y June 1», J»* SOUTHERN OREGON MINER i III ll.h ■Vice» ¡J i«r hl, ■ “ J la* T, U . , i J a* ! J II'I mu’ lit«» .1 RAN | Huger and Mr and Mra. Lunpaon ’* ScoUa visited [week-end al the home of L Huger. L| M in Clint Baughman [Sunday fniin a trip to | where they visitiMl the Lvnl and attended a state L of fire chiefs, L Eoraythe has enrolled diversity Of Oregon sum- L k| M in James Purves of L, m ! here last week-end at (>f Mr and Mrs Tom «.f Central Point spent Sunday vis­ iting friends and old neighbors. • Il Ixiraon of Medford was a business caiJer here last week emomng pupil, for a violin class’ Several tirsi and second graders enrolled an«l met Wednesday itf- lemoon in the Trinity ixulaii house in Ashland. • Mrs. Ivah Blackwell and Mrs. Ida ( ran dull of Ashland attended the Giad-to Meel-You club pro- glum Thursday night. • Mi and Mrs. Wayne Wheeler are moving this week into the Crawford projierty. Mrs I'helan, who has been occupying the house since her fathers death there is leaving soon for Seattle to visit a «laughter. • Ixdaine Graham entertained 12 friends and schoolmates Tuesday evening at her home with dancing, games and refreshments. 8 Mrs Earl Allen received word Monday f Mr» Stanley Rob- ■ ui Asli Land Tuesday. Bllen May Works of Bishop, ■ > arrived Tuesday morning to ■>! the Hummer with relatives. ■™ Effie Thurston and Mrs ■r O Byrne, who have lx*en ■>ing school near Ager and ■“ng, Calif, are home for the family have moved to Oberlin street in Ashland. • Mt and Mrs Joe Tryon Hpent Sunday In lU>H