Friday, J SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Pit Dodgers, Rogues; Talent, Miners Toni HESS’OUTFIT TO TRY FOR BLOOD OF SILK SHIRTS HOW THEY STAND! ASHLAND SOFTBALL I.EAGI E Team 4V •» I 1 0 0 0 Pct. I.(MH) I .0 .500 .000 .(MM) .(MM) A-T OUTFIT, NEW LEAGUE THREAT, TO INVADE COAST The Bulldog to Face Boston Jim Spencer In Monday Grapples EXPECT MANY FOR P-M MEET (Continued from page i) Bulldog Jackson, Portland ham­ merlock artist, will face Jim Spen­ fill the Varsity theater auditorium cer, the Boston roughneck, in the each day. Elks ........ top main event of Promoter Mack Dodgers "Desiring to make prominent in rpHE Ashland-Talent baseball Lillard’s weekly wrestling card in every way possible Inc outstand Talent THE Ashland Softball league will A nine will journey to Crescent the Medford armory Monday ling ivatuien of Ashland. huoei Rogues go into its third evening at the City where they will meet the night, June 12. declared, "we will center much • n high school field tonight, June 9, LEAGUE leaders of the Southern Oregon Jackson's hammerlockx have lertamment In IJthia park, ami wnen the Dodgers and Rogues SOUTHERN' OREGON L Pct. league in a game at 2:30 p. m 44 taken toll of every man he has I make an effort to have the South Team clash in the first game, called for Sunday, June 11. 0 I.(MM) 5 faced in the armory so far and his vili Crescent City till Oregon College of Education 8 o'clock. Although both teams .800 I ...... 4 Glendale 44'ins over Klumath Falls and rough tactics generally make a 1 take an active |>uit in ujidlng to were favored tor the champion­ •> .600 3 Medford Gold Hill have placed the A-Ts in miserable evening for his oppon­ tiie program features.” ship, they dropped their opening •» .600 3 Grants Pass fifth place and with the addition ent. In facing Spencer, however, Cooperating with Host Poatmas games by close scores. Erratic •> .100 4 A Is of Haynes of Sacramento to the he meets a man who can take se­ ter Fuller lx the Ashland Chambei fielding and bad judgment at bat .' Ì .250 3 Dorris .............. pitching staff already composed vere punishment ami retaliate with tu Commerce and un advisory largely contributed to the defeat .250 3 Klamath Falls I .. 1 of DiSordi and Oombest, Charlie some rough stuff of his own as he lommittec including Pres C M of tiie favorites, but Managers .000 5 0 Gold Hill Skeeters’ gang is set to give the has shown in his two appearances Mt wilier, W II McNair. Dr 44 al­ Hess and Daugherty feel that their top team a stiff battle. in Medford. ter Redford, Bert Miller. Dr R L teams' defects have been ironed Dick Trout’s airplane spin will Hurdle and Frank Van Dyke The lowly Gold Hill Beavers out considerably and both teams Crescen City to a 3 to 2 be exposed to the Boston crabs of other special coinniltlces handling are pointing toward a victory. WHEN THEY PLAY! played thriller and since the A-T’s won Vern Clark in the middle lx> it ueluila of the convention include Following the Rogues-Dodgers over the Beavers last Sunday, Both boys are fast and clever an I game the Miner Press, defending SOFTBALL LEAGUE dopsters are predicting a strong it will be a question of who gets ,.u toilowing: first-half champions, will take the ASHLAND SCHEDULE: Hospitality and reception C M possibility of an U|»set at Crescent the vantage point first. field against the Talent Firemen. lJiwiner, Earl Newbry, Frank J From Amarillo, Tex., col ics Oil» 4 an Dyke, J E Thornton, H E Friday, June !>—8 p. m., Talent dropped their opening game O tv- Dodgers vs. Kogues; 9 p. m., Other league games Sunday will Clingman who will face New York Detrick. Guy Applewhite, W. P Monday night but, in doing so, Miner Press vs. Talent. send Grants l*ass to Dorris, Med­ Sammy Kohen in the opener Koh- Tnonipson, R M lxxlge. C. M served’notice that they will have Monday, June 12, 8 p. in., ford to Gold Hill and Glendale to en's rough stuff is not unkm wn Guilbert. to be reckoned with until the last to southern Oregon mat bugs ami Elks vs. Miner Press; 9 p. m., Klamath Falls.» ball has been pitched. The Miners, Band concert: lz»uln IXxIge, K his beautifully built body has been E Detrick, Noel Heard. R E Pos­ Dodgers vs. Pine Box. while not the team of last year, the envy of every man to sec him ton, 4V 44 Robison, 4V V Crtrft 44ednesday. June 14. 8 p.n»., showed plenty of what it takes in Kogues vs. Talent; !• p. m., Opening Night Draws in action. downing the Rogues tVednesday Music and entertainment: 4V. V Clingman weighs 185 pounds Croft. Murte Beebe, Angus L. Miner Press vs. Pine Box. night. With two of the best pitch­ Top Crowds As Elks and is exceptionally fast ami liovviner, Lucie lauidon ers in the league—O’Toole and clever. He possesses a vicious pile THE 44 EEK’S RESULTS: Rose—in their fold, the pressmen Trip to Mount Ashland: C P Pull Upset on Dodgers driver which has made him one of Talent, Talent th Pine Box 12. should go a long way up the lad­ P P. 4Vhltmoie. Karl Jan- the feared men of the industry. Elks 6, Dodgers 5. der. They are tied with the Pine ouch. H L (’laycomb, Earl Lecver. Miner Press 18, Rogues 11. Following a colorful parade with Boxers for 'first place and expect Clyde Caton, IJoyd Selby, Syd Pine Box 15, Elks 12. all players in uniform and accom­ to keep their standing at the ex­ Reed, A A Maddin. panied by the city band, the sum ­ pense of Bert Simmons' fire-eat­ Banquet anti dance: Mcaxrx and mer softball season got off to a ers. Meadarncs W II McNair, W . M good start at the high school field Dodge, Walter Retifortl, R E Pos- Monday night. ton, R. L ilurdic, V D Miller, First Baptist Church Drawings paired Talent and the P. P Whitmore, J E Thornton. Charles E. Dunham, Pastor Pine Boxers off for the first game T. H Simpson, Fret! Tayler, Frank which turned out to be a thriller A seven-run rally in the first Van Dyke. Church school meets at 9:45 with the Boxers showing their su­ Housing: V V. D Miller, 4Valter : i 1 i a. m. There will be a children’s periority in a 12 to 9 score The of the fifth inning paved the way Leverette. (’ 1. Reymdils, Mar- for the Miner's surprising 13 to day program given by pupils of lead changed hands several times By I TOLD YOU SO Salisbury, William Snider, A the school. C. N. Gillmore, super­ but in the fifth inning the Millmen 11 win over the Rogues in the chial 1. (’oggmx, N M Ken II S first game of a double-header at intendent. forged ahead, scoring five runs, I the high school field Wednesday Ingle Morning worship at 11 o’clock. and another in the sixth. SEEN AT THE SOFTBALL Recreation and golf tournament: night “Is It Well With the Child?” will Short score: R H E GAMES: The Rogues pounded Pitcher Jean Eberhart, William Allen, be the children’s day sermon by .............................. 9 12 8 TACK BEARSS’ tunning being Talent Darby O'Toole from the box in Mn W 11 McNair Mra w I the pastor. Pine Box ............................ 12 10 4 the first inning with six hits and Bartelt. There will be no Young, People’s ** described as similar to the ef­ Women’s Civic club: Meadamea six runs. The printers were unable meeting as the Rogue River Young forts of a Shay engine . . . IVOR The second game of the evening People's union will hold their rally ERWIN as the hustling third- brought together the Elks and the to cross the platter until the third A B. Freeman, F G 8wedenberg, when Brown walked and Rose FreU i bln parent* a keeping with th, of bring “hotiu- t M oon pn ild< i , ] achievement counc| <>p served as *. < i.^ harty aa culnu < ,t( called on the den x presentation i, Moore and Mis a presented their Ina next age level < ubtq Ixxik to Wolf (*ut> A cublxxik to Hear Tile cub park enter the big Anhi«r ade “Plana aie ■ Wit >1 rxrrll.■>>! , the cuba, parents leaders," according 1 4Volff, den mother Irving 1* Beesley Boy Scout executive an Subxcrtlw for 'n»t >■ LITH X IIOMF. OWNED Friday, Sai ‘STRANGE OF DR. N with Jack Holl Beverley It It 1.0 “THE FIDI BUCKA w ilh Ken May And An Added Al Alt nu t Ion SatuHV Only! BENEFIT 1’1 HD BY JUNIOR Ml Sunday, M and Tue THE L HORIZ with Ronald Col Jane Wyatt NEW ROYAL PORTABLES SUNDAY-MONDAY ROYAL PORTABLE ’49* L aughton X emokommr $25.00 REWARD a AT 8:30 EV MONDAY NI 3 ALDSTAj MAIN EVE! Medford Ar