SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Mam Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ ★ ★ truth w ill lc per Word per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Ln Advance) ONE YEAR ......... SIX MONTHS....... (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) TELEPHONE 170 'THF, • WANT ADS • Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the poatoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. • Ix'Roy Clarke of Gridley, Calif, visited here last week-end with friends while enroute to Cbrvallla where hi* will attend summet school at OSC FOR SALE New and used low train fare* *o dial you ran plan and budget your trip in adv am r STEVEN IL Save Tim», Enur^y, Mon»yl SCHUERMJ Take the train to aave time for more fun at the Fair. Arrive TtHtd and ready for a thousand thrills. Riding is now cheaper than driving. I THIS TIME, THY THE TRAIN I Trains have changed. ( oache* are deep » I INSURANCE Thank You... Ashland’s Leading Funeral Directors ’ - i - ■ ■ MONTHLY PAYNH to Sait Your Conveu About People You Know! 4 Mrs. Lizzie Coatolo returned t< her home in Berkeley Monday fol lowing a visit here at the home of Mrs. Belle Schwein. • Ihin Miller of Gnu I i vis ited with friends here Sunday. • Mrs. Marguerite Mills returned to her home recently from the Community hospital where she underwent an operation. • Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C F. Tilton. • Bill Sander of Yreka visited here Monday at the home of his ¡»arents, Mr. and Mrs W. G. San- der. • Mr. and Mrs. Logan Nininger visited here for several days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. C. Nininger. They were enroute from Corvallis to Bend where they will make their home. Nininger will assume duties there as radio technician and announcer. • Mr. and Mrs Charles Bums of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. M T. Bums • Miss Gertrude Engle of Rich­ mond, Calif., is visiting here at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Engle. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pinson ami son Bobby visited here last week­ end at the home of Mr and Mrs J. M. Hughs. “T I brida» aw Invited to drop ta aad aooapt a gift •opy of Misa Courtenay'* BkUha* Book •V Virginia Courtenay writes interestingly in her new 1939 Brides' Book with much first­ hand information for the young lady who said "Yes"...and is soon to add "I do." •tf She tells about marriage forms and social customs... which are not generally known and whose non-observance may prove embarrassing. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER In warm, summer weather an electric range is a neces­ sity in YOUR kitchen ! It'» CLEAN—no soot, ashes and grime, no scouring of pots and pans ’ COOL, too ! Electric cooking ends the drudgery of preparing meals in an overheated, unhealthful kitchen. CONVENIENT in every way instant heat exactly where you want it at the turn of a switch; automatic cooking, ir°A ifliVeS °dded hours of le|sure. ECONOM- • Certainly ' Only half as much a» you d guess it would cost !