Friday, June 30, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • BELLVIEW • • Mrs. Louise Wilson loft one day last week to visit friends in Med­ ford for several days. She has spent some time here visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mi's. Richard C. Joy and son Alden. • Robert Bell, who is employed at Bly, spent Saturday and Sunday at' the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell. • Walter Seitz spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Klam­ ath Falls on business, returning to his home Saturday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. George Yockel and Miss Mona Yockel. daughter of Mr. Yockel who is visiting here, returned Wednesday from Sacra­ mento where they spent several days on business. • Mrs. Ed Grimm returned to her home Saturday evening from Klamath Fulls where she spent several days of last week visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sexton and daughter Elizabeth. • Leo Simmons and Stonewall Simmons of Eureka, Calif., spent Thursday of last week visiting at the R. E. Bell home. The Messrs. Simmons were enroute to Okla­ homa and Louisiana where they plan to transact business and visit with friends and relatives. They are cousins of Mr. Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey, Miss Marie Walker, Mrs. Ella True and Earnest Applegate met Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud to work on the float which the Bellview Grange is en­ tering in the July 4 parade. The group enjoyed a picnic luncheon at noon. They plan to meet next Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid to continue work on the float. • Mr. and Mrs Elmer Ayres re­ turned the latter part of last week from Roseville and Sacramento, where they spent several days vis­ iting with relatives and friends. • R. E. Bell and son Kenneth, who have spent the last several weeks ui Greenville, spent Saturday iuul Sunday visiting at their home here before going to Klaipath Palls where they are transacting busi­ ness. • Mrs. Archie Kincaid and sister. Mrs. Beth Hamaker of Ashland, made a trip to Medford Monday. • George Helms and Lloyd Moore were Medford business visitors Wednesday • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Quinn of Prineville left Wednesday morning for their home after spending sev­ eral days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helm and family. Quinn is a nephew of Mrs. Helm. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long­ streth, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn, Miss Veeda Williams and Miss Betty Duiui enjoyed a trip to Crater Lake and Diamond iAke Sunday. • The embroidery club held its meeting Tuesday in Lithia park. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mis. J. M. Crow, Mrs. Claude Conley, Mis. Herman Helm, Mrs. Ben Christleib and Mrs. I. E. Deadniond was an invited guest. Next week members will again hold their meeting in Lithia park and Mrs. Roy Crow. Mis. Walter I Longstreth, Mrs. Edwin Dunn and I Mrs. George Helms will act as hostesses to the members who were hostesses for this week's meeting. • W. O. Martin made a trip to Medford on business Wednesday. • R. D. Reynolds returned to his V ^0 /J J In o i IQ t w % ’ 7 I 3 3 3 3 1 9 9 9 9 I I Scuffings pitting and gouging are due to im proper wheel alignment. Ordinary wear—sag­ ging springs, worn bushings, bearings, pivots— 1 throw wheels out of line, drag the tires sideways J along the road, scuff and burn the tread, and 9 cut mileage in half. Let Us Check Your ■ WHEEL ALIGNMENT K We will inspect your steering with accurate 9 gauges that show exactly what is wrong, and 9 tell you what corrections are 9 necessary. Some inexpensive 9 adjustment may be all you need. 1 DON’T ruin your tires because of neglect. The same correc­ 9 tions that stop abusive tire 9 wear, also give Touch Control 9 9 Steering. Drive in today« 9 « <■ JUNCTION GARAGE * IVHEN you want to get off the crowded street and out of the hot sun, drive out to Dad Spencer’» Log Side Inn for a cooling visit. We’re open holidays, evenings and all day. Pay us a visit—we’U be expect, ing you! a * >• / fl A // JOHN BROADY SAYS: ★★★ All Varieties of bOTTLE BEER Served Ice Cold! ★★★ DAD SPENCER’S LOG SIDE INN Three Mlles North of Ashland on Pacific Highway --------- ------------- --------------- - how About Some H’N This Sum Second Anniversary Phone 71-J RELAX WITH US WHEN THE CELEBRATING GETS HOT! LISTERINE TOOTH I Saturday, July 1st, We Will Celebrate Our SOUTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY H k . SPARKLE. • Tin* Nidics club met in the dub house Thursday afternoon with Mrs Tony Mendes ns hostess Th«* Amazing NEW afternoon wan spent playing bridge with high prize being won rid* teeth of ugiy, by Mrs John Ik* Witt and low by ¡I bm I iihm I I ik T im II III » th« w i , trrlll»*T«Mlll| I'AMlg . « «» . / Mrs W. Holmberg. Others pres­ nmkiM Uw th gl**i<*ii J ent were Meaiiames V. Nebeker, The In«tan IItriiMhanil «al. Robert Gilberg, lx*s Laurentz, Ray F im & iii .' < k 1 • Charles Fleming of Oroville Is Gate «*x|M»slti«»n last week Included PliariuAA'ul <’<>.. Nt visiting at the home of his aunt, Mr. and .Mts W. P Bellers. Mn TH» NEW TO»**VU Charles A I {nines and Keith and Mrs. Janies Purvis. • Mrs. T. Quamme and daughter Cora Let* Hallies, .Mrs W E Bill Gladys left Friday night for San tell ami Jimmie Bartell, .Mt ¡«nd Francisco. Gladys will play with Mrs. J A Conley and Arline Con »uprrchjr^l with I the junior musicians at Treasure ley, C T Rykketi and Helen Ryk ken. all of Ashland, and I*' C Island. Reimer of Talent /VARUM C. CLOSE, vice • M r .111.1 Mis i QTga (XNM ■ 'I Susanville spent Thursday lind '■ president of th«* First Na­ Friday with Mr. and Mrs W. tional bank of Portland, which operates a branch in Ashland, Holmberg. • Mr. and Mrs Frank Brown of has been appointed trust officer Portland spent two days last we< k and «*leet«*d a member of th«* with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund Intard of directors of the state­ while enroute to the fair at Tresis wide bank, it was announced by ure Island. C. F. Adams, chairman of th«* • .Mrs. E E. Gran and daughter board. Mr. Close, who is well Naomi and Jesse Rigel of Kerby, known throughout the stat«*, as- Ore., were visiting in Hilt Sunday. sinned the |H>sitions left vacant Miss Enid Gran, who has been by the recent death of Blain«* spending the last week with her B. Coles. sister, Mrs. G. G. Black, returned home with them. home last week after spending • Mrs Fred Bayliss iuul son War­ three weeks in Colorado and Ne­ ren drove to Medford Friday braska on business. He was ar- • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tallis, Brun*. companied on the trip by his son Favero. Jack Clark and Court W'endel and Lloyd Dunham of Rose attended the softball games Ashland. in Ashland Friday night. • Mrs. R. C. Avent and daughter • .Mrs Fred Bayliss entertained Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Horne with a family dinner Saturday of /Ashland and Jeanette and Jim­ night. Those present were Mr. and I mie Avent spent Wednesday eve­ Mrs Claud«* Halliday and Miss ning of last week visiting at the Marylin Widstrund of Spokane, home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin­ Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Black of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tal­ caid and Eunice. • Mrs. Ruth Turner Dews of Ash­ lis. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Clark and land has been hired to teach the daughter Doris. Fred Bayliss and primary grades in the place of sons Billy and Warren. Miss Eunice Hager, who has been • Mrs Nelson Watts and baby hired to teach in the Washington daughter returned from the Yreka school in Ashland. Mrs Dews re­ hospital last week. ceived her education in the normal i • Billy Gilberg left Saturday for Corvallis where he will »[Hind the school at San Jose. Calif. summer with relatives. Ayres, • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer • Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Black and Frankie Brahs and his cousin, children moved to the Braecrest James Wiggens, returned to their ranch Sunday and Mr. and .Mrs. homes Tuesday evening following Edwards of Braecrest moved into a pleasant camping trip to Hiatt the house vacat«*d by Mr. and Mrs. dam. Black. • Mr. and Mrs. Gilham and fam­ • Mrs. B R. Brown of Weaver­ l«5 SI WATER N ily, who have lived in this district ville is visiting her daughter, Mrr for the last year, moved Tuesday M. J, Bailey. LEARN <>( R NEW DIAL NI MBT.R: 7771 to their former home in Ashland • Ed Sheppard, superintendent of Abo Thia: on Oberlin street Mr. and Mrs. J. | the King Solomon mine, and John L. McCollum and family, who have De Witt visited the Bumble mine "For the Ideal wm>h1.25 Extrastrength. All drugstores. GENUINE KRAFT CHEESi CLYDE CATON’S I pNtVIR SAW ANYTHING LUU LUSTin-FOAM TO MAKI TIITH ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO & 1 • HILTS NEWS • Send us vour bund It* of laundry. With vour linen fresh and clean and your bodies unwearied by you can enjoy the 1 & NAME CRA TER PEAK The U 8 boaril on geographical names him approved "Appiegst«* peak” ns th«* designation for a towering mass In Crater latke, an­ nounces th«* interior department Th«« board has Just acted, but the name was bestowed ortginalb by William Gladstone Steel in I HUI'. "discoverer of Crater I sake, says th«* department. Statement that Steel discovered Crater Nike I« not supported by «iviilenc« •Ap r___ - NI3ft feet big 1 plorate peak" is uiid is located near the south • n I of th«* lake and forms the went limb of Sun Notch. WHEN YOU GET READY FOR A TRIP, LOOK »’eXT £»• New Bank Officer! - . - - . r_n_n_n _r_-uuT_ruuU^j1_n_[UV_ , ECZEMA Broady Bros. Drugs I