SOUTHERN OREGON MINER that the undersigned, the Admin- ' islrator-With-Will-Annexed of the estate of w c. Sanderson, also known as William C. Sanderson, ! deceased, has filed in said court his final account in the matter of j said estate, and the Honorable b.arl B. Day, county Judge, has 1 designated Friday, the 7th day of July. 1939, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. of said «lay, at the courthouse in .»ledford, said county, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. ■ Anyone having an objection to 1 ■laid account is required to pre- | sent the same on or before the I date of said hearing. G H. BILLINGS, Administrator-with-Will-Annexed I BRIGGS & BRIGGS Pioneer Building Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for said Administrât- ! or-with-Will-Annexed. Date of first publication: June 2, j ®39. (J2-9-16-23) ■ to present them, verified land, Oregon. quired by law, within six montha BESSIE MAY COOK, after the first publication of this Administratrix of the estate of notice to said administratrix at James A. Cook. deceased. the office of Briggs & Briggs, her Dated May 26, 1939. attorneys, Pioneer building, Ash- (May 26 June 2-9-16) In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson In the Matter of the Estate of James A. Cook, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled ■ourt of the state of Oregon, for he county aforesaid, a/iministra- rix of the estate of James A. -ook, deceased, and having quail- led, notice is hereby given to the ireditors of, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said deceased, I JII.ANDH IiMneu» Twin l*luiiKra, shown, bave retreat for Southern Oregon huit* hun hwii a [».polar popular retrofit southern Oregon* | m , i » and narthrrn < ailforniam. dirrlng recent days ami warni evenings, and Manager ,| ( roft I- forwanl •?. “ T Win Plonge.. will Mage a beailty iimtest, dance and ir rtnit*» ui piirt <»f A*hlmid •» Julv 1 (-rlrbriit ion. HILTS NEWS • L and Mrs Andy Vieira ami Iters June and Iz»is drove to I Hill Sunday. Lx Temple Is staying in Oak- [with his brother Myron I ts George Goodwin and son Id are visiting relatives near land ► and M rs Del Black motored Lves Junction, Ore., Sunday Lk<- Mrs E E Gran ami niter Naomi home Miss Enid I returned with them to spend k k with her sister, Mrs G. G ■r and Mrs Richard Williams ■ soiim Roy ami Russell ami Kilter. Mrs. Del Bagley, were ledford Saturday. Ilarvncr Gibson left for Oak- [Tuesday evening He has been lore leave for the last month, ■ng here with his parents, Mr | Mm Earl Temple. Irank Ward was chosen as new I r of the Hilt team ■illy and Sunday managed his I game 'Hie contest wax with F Sons of Italy on the home kind. Weed winning the game i 1 It was a hard-fought game kghout with Bauman pitching in innings and Foster two The b<- for the following Sunday be played in Klamath Falla. Lester Reynolds and Robert in visited in Hilt Sunday. —•--------- , for ii north California commun­ ity. Happy Camp, than their own state has accorded them. Of course, such a howl shouldn't be ne< essary to get results on the crooked section of the Pacific highway north of us, since mod­ ernization of the road is just ax important to Portland ax it is to Roseburg, Granta Pass, Medford, Ashland and a score of the small­ er communities along the route. But maybe if we continue U> howl long enough and loud enough, we will awaken even Portland. All the aup|sirt possible should now ire given to the government military highway pnqsixal now being con­ sidered Grants Paas Bulletin. • Paul Harmsen of Hood River ia visiting here with Mrs. Harmsen, who ia recovering from a major operation. • Stanley Robbins and Wayne Brown were among the many Ash­ land ami Talent baseball fans to attend the game in Crescent City Sunday. BEFORE YOU GO PLAY SAFE-LET US CHECK YOUR CAR! • Mr and Mrs James Gates of Elkton are visiting here for sev­ eral days with relatives. • WANT ADS • lc per Word per Insertion FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) In the County Court of the State Of Oregon in and For Jackson County In the Matter of the Estate of W C SANDERSON, also known ax WILLIAM C. SANDERSON, Deceased ANCILLARY PROBATE NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT OF ADMIN­ ISTRATOR- WITH-WILL- ANNEXED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t I We z\re Welding Headquarters For Both Gas and Electric, Stationary and Portable! Don’t chance breakdowns and de­ lays on the road—let us give your automobile a thorough overhauling now, beforehand. We’ll do a better job of it at a more economical price than you’d pay along the road! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND, OREGON S’MATTER POP—Pop Nearly Slapped on a Veto! PHONE 87-J By C. M. PAYNE i hat Other Editors Are Saying! RAI IT, OR WAY DOWN pie rejiort that Siskiyou county northern California would like I secede from California and he into Oregon, is accepted here lerully ax the joke that it ia. Ikiyou county residents might II that it is almost as bad to be ky down in the south end of the »ver state aa It is up in the rtheni end of the Golden Bear ,te. Except for the fact that the ■vemen missed a wliale of a pub- Bty opjiortunity, the report is I to be taken seriously. The •kiyou county’s kick is similar lours that they do not get the psideration from their« state ■hway department in the matter Imad.-i that they feel they de- rve population (or votes, if you pre- f to put it that way) Is the gov- I'nig factor in allocating most Khway funds. The sparsely set- pi country can. however, gain a |tle extra consideration by or- pizing and putting up a terrific pl to the [lowers that be. We he been doing Just that with fair , pulLi, even getting more help I MESCAL IKE The Other Side of the Question bx s . l huntle » KwCN, FOLKS1 KM I IDO LATI CEO SUPPER? FOREVER WAL i VuAS 1 T mou GMT SUH B ut mit all WÛS IKJV/ITEO CTÆR BUSTED iKJ TO ZEB BOGGS' a ruckus aki MOUSE PER. so i up ani 1 SUPPE«. ! Negotiate This Noisily