toll of 36 lives, In tb<* kick ms way iroin arrest. Mis benavior resulted in a year befoie that they took 41 live» foimrrly NminJ line oi $ii) and costs being levied by Justice oi the year before that 38 liven will open its Approximately one-fourth of all to the public! tne reace M. £. Burns, and jail sentence of 150 days traffic accidents during each July completion <>f on cnaiges oi drunken driving and resisting an officer. <»i these three years resulted In Jordan's <'abi«| Travis, owner, U injuries or death«. Now, tollowing a few days in jail, friends of the The popular J "This year July 4 comes on Rogue mver man nave repeatedly attempted to ob­ Tuesday and many Oregon resi­ will la- enable^» dents again will have a three or larger crowd» J tain ms release, i’ney insist tnat tne assailant s family four day holiday with the conse­ iMsdh apace an: J is hi neeu oi uie income ne could earn if ne were freed, quent heavy travel on the high­ cony formerly J way:! and streets of the state," the building luuj xney promise tnat ne could earn tne money to pay his polished floor M Snell’s statement said Hue, were ne released, and claim that no good can • Unless every driver in Oregon doubled Now take» upon himself the definite and the piow^ij come irom continued serving of sentence. inj responsibility fol tl>< bat a start tJ in all instances, Judge Murns has rightly pointed safety of those using the highways modeling phmsid a feeling of having completed a great civic servi e. and streets during the period of tinuod during « out tnat no extenuating circumstances exist to justify The Cavemen worked out a plan, and then they workc congestion, we may expect to see Travis Indicate» J riAmpncy, and has said that if friends wanted to make i lives lost each day of tnat holiday it. • Mr and Mild period. a sincere gesture to secure release of the husband, they AT Medford Angeli ■ 'J ’s Craters have been an interesting, potent “There is no valid excuse for UM mignt raise the money to pay his fine. Then, ex­ possibility and tills tragic toll of death and Injury rived here i ■ <*M Ashland ’ s Lithians at times have dis ­ I plained Judge Burns, “perhaps there would be some played a quick flash of hope. But unless a fun-and- No real purpose served by that home J extra speed which inay cause an • M sngnt reason to take a more lenient attitude toward booster outfit does a consistently outstanding job of accident, or by that impatience In Ing here at thtM getting around the car ahead «its, Mi ami Mail the roughneck who boasted he could ‘lick any cop . planning and executing stunts they are better off dor­ which may result in a collision, Judge Burns is quite correct in maintaining his mant. or by that reckless disregard for I the rights of others that may adamant position regarding the case. The young Grants Pass’ Cavemen have pointed the way clearly cause property damage, injury or smarty pounded, kicked and cursed peace officers who and convincingly. Although their idea cannot be copied loss of life careful and consider­ were attempting to protect the public from drunken verbatum, there is nothing to keep an alert, spirited ate “By of being others we can reduce this driving which already had crowded several cars off community from matching thought with the Cave­ useless toll and bring the light of happiness into hundreds of homes the road. He started another fight in jail and showed men. We can’t all be fur-garbed funsters, but we can otherwise darkened by sorrow a belligerent attitude throughout his detainment here. copy their spirit and enthusiasm. “On this holiday Americans cele­ brate the birth at our independ­ There is no reason why the law* should look with ben­ ence. Every citizen should remem­ » ♦ ber that evolence at such young men who are old enough to it Is not only ironic but abhorrent to celebrate the right know better. t I life, liberty ai.d the pUIBUlt of In the case of the prisoner’s family, perhaps happiness by bringing about death, disability and enduring grief." friends who profess to be trying hard to help might By MINER STAFF WRITER better spend their time doing something for the family — 4------------------------------------ • Mi and Mi.s \\ Q S.i.'. li-i more tangible than making frequent trips to Ashland. QUT of Hollywood comes the fol- ' LACK OF CIVIC PRIDE! daughter» Roscangela and Caroline spent Bunday visiting In Yreka at lowing yam. (Limited knowl­ To the Editor: W hm il « The shame is that the family must suffer most for a the home of Mr. and Mr» Bill edge of conditions down there pre­ w-riing i| There appears to be a regret­ Sander. foolish husband’s folly, but that is not the law’s fault. vent us from giving a competent table lack of civic pride in some «onte, « • Dr. and Mr» C. A Huines an l If Rogue River people are really anxious to secure opinion whether it Is a gag or a quarter». tasty serious commentary on the power When the average housewife ex­ children returned Sunday from a release of their townsman, perhaps they might post that the unions have attained in pects trip to Sun Francisco. visitor» she sees to it that the fine. If they are so filled with compassion, let them 1 the m-p industry): everything about her premises is At the end of a Civil war battle splc and span. fell through With forgery and hold the sack instead of the court. part of the picture. "Gone With By the same token when Ash mob law Hix enemies got Him Time was, not so long ago, when misguided justices the Wind,” the field was covered land will be thronged with thous- later Perjury, deception, mob law dead soldiers. A representa­ ands of folk from the all but pinned medals on men who attacked peace offi -| with and servile conduct of deceived tive of the screen actors’ guild, it ought to engage the countrymde considera­ ones has ever prevailed In favor of ! cers. It is good to know that M. T. Burns has assumed labor union of the players, took a tion of all citizens and particularly haven What good is ii man , and found the "dead soldiers" those who hold positions of civic the the responsibilities of his office in a manner that will look who has no property ? His ' to be only dummies and went to responsibility to see that the city strength is only in his virtue be a credit to himself and a benefit to law enforcement. headquarters about it. Hereafter presents an inviting and attractive When that is overridden it Is the ♦ soldiers will be played by appearance. In the case of the Rogue River pugilist, he commit­ slain cross for him. live extras and the union is pre­ The editorial in your issue of His crucifixion comes s«x>n, his ted a far more serious crime than making himself a senting a bill for $8.50 a day back June 9 calling attention to the nails are driven by the haves pay for the dummies that should traffic hazard—he insulted the public and defied the have been played by flesh and neglect of weed control in the city will it ever be thus? God and the wax most timely and should future only cun say If deceived law. The prisoner should serve every day and every blood extras. They laid out there limits have induced the city council to humanity can throw off their de­ all night too but so far we haven ’ t hour of his sentence and be thankful that the punish­ heard whether they are asking take prompt action to remedy this ception the answer is yes Will the t nuisance, but the solons probably bitterness and di»ap|M>intmerit oi 1 ment is not greater. overtime or not. were concerned with more weight­ the disciples of righteousness have 111 ier matters and paid no heed to ★ * ★ A year ago the Pittsburgh zoo vour appeal for a general cleanup to be repeated ’’ Will class or self- borrowed a two-ton elephant from We are afraid some of our visit­ interest be forever preferred by a circus and now they can't locate ors will carry away with them them to the detriment of the gen­ ARE THE CAV EMEN SHOWING US UP? eral welfare? Since the incident of the circus. The zoo is tired of hav­ impressions of Ash­ Babel divide«!, or class interest, Community booster clubs of other Oregon cities ing the pachyderm around and unfavorable land’s civic pride. has been the common lot. Since the animal to anybody who Residents who freely spend their that event a confusion of tongues are rolling emerald-eyes at Grants Pass’ Cavemen for offer will take it away. money and time in beautifying and a scattering of the people re­ the neat publicity job performed in San Francisco and Seems like the GOP could stand their premises and making the sulted Will the radio bring to pass a new elephant and we wonder if IN YOUB F* city more attractive would be well a common tongue? There is a on Treasure Island a few days ago. they have been contacted. Justified in demanding a better hope that it may. 1» it too much INHL'KAMtfl 111 News camera shutters filled the air with steady cooperation on the part of the to hope that general welfare will W authorities The town of Willows, Calif., has clicking and the fur-clad Cavemen got suntanned from built a $13,000 athletic field which uittpl&ce c I h . m . h welfare or c I mm in OLD TIMER tercst? Such an event is to be flashlight globes. Every newspaper in the country has will be known as “Taxpayers' hoped for. Civilization, which is field. ” PROPERTY AND CLASS RULE c been running interesting stories and swell pictures of living plus, has taken long 111 To the Editor: tnP TV L) 1 dt" O r* palaver, nolouar and nnrl Grants w»r» v-i 4- rs Pass ID L ~ been ' strides in the last half-century the pre-historic has August 15 the republic of Pan­ Jesus, the misunderstood, said promise of longer strides in deluged with publicity as no other community ever ama celebrates the 25th anniver­ “The squirrels have holes, the with the near future. If the plus should sary of the passage of the first birds have nests but the son of achieved. ’hteo,l"ne«s the promise ship, the Ancon, through the man has not where to lay his should rtK be a certainty. Property canal. head. ” This is the cry of the dis ­ Medford s Craters, with mothballed pioneer suits k L h TT! which Jesus disclaimed I 1 1 1 possessed everywhere. To get him result^ W°rd and exan’P1<* might I and wooden muskets feeding the termites, are casting The Rev. Robert A. Jardine, who the tax eaters levied a poll tax church authorities by seal­ for which He had His disciples to jaundiced looks down the valley and here in Ashland defied D. M BROWER Wally and the P of W, isn’t catch a fish from which he paid the Lithians, with ice-cream pants and sailor straws ing getting on so well down in H’wood tribute or poll. This is or was the he now lives. Says that last resort of the extortionist hanging on forgotten closet hooks, are beginning to where America has turned out to be a forcing something from the one wonder. land of promises, not promise. who had nothing. It was the whole 111 bitter struggle of the haves with Grants Pass folks have a good thing and are mak­ Hitler will die on a Jewish have-nots. Beginning with ing it pay real dividends. They are making it pay be­ holiday, one guy cracks . . , the Babel and founding of Babylon It will be. by Nimrod, the struggle is still on cause they MAKE it pay. They didn’t meet once or If It isn’t one 1 1 1 taxes and war, alternating under twice a year, tell one another of the great things they The West Point graduating class Which and by which the weak fall this year numbered 456. largest under the strong. The trap to were going to do and then go back into their ruts with group yyilll.E holld«) in its 137 years of history. catch Jesus laid by His enemies Jamming 111 Los Angeles has become the i, drive OU* “ pIlM'CN, M lnch™ h*Kh, it will aviation manufacturing center of • Safe and comfortable ambulance a refreshing do 50 miles on a gallon of gasoline for the US with 18,500 people em­ at service is assured with our modem o0 mph, they say. and a ilclh'lou* ' ployed in that industry there and equipment. that figure will be upped to 30,000 our Hamburg®1* II» when the plane companies get into ® Our ambulance is in charge of cap­ for value, and ,,ur full swing on the $110,000,000 able attendants. It is available at any Life - Auto - Fire prompt! hour, day or night, and the charges worth of orders they have piled are reasonable. up. WE MAKE OUR OWN Scarcity of trained personnel has caused one company to insti­ tute a training plan of 36 hours Funeral Service Since 1897 Monument« and Markers weekly in the factory and four of Bronze and Granite hours a week in the public schools At Price« You Can Afford LITWILLER of Burbank, Calif. Pay starts at 15c 43 cents an hour, raising to 80 FUNERAL HOME M. T. BURNS cents at end of four-year period. Next Boor to Post Office (Formerly Stock*« Funeral 29c 1 i 1 Call Office IIS, Res. 248-R A new midget car, the Crosley, Parlor) now is on the market and can be AURONS FROM Evening Appointments C.M.Litwlller We Never Clowe Phone 32 purchased at $350 fob Richmond, “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” COLLEGE OF í Ind. One hundred twenty inches OF ALL THINGS! LETTERS to the Editor • HAMBII QUICK SE» 1 AT WIMPY’ INSURANCE ICE CREAM pints quarts * Wimp