ay, June 23, 1939 g2LJTHERN OREGON MINER route to her home in Portland, where she is u tciu biu of art Site I tennis the week-end. Mrs. hail attend«! the New York and I’enms, over .......... I« „ ... who in poor poor nealth health, re- San Francisco fairs turned hnn.. home with --*** them, Mr« • Ml»« Mai y McKlimls. who Sandberg being her daughter. H|M‘llt L Wiggfim of Roseville. the last winter in <'Ilici L .,j.. nd.iig • vi ral weeks hete Sunday to r;:::..; •«», arrived • Mr and Mrs Floyd I.ushbaugh the sum- <»f Sturges, 8 D., are visiting the j .nini un< !>■ und family, liter season with spend )»er two ’ ___ » sons, latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. [Mrs Walter Kräh« Paul McKinnia and family of this Clarence C I A l< gon 1« spending a few days here and I -■ • Mrs j • Mi anil Mrs Elmer Ayres left with his parents Mm ■m.i.' and family late last week tor Sacramento, ■ ,. - jugtoU i oi Mi mill Calif , where they are planning to • Hiram Knapp of Round Lake, Hent spend some time viaiting with I Ore, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Newland. ■iinual sell'«’! mecthig was friends and relatives H[)|< Bellview school house • Mix» ll'len Dunn left I.nt week • Mrs W S Eton returned Mon- H ... -UH. M ih < 'liarle» An for Seattle, Wash , where she is day from Portland where she ha« H.I.I leehi tcd clerk and L attending summer schrt«i to cers for the coming year, al) in­ ■ four year term ^Lnd Mix George Yockel I be improving cumbents being reelected. K|tp t I' Kortb of ployed at a Greensprings wood­ 1-, l. i li- -me after vi.Hlt Pinehurst were dinner guests Sun­ yard, spent the week-end at his San Francisco fair They day at the home of Mr. and Mrs home here. i jc a trip to Crater Nike W O Martin • W. N Maxwell of Keene creek I tthig here • Tlie Reverend Young of the wax a business caller in Talent | Lutheran church of Medford held Monday. .1 -< ' ' h. I'lioemx < .1 1 an Iritercxting progrum services at the home of Mr iuid fntxiH <>f the Bellview Mrs Ed Grimm and family Tues­ • Mi and Mrs Lyle Tame have' traded their auto cainp for ¡1 ranch nt the hall TUemlay eve- day evening J>j.|.:i at. ly 21» Pho< iu\ • Mrs Walton and Mr and Mrs with Mr Blake on Dead Indian. The new owner will take posses­ I were present l»uring the Jordan of Ashland visit«! one af­ sion of the camp July 1. meeting the Ih’llview ternoon this week at the home of J <|. ri l' d to diH-ornte ai d Mr and Mrs Earnest Rogers • The Talent Grange attend«! [ f iit m the July 4 paiude • Miss Allren Inlow and Mrs Vai , church -ervii es Sunday morning ind Inlow were business visitors in in a txxly and following services held a basket dinner in the city CriH'k «ch>x»l district held Yreka one day last week • j.il ti.o tlng Monday eve ami Mrs Merwin Arnett hall with a Grange-planned pro­ ugh Barron being clci tcd and daughter Suzanne and two of gram being enjoyed. .u-i- friends —• of - ~~~ fora threc-year term Mr» j their Klamath i Falla • Jack Morris Jr., who has been ! . ...... J- •> "«v ufvn I [Kincaid was reelected to were Sunday breakfast guest« at away for the last hist four years, is I clerk th................ "I Mrs R E Bell and visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs | and Lucille Edwards of family They were on their way Jack Morris. In ni<- visiting for an in- to Crescent City for the day. | time nt the home of Mi • Miss Hetty Hawk of Central • Subscribe for The Miner today. I I. Archie Kincaid Point is spending several »lays at and Mrs Iraniel Farmer the home of her friends, Mr and jghtcr Dolores of florris. Mi« John Hellmeyer pent Saturday and Sunday •— onie of Mrs Farmer’s par- and Mm Willis Byrd and ELLVIEW • ■y u ■II ot)j or i iiij» "¡W I «•xe< lt|,.A I < j 9 1 I J y Pit HIM --- •---- M:> ,. ■ ■ H ■ with Warren Ficht M'-'i!' tup t" • TALENT • I Sr; i • Minnie Dobbins, Doris Cooper, Virginia Garvin and Nancy Fire- ' Mai tm v luted stone returned Sunday from Cor- i K at Pinehurst at vallis where they attended 4-H Krtna-nt ,,f ini «inter and school for two weeks H. Mi and Mr« D. F • Mr and Mrs A J. Carrol and l/ Hn.- .. A III Hi Udi 111 1 'A II* ' QUALITY AND SERVICE: hospital in Ashland Monday. ■ : t!,. I II tummei school • M in Helen .Morns of Cave City ■va.'.is u-turned to their is a guest of Dora Smith. Munday evening • Mi -I’ -i Mr« a Newman of Krt Beil, who 1» employed North Carolina arrived hen- Mon­ DAIRY ■ ' . : I .vim I !■ M. day to visit Mrs. Newman's par­ ■Employed in Klamath Falls, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris. ■Saturday ami Sunday at They are camping at Jackson hot ■ springs. I . ■ M • , I I I he! • Mrs Kate Edgar of Seattle, sis­ Naught, i i. t ut m-d to t hi li ter <»f Mrs. Elmer Cook, and Nor­ ■rom th.- Community ho« man Foster, a nephew, are visiting. ■ A-hl.n.d Tue.Hday will lx- paid for any com Great Mr and Mrs Cook ■ In Mi!:.- of Klamath Falla • .Mis Frank Smith of Anderson Christopher Com and Callous I Kai.iia.ito of Ashland and creek was a Talent shopper Mon­ Remedy cannot remove! S'- ,.■ ; Medford Were day. EAST HIDE PHARMACY ' dun., i guests ut the home • The 4-H boys gave their third It I! Bell and family dance Saturday night in the city I Ruin s. itz, amall daugh- hall, proceeds to be used for their Mr and Mix V E Seitz summer camp A g•■ -,. i brother and ali • Mr and Mrs C W Collins of aw Mr and Mrs. Eugene Keno were Sunday visitors here. • Miss Irene Alcocks of Portland • Myra Helm spent a few is a guest of Mr and Mrs. L. W ' last we.-k and thia visiting Tame thia week. home of her brother and • Mrs. Peerof Harrison of Ar­ h-law and family, Mr and kansas is a visitor at the home Icmian Helm She was en- of F Gleen in Valley View • Art East I.m.I return«! Friday from Idaho, where he had been employ«! for two months. • Roland Parks left Thursday for I f, the Lava Beds where he is em­ ploy«! in government work. • I. C Jones of Anderson creek was shopping in Talent Monday • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Haines have taken over the filling station A FLAVOR ALL in Ashland until r.a-ently operated by Will Rush ITS OWN THAT • Mr. and Mrs L. Sandberg of Reedsport visit«! Mr. and Mrs. Joe MILLIONS PREFER 33-F-3 CLOVER LEAF 1 $25.00 REWARD MIRACLE \\l 11 I DRIVE A LEAN CAR! IT No EXTR.A