ne 30, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER t People You Know! Lon 1» visiting In Eils week Libs Ager visited I > o iitsinger and chil- |uily III the week fchr Woods where kHcationing I made a business L,ily In the week b Is’spending sev- Ln Francisco this I I Fred Schuerman Lf u *>n. Frederick | to them Wrdnes- L. on C »licet, kids left for her roni the Commun- re she recently un- p operation. pi 1» visiting for a ¡luinath Falls till» trer of l'uri Orioni 1th relative« and •H Jackson Gygrr Br a vacation at I Ivor Erwin and Kunday ut Ijtke o' [Eish lake j c Hamaker and L spent Sunday at i. pet Rush made a [t city Sunday Lind underwent an )r Community ho»- |r» Cliff B reni man r Marshfield where home. ■ Ta of Is>s Angeles t thia week nt the M P and Ml h Homer Billing» ) Jean and latura I | t at the UM iSCO ) I It Frideger and I »[»ent last week- i the Wood*. |r» Chester Wood» Flail lake Sunday |r» Dave Kerr and rilay for a visit in 1rs W E Cook re |v from a month's which took them as Minnesota and h Wesley Hoxie of hen1 laut week-end l>f Mr and Mm W Mr» F Drieling of riidted here for sev- week at the home e Monroe |r» Tom Graham of ) vt »Itill with friend» LENT • wonger In rvdecorat- atrick house on .Main from the city hall. L Tame, who traded pp ground to Mr and |ak<- for 100 acre» on will move the first I lionaid Walden and »••II »pent Sunday at fishing The sea was I fish were caught. b grocery store front coat <>f white paint I” Putman of Klam- led on Mr. and Mrs Friday aftermxin. I built a flue for Lyle rok at hi» Dead In­ N of Bonanza was a " here Thursday Purvis of Portland is Went for a few day» »«•Il their furniture IVE A IN CAR! P EXTRA cost , r a clean, at- I car these bright r We II wash your I vacuum the In- plFF; with every ARFAK hication 1.00 ★ (<> gasoline ' TIRES that iias been stored here for the last year Mr l*urvi» is in Port- land receiving medical treatment He wax Injured m a tractor acci­ dent lieie last year. • Mr and Mr» Findley and fam- ily, who have been living at the camp ground, left Tuesday for Briber, Calif. O Jim Tice ad Portland was » re- cent guest of Mr. and Mm. Joe Tryon. O Mi and Mrs Fred C George Thurston left Saturday fur WorxJlcas. Calif , to visit his mother a Tlie Talent Grange sponsored a dance in the city hall Saturday night, which drew a large crowd, a Idle Bate» service Station has been newly painted by W. B Finch of Medford. • Mr and Mrs. Ben Clark and sons Delbert and Raymond and families left Wednesday morning for Takola, S D., * their former home They are traveling by way of Yellowntonc national park, where they will sjx-nd some time, They will return in three week» • Karl Baylor attended the Town­ send meeting m Medford Tuesday evening > Mr and Mrs Graham, »on and family moved to the Ix-ad Indian district Wednesday, where they will be employed In the sawmill business. a Many Talent Grangers attended the Grange picnic In Ashland Sun­ day > Tile Jackson county Townsend club held its regular semi-monthly mooting in th* < lty hall Tuesday evening. > The health unit met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Helen Higgins south of town. > Mabel and Helen Komanger are spending their vacation in south­ era California with their sinter. Mr». Brown and family. > Mr and Mrs Henry Jordan and f the (xxasion and as a gesture of appreciation Broady will present each youngster ac­ companied by a parent with a free ice cream cone throughout the day In announcing the anniversary Broady declared, "We wish to take till» means of expressing our thank» to our many friends and customers for their patronage dur­ ing the last two years and we in­ vite them, and all people of the Ashland trading area, to bring their youngsters in Saturday so we may present them with a free ice cream cone." INI) HOTEL «VICE Coffee «S" Charle» E. Dunham, Pastor Church schfxrl meets at 9:45 a m , C. N Gillmore, superintend­ ent. Due to the continued absence of the pastor, Rev Westfall will have charge of the services. His sub­ ject for the morning will be “If the Soul Shall Make You Free, Ye Shall Be Free Indeed." Young People'» union will meet at 7 p. m. Evening service begins at 8 o'clock. Rev ’ Westfall's .............. ■ subject will be "The Wedding Garment." By special request the Walker quartet again will sing a number of songs Prayer and conference meeting, 7:30 p. m Wednesday, in charge of the WWG girls • Many See Banding Of Fowl at Fair Thousands of people crowded the mountain meadow of the Shasta-Cascade building » wonder- land court at the Golden Gate In­ ternational exposition Sunday to witness the International cere- mony in which representatives of Mexico, the United States, Can- ada and Great Britain, California, Oregon, Washington and Utah banded and released migratory water fowl in observance of the migratory bird treaty existing be- tween the four governments. Entertainment proceeded the ceremony. Participating from Ore­ gon was Frank Wire, supervisor of the Oregon state fish and game commission. Tomorrow s Hearing ...TODAY DEAFENED? Fir»t eonnult your doctor. TTien see your local Acous­ 25c Lemons, dozen Bananas, 4 lbs. Oranges, Sunkist, each Watermelon, g lb. Grapefruit, 6 for Apples, NEWTOWNS 6 lbs First Baptist Church | | I I ! 10c 19c lc 2c 15c 25c ■ BACON SQUARES—pound Me 19C 16c PICNIC HAMS—pound CHEESE—pound SHRIMP—2 for PINK SALMON JELL-O—each lie SC tician to Le fitted with the Aeoustieon required for your type and degree of deafnc»«. Arrange today for a F REE demonstration in your home or at our office. 15c Matches, carton FOO GOOD HEARING ousucon (LOCAL ADDRESS) All« I If I TIIF5 to Olthor Fair, and 137 other prim In great now ACOUSTICON contati. Atk ut for full detail*. BROADY BROS DRUGS SUGAR—25 pounds C&H SUGAR—100 pounds C&H COFFEE—White House, in a Glass Jar MILK—Oregon, each OXYDOL-large CORNED BEEF—Armour’s $1.32 $5.09 23C 6c 19c 17c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS: $25.00 REWARD will l»e paid for any com Great Christopher Com and Callous Remedy cannot remove! east side pharmacy Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft SALMON—Red Sockeye PEAS—Dainty Dimple No. 2 SPINACH-No. 21, 2 for STRINGLESS BEANS MECO CORN-No. 303, 3 for MECO PEACHES—each MECO PEAS-No. 303, 3 for 23c 15c 13C 23c 14c 23c dry blox DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED D REED SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! ASHLAND PLANING MILL Isreal Sawmill—I’hone 287-J Shortening 4 pounds Pearl... 34c