9. 1931 fty, June 9, 1939 '*"’ Mr J I I ii I vmh ] SOUTHERN OREGON MINER TALENT • oiuilt, 11 Aft J 108 M I) *'• ke4J s‘-rvd one iany friend« of Mr. Cullom, who resided several years, will Im hear that they have re- n Montana where they .,1 for the ui.it year, and located on imk street in Mis McCullum was l was held in the club house Tuesday evening. Those receiving diplomas included Aud- omar De Clerck. Ernest Dutro, Bernice Vieira, Roy Williams, Al- via Jeanerette, Nilde Cervellln, Doris Clark, Billy Bayliss, Erma St Claire, and Gloria Cunial. 'The operetta “Cinderella’’ was I presented by the school. Nilde Cer- vellln was winner of the Amer­ ican Legion medal awarded for I outstanding scholarship and Amer- | icanixm. W. Roush presented the I medal. Mrs. Cooley of Hornbrook, representing the Legion auxiliary, presented the prize for the best essay on Americanism to Gloria Cunial. Mr. Deering of Yreka ad- ' dressed the class and presented j diplomas. • Die illlt l-adies Aid met at the club house Thursday afternoon. Election of officers was held and the following were chosen for the coming year: Preaident, Mrs ii.rnheisel first vice president Mrs T Anderson; second vice president, Mrs. H DeJarnett; sec- letury, Mrs Ben Ollom, and treas- urer, Mrs. Roop. Following the business meeting the teachers of t/o- grade school, Miss Kitzmg and East land and Claire Mis„ Gansburg, were entertained A’lthrow underwent tonsil- in appreciation of their help dur­ ing me yeai Mrs Elmer Jackson <■„ in Ashland lust week la-wis of Ashland was cali- uml Mrs Lea Lauren tz were hos- leasea Refreshments were served. krlends hen* Thursday, boys' I H club gave a dance • Tin Hilt young people com­ city hall Saturday night pleted their high school work mis attracted a large crowd, year and received «liplomas at the was furnished by the Molln- commencement exercises in Yreka idem I UIIMI dm of Ash Thursday night They were Gordon [he boys will give another Alphonse, Francis Geroy, Edward IhLS Saturday night to pro- Ekwall, Evelyn Nelson, Margery isi.y for summer camp at- Clark, Billy Gllberg, Evelina Sal- vestro, Gino Cunial, Max Temple A drain and Charles Black and Florence Mendes. urchimrd the lot, adjoining • M ihm l-a Vonne Greenwood of greenhouse and left for a Seattle la visiting her sister, Mrs California is-fore starting Madge Nebcker • Mr and Mrs Harry De Janiett lament« the week-end at Iffamond and Mrs. Goin and Mr and I ; spent lake. larold Sloper and daughter • Mr. arid Mis Richard Wilhams h >f 1 ,ros[M-< t spent Sunday E. E. Wordsworth, Minister r * Mrs ** ~~ ~ ~ Roy Rushton [heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr and Fourth and C Streets in Medford Saturday while their Ogan .ion R<>y attended the school picnic lert Bragg, formerly of Tal- Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., T. S. I I undergoing treatment in Ln Ashland. Wiley, superintendent. Special ob- , edford Community hospital • Mrs 1-ester Reynolds and son servance of national flag day. | Dean and Naomi Grim of Kerby ng a leg injury Morning worship, 11 o’clock. and Mrs Roland Barks and are visiting Mrs. G Black Sermon by the pastor. Theme: • *1711- sixth, seventh and eighth left Saturday morning for grade students and their teacher, Christian Holiness. Ln Francisco fair. Young People’s service, 7 p. m. A* Long is moving this week Mrs. King, picnicked in Ashland Evening worship, 8 o’clock, with Saturday, with swimming at Twin new location on the hlgh- Plunges in the morning and a sermon by pastor, "Why Youth ijoining Skeeters’ gariige Should Be Saved.'* show in the afternoon. nan Centers of Anderson A special invitation to young was transacting business in • Edward Warrens of Iiurham, people. C^allf , is visiting here with his Tuesday. ------------ •------------- clinic held Wednesday af- father. • Charles Howard of the Summit • Mr and Mrs E. HJertager n in the city hall was well ranch on the Greensprings visited ed Children of pre-school moved to their new home in Pros­ in Ashland Tuesday. pect Thursday and Friday. Mrs. ere examined by Dr. Merkle school nurse Several were A. Pederson and daughter Ruth accompanied them. Mr. Pederson 30 Years Success! Doctor’s ted for dlptheria. th Lowry, formerly of Tal- and son Arthur drove to Prospect Formula for Itching of opjs-d here to see old friends Saturday to bring Mrs. Pederson hoolrnates Thursday eve- home. Keith had just returned from • Waldemar Ohlund returned to raneiaco where he has been Berkeley, Calif., Tuesday. Ing Bible school, and was • Mr and Mrs W. Tallis, Dor­ First applications of powerfully soothing te to Salem to make his rance Huger and Gay Nebeker at­ Liquid Ze-no (a tested and proved phy- &nd to establish his church tended the Elks picnic in Ashland sician’a prescription) bring wonderful , Sunday. awift relief. Then its superb medication • Mr. and Mrs. Erank Graves and (contains 10 different highly effective ! • «tartsright in to help nature rbert Ilavis of Salem is vis­ family of Hornbrook moved to ingredient«) promote FAST healing. Grateful users here for two weeks ât _ __ the Hilt over the week-end. Mr. write in from coast to coast praising of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Graves is filling the position of prompt results. Invisible, stainless— yard foremen left by Mr. Hjer- Ze mo is simply wonderful for annoying Davis tager. ■kin irritations. 35«, 60«, JI. One trial • Mr. and Mrs W. Gran visited convinces! REAL SEVERE cases may need JI. 25 Extra strength. All drugstore: friends in Ashland Saturday. • Billy Gran and Bob Ohlund Church of the Nazarene ECZEMA CAN YOU STOP IN TIME? EE BOTH FAIRS Bananas, 4 lbs. . Lettuce, 3 heads . Oranges, Sunkist, each New Potatoes, 10 lbs. Artichokes, 6 for Grapefruit, 6 for . Lemons, doz. . . 19c 10c lc 17c 19c 15c 15c SWAN’S DOWN CAKE FLOUR - - - - JELL-O—each............................. POST TOASTIES—Giant Size, Balloon Free PEET’S GRANULATED—Large BISCUIT MIX—Fisher’s - SUGAR—C&H, 100 lbs. $5.23 10 lbs. - KARO—Red CRISCO—3-Pound Tin 23c sc 9C Coffee 54c 26c Hills Bros. M-J-B.......... PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP-4 Bars - - 21c Crystal White Laundry Soap-Giant Size, 7 for 24c BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE-Ho. 2' - - 17c ROYAL CLUB FRUIT PECTIN—2 for - - 23c MILK—Oregon, each.................... - 6e COFFEE—White House, in a Glass Jar - - 23e FLOUR—White House, 49’s ■ ■ . . $1*29 FLOUR—Drifted Snow or Fisher’s Blend $1.59 LARD—Swift’s Silver Lea f, 2 pounds - 23e EACH DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS—No. 2..... STRINGLESS BEANS—No. 2........... SPINACH—No. 2i/2............................. YELLOW BANTAM CORN—No. 2 MECO CORN—No. 303.............. MECO PEAS—No. 303.................. chair car« and coach«« efe * ‘h* chance of a lifetime 10 *ee the U.S. at low com . 135.00 ROUNDTRIP Standard Pullman,, phts berth uihern Pacific or wr,*e 34c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS ROUND TRIP RMAM n lr D >8 .y* „P' .cii? Shortening 4“ J- ill Building, Portland, Oregon Your brake« are the most important safety factor of your car. You call on them every day, many times a dav to prevent an accident. A ear dart» out from a side street, a child dashes thoughtlessly into your path, a traffic light changes unexpectedly- The BES1 brake» are none too good? Let us help you keep them in shape, be making regular tests on our Weaver Brake Tester. A test takes only one minute, and it’s FREE. It measures your brakes separately during an actual stof of vour car—vou merely drive on and stop, read the gauge, and drive off ahead. We are proud of our brake service department, because at comparatively small cost it is sending out cars with brakes in shape to meet any emer* gency. as well as stand up to the thousands of ordinary stops called far everv day Drive vour car in today far a free inspection. CLYDE CATON’S JUNCTION GARAGE, phone 71-J, South Pacific highway. MECO STRING BEANS—No. 2 MECO PEACHES—No. 2»/2........ MECO CATSUP............. Bacon Swift’s Oriole Pound................ 15c 13c 13c 13c 9c 9c 10c 14c 10c DOZEN $1.65 1.46 1.46 1.46 98 98 1.10 1.68 1.10 1.86 1.86