Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 09, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, June 9, 1935
Page 2
I About People You Know! |
• Lois Wiley returned recently • Mr and Mrs Charles Mack and
from Grants Pass where she has Sanford Rose of Klamath Fill la
visited here Sunday at the home
been teaching.
• Mr and Mrs. Bill Turner spent of Mr and Mrs. J C. Hamaker.
• Mr. and Mrs Bill Bromley left
Sunday at Crescent City.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Briggs are Sunday fol Seattle where they
spending two weeks at Mills, Wyo. will take a summer course at the
• Kermit Myers of Redding vis­ University of Washington.
• Ruth Hardy returned recently
ited here Monday.
• Bert Swartsley returned last from Eugene where she is a stud­
week-end from Corvallis, where he ent at the U of O.
is a student at Oregon State col- . • Mr. and Mrs. A L. Coggins and
lege. He is being employed at daughter Alice left Monday for a
few days visit at the exposition in
Broady Brothers drug store.
• Mr. and Mrs Roland Parks are San Francisco.
spending several days at the ex- | • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Haas
are the parents of a boy, Gerald
position in San Francisco.
• Paul Aikins returned recently I*atrick, bom June 6 at their home
from Corvallis where he has been on Iowa street.
• Mrs. Dora Smith of Talent shop­
a student at OSC.
• Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Woods re­ ped and visiter! with friends here
turned Sunday from Portland Monday.
where Dr. Woods had been attend­ • Mrs. Ted Guetzlaff and infant
ing a meeting of the state board daughter returned to their home
Monday from the Community hos­
of health.
• George Hall returned to Ash­ pital.
land Monday from Eugene where • Waneita Gosnell of Normal, III.,
he graduated from the University is visiting here at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gosnell.
of Oregon.
• Nixson Denton arrived recently • Dave Whittle made a business
from Corvallis for a visit at the trip to Portland this week.
home of his mother, Mrs. Bertha • Hazel McNemy returned re­
cently from Castelia, Calif., where
she has been a visitor at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Loran O'Neil.
• Don Faber of Portland visited
with friends here Tuesday. He is
I a former coach ut Asli land high
• Everett Sandberg of Bend vis-
I ited here this week with friends
| • Dan Moon of Fort Klamath is
visiting here this week at the
home of his parents, Mr ami Mrs.
L. I. Moon.
• Allen Kogers of Vale, Ore., vis­
ited here Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ixiu Rogers.
• Florence Smith of 1-aGrande is
visiting here with her i«arents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith.
• Betty Avent is spending sev­
eral days this week in Roseburg.
• Mr iuid Mrs. Carl Harris and
Kenny Harris fished on Jenny
creek Tuesday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I’utter-
son left Tuesday for Portland
where Patterson will take a sum­
mer course at the University of
Oregon extension.
• Mrs. Hugh Hartman and son
Dale of Junction City are visiting
at the home of Mrs. Hartman's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Miller.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clark Thomas
visited with friends and relatives I
in Yreka Monday.
• Mrs. Lynn Neeley underwent a
major operation at the Commun­
ity hospital Tuesday.
• Ross Tilley of Siskiyou was a '
visitor here Tuesday.
• Mr and Mrs. Paul Home and!
two daughters have moved to'
Klamath Falls to make their
will tie ill Eugene where gr.
nell will attend the UnivaJ
Madge Marean. daughter of Mr. Oregon for the summer "
and Mrs. Charles Marean of Ash
land and Ross Brown, son of Mi
and Mis Arthur Brown of Salem,
were united in marriage June 4
in the First Methodist church with
tiie Rev. Joseph Knott officiating
Following a wedding trip to the
middle west. Mr and Mis I tn vn
StxTvtary of Nlate
Monuments and Marks*
will make their home in Camas
of Bronze and Granit,
Valley, where Mr Brown is prin­
At Prices You (im trrJ
TOT Al- of 534 persons received
instruction in Uie safety drtv
gearhart - hinnell
ing courses recently completed In
Maxine Gearhart, daughter of
Next Door to Post Offk
the eastern Oregon section, it was
announcer! this week by Earl Mr and Mrs Howard It Gearhart
( all Office HU, Ris >i)q
Snell, secretary of slate, under of Ashland, ami Ford Hunnell <4
Evening Appointment?
whose auspices the schools were Bend were united in marrl age
held. Thirteen schools were held June I in the hirst Methodist
in the area around Baker. Pendle­ church of Ashland with the Rev.
Melville T. Wire officiating hol­
ton and La Grande.
Most of the schools were held lowing a wedding trip to the On
at high schools, but .several classes gon coast. Mr and Mrs Hunnell
of adults were organized upon de­
mand of residents of the area, Mr des with a margin of safety."
Have That Radio < h.-< Ui^J
Snell said
Enrollment in each Snell explained. In other words,
class ranged from 20 to 50 per­ the course seeks to produce driv­
Dickey’s Radii» Serv^
sons, each of whom furnished his ers who will always lie 'safo driv­
<27 Boulevard
own car for the class.
ers." he said.
"These classes in driving are
based on the theory thut persons
who receive scientific training ui
handling a car will become bellei
drivers, more capable of driving
In all varieties of traffic without
endangering the property and lives
of themselves or others," Sneii
Anyone 15 years of uge or o.dei
may enroll in these classes, it was
said, Beginners and those who
wish to improve their techniqu«
are taken through a complete
Course in care of the car, starting
and stopping, maneuvering in tuu-
fic, parallel (larking, starling and
stopping on hills and tr.e prop«;
method of making turns Instiu.
tion on the rules and regulatl >.i-.
pertaining to motor vehicles is
stressed and the instructors con­
centrate on producing the proper
"driving attitude."
"By ‘driver attitude' we mean
that concept of motoring which
takes into account the rights of
others, the safety of car passen­
gers and pedestrians and the fac­
ulty of handling the car in such a
manner as to meet all emergen-
Life - Auto - Kj-
• Joe Stenrud of Detroit, Mich.,
is spending several days visiting,
at the home of his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Stenrud. He is enroute to San
Francisco, where he will visit the
• Albert Arnold was slightly in-
jured Monday when the truck he
was driving collided with a log­
ging truck. His car was badly
• Friday, June 9, Mrs. Vincent
Lanini was to entertain members
of the Bellview home extension school Miss Patricia Bell was sent
I unit at her home with a picnic by the P-TA, Miss Barbura Helm
by the community club. Miss
• The Home Economics club held I Veeda Williams, who had already
a meeting Thursday of last week one-third of a scholarship, and
in the Grange hall. During the af­ Miss Betty Dunn, who had one-
ternoon members sewed on tea half a scholarship, were sent by
towels which, when completed, will members of their canning and
help make up the material for a cooking
bazaar which will be given in the Grange sent Dale Williams.
• Mr. and Mrs Archie Kincaid
• Members of the embroidery visited Monday evening at the
club held their meeting Tuesday home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sten­
at the home of Mrs. Walter Long- rud.
streth. Those enjoying the after­ • The Bellview Grange held Me­
noon were Mrs. Herman Helm, morial services in the hall Tues­
Mrs. J. M. Crow. Mrs. Edwin day evening with Mrs. Vai Inlaw
Dunn, Mrs. Claude Conley. Mrs. as chairman. During the services
George Helms, Mrs. Roy Crow and Mrs. Taylor Williams, Mrs. Willis
Mrs. Ben Christlieb, who recently Byrd, Mrs. Arthur Peters and
joined the club.
Mrs. R. E. Bell sang several selec­
• Jack Williams was employed at tions.
Talent this week by Jake Royston. • Miss Louise Martin spent Sun­
9 Miss Helen Dunn is spending day at Pinehurst visiting with Mr
several days in Portland this week and Mrs. D. F. Korth,
where she is visiting with friends • Mr. and Mrs Elmer Ayres ar­
and relatives.
rived here Saturday evening from
| • Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs Days Creek and are spending a
are spending two weeks in Mills, few days visiting with Mrs Ayres
Wyo., where they are transacting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Brahs and with his parents, Mr
• Mrs. J. C. Orr and children of and Mrs. O. Ayres, before leaving
Klamath Falls visited Tuesday af­ for California where they will va­
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Orr’s cation and visit friends and rela­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tal­ tives.
• Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKinney of
• Mrs. Walter Brahs returned Lincoln visited Sunday at the
Monday morning from Roseville. home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn
Calif., where she spent a week vis­ and family.
iting at the home of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Wiggens and family.
• Jimmie Korth of Pinehurst
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Martin.
• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sexton and
daughter Elizabeth of Klamath
Falls visited Saturday at the home
of Mrs. Sexton's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Grimm.
• Mrs. Leslie Lusk of Ashland
visited Friday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin­
• Warren Fichtner of Medford
visited Tuesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Walter
Brahs and family,
• Mrs. Walter Longstreth and
Mrs. Herman Helm drove the
Bellview 4-H club members to
Medford Monday morning where
they took the stage to Corvallis
to attend summer school.
• Kenneth Bell and Leslie Dungan
returned to their homes Monday
evening after Bpending several
days working in the Dead Indian
• The Bellview 4-H club mem­
bers, with other members of the
county, left Monday morning by
stage for Corvallis, where they
are attending the 4-H summer
Resorts and hotels want to please you. They
want to have accommodations waiting for your
arrival. By telephoning ahead, you can discuss,
agree, confirm. This year, more than ever, it
pays to Itltpbont ahead.
j You art corjialh not Utd Io i nil the Fell if lituo txhihut I
al tht Go/Jsi Galt aud Nott i nri Iforh/'i Faon.
Telephone IS
ill Oak Street
Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft
All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low A m
$10 per Thousand Feet!
Dx-al Saw mill—I’hone 2X7-J
-.►. V.
A r
this time of the year, especially, the market
.W1,h “ lnr«’' v‘‘rl"ty of fresh, crisp,
ri utl
'"'ur,*hl’'K vegetables, berries »Mid
w,th modern electric refrigeration,
KKPT ,hi,t
enabling you tn
is Im/ 1UI 1 »
Keeping green things crisp
era „
of electric refrir
<il her ir™. <O.i. Na,iM*’*' frozen desserts and many
ini aU
W ,a,l<’ vnrl41.V and pleasure to your
“ Nee your dealer today for full details!
Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVICE Department”