Friday. Jun, j SOUTHERN OREGON MIN EK AND THEN THE FI N BEGAN! VW-X-'OJeSELF if O* ALk -Mt u321 ♦ C h IMK — S ee ?1- mogs expvicr AMO QE^EATTUAT A6A*J'. colui -re ar EMÓLIS^*. all 1 Continued from page 1) are matters told in strict confi­ dence to members of a congres­ sional committee—but, like most confidential testimony, leaks out. If the suspicions of the officers are verified and the culprits found, sensational chapter will be writ­ ten. r r < Secretary of Agriculture Wal­ lace says that sugar beet acreage in Oregon could be increased 14,- 000 acres and m Washington 10,- 000 acres. On the Owyhee project (there is a factory at Nvasai the allotment for 1939 is 16,322 acres. The irrigable area of the project will be 100,000 acres and with the adjoining Vale project, brings the total to 130.000 acres. which could well support two additional factories with an initial develop­ ment of 7000 acres each, or 14,- 000 acres. On Yakima project, there is a factory at Toppenish with an allotment of 14,310 acres for 1939. "Success of the Yakima project," says Wallace, 'warrants further expansion of the area which could well support a second factory with at initial allotment of 10,000 acres. 1 f i Such a close guard will be placed around the White House when the king and queen visit that even the secretaries of President Roosevelt must display cards of identification. This goes for the cooks. Only ones exempt are mem­ bers of the Roosevelt family. Sur­ vey of 2416 families who received rehabilitation relief in Oregon in­ creased their net worth by the end of the crop year. 1938, an ave­ rage of 3508.88. compared with a national average of $265 and ave­ rage for all western states of 3187.07. Last year alone their ave­ rage net worth increased $334 19 per family. Statistics for Wash­ ington have not been released. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES 4 EVENINGS Kiddies 10c ■ C CAII1IT IlBtl TI IQBilC ■a WILLIAM IATI * CIUCI IATII and In Die («•unt» Court «• Of Oregon in mill For Ja< knon < ounty the Matter of the Estate of ’ C SANT>EKSM»N. nl*i known as WILLIAM C SANDERSON. Deceased j I'.r ‘Grand Old Man’ Tops League’s High Batters According to information re­ leased by Austin Frazier, secre­ tary of the Southern Oregon Base­ ball league. Paul (Hoosier) Hof­ fa rd, outfielder and manager of the Medford Craters, is leading all batters in the league with an ave­ rage of .555. Below are averages for the 15 leading batters: Ab. R. H. Ave. Name Hoffard, Medford 18 6 10 555 12 3 6 500 M Roll. C. City Deo. C. City----------14 2 7 500 Ball. Glendale.... .....17 5 8 470 Duracha. Dorns __ 16 1 7 437 Moore. Ash.-Tai 7 2 3 423 Stolich. Dorns ....... 12 2 5 416 Crippen. G. Pass 13 ô 6 400 White. Medford 19 5 • .368 Blacksmith. G. P.... 19 3 • 365 R. Roll, C. City 11 1 4 363 L McIntyre. Dorris 17 3 6 353 Avery, Glendale 20 5 7 350 Cook? Medford 15 4 5 333 R McIntyre. Dorris 15 2 5 333 Team averages show Dorris leading with .274. Crescent City with .262. Medford .247, Glendale .238. Grants Pass .237. Klamath Fads .229. Ashland-Talent .182 and Gold Hill .153 ----------- •------------ • Mr and Mrs Tommy Laird re­ turned to their home in Klamath Falls Wednesday following a visit here at the homes of Mr and Mrs Gary Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Krinock. • Hal McNair returned Wednes­ day from a trip to San Francisco • Merlin Eubanks of Central Point visited with friends here Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clark of Harbor are visiting at the home of Miss Lottie Beswick in Bell­ view. as A C Whitworth. J****1 Notice 1. hereby undenagiied was on May . »upumted Administrator of th« Wtete of Anu- C Whitworth, dr c-oe«l by order of the County tMurt for Jackson County. Oregon Ail 1'etsoiui having danna again» the «state are require. to 1-- ‘ them to the undenagned at th« office of George C-»Ming. Attorney Liberty at law, 217 L — . Building, six m cm if ord OrvMun, within months «•*'••• from — May mourns —✓ 1». - ■ »«»t date of the first publication of this notice. IVAN L SNEED. Administrator George Codding. ------ --- Attorney for Administrator. Muy 19. 26 June 3. 9 I’KOBMT NOTH E OF IIF. YICIM. 05 > I\ \I. 4(4 01 VI Ol'' YDMIN ISTKATOK W IIH WILL IXNEXED am II.LAID NOTICE IS HEREBY GlYl-' that the undersigned, the Admin- wtrator-Wlth-Wlll Annexed of ¡he TWO DRAM FINES Conrad C. Waite. Talent youth, estate of W C Sanderson, also was fined $1 and costs for driv­ known as William C. Sanderson. ing a car without an operator's d«xteased. has filed in ruud court permit and Frank J Gritch. Med­ his final account in the matte: «1 ford. was fined 37 50 for violation I said estate, and the Hon ruble of the basic traffic rule in Jus­ Earl B Day. county Judg«. has tice of the Peace M T Bums designated Friday. Die ■ th day of July. 1939. at 10 00 o’clock u m court Monday of said day. at the courthouae Ui • Medford, said county, ax the time EXAMINER COMING An examiner of operators and and place for a hearing thereon Anyone having an objection ( chauffeurs will be in the Ashland city hall from 11 a m to 5 p. m said account is required to pre­ Friday, June 9. to issue permits sent the same on or before the date of said hearing and licenses to drive cars G H BILLINGS, ----------- Administrator-with-Will-Annexed STELLA J. LEAVITT Funeral services for Stella J BRKX1S A- BRI(kJS Pioneer Building Leavitt, who died May 26, were Ashland. Oregon held at 2:30 p m. May 29 at the Attorneys for said Adrninistrat- Latwiller Funeral home with the or- with-Will-Annexed Rev. Melville T Wire officiating Interment was in the Ashland Date of first publication: June 2, 1939 (J2-9-16-23) mausoleum -------- •— United States Department <»f tin- G ILHAM-KERR Vera Gilham and William E. interior. General Ltuid Office, Kerr were united in marriage May Portland. Oregon Sealed tads 28 in Greenleaf. Ore , at the Pres­ marked outside "Bld for Timber," byterian manse in the presence of and addressed to the Chief For­ immediate relatives Mrs. Kerr is ester. O. and C. Adminbit ration, a graduate -•€ the Southern Ore­ 419 Custom House. Portland, Ore­ gon College of Education and has gon. will be received unUI 10 30 .rue. June 13. 1939 been teaching at Sweet Home for the last year Following a wedding ■ for the purchase of timber upon trip to the coast, Mr and Mrs tracts hereinafter described, the Kerr will reside in Ashland where | cutting and removal of the timber Mr Kerr is employed by the Selby to be carried out in accordance I with the forest practice rules ap- Chevrolet company. ' proved on July 7, 1938 by the ----------- •— • Mrs Emma Hager, Eunice Secretary of the Interior. Each bid Hager and Henry Van Prooyen must state the amount per thous­ are spending several days in San and feet, board measure, that will ' be paid for each species or claM Francisco this week. i of timtx-r No bid for lean than the appraised value will be considered j Each bid must be submitted in ■ duplicate and be accompanie«! by ’ a deposit The deposit must be in lc per Word per Insertion the form of a certified check on a solvent National Bank in favor of FOR SALE New and used desks, i the Chief Forester of the O and C filing cabinets, swivel chairs and Administration The amount of the will be computed at the safes Medford Office Equip­ | j deposit rate of at least 20 per cent of the ment Co., 32 North Grape street, j first 31000 of the bid, plus at least Medford. (48tf) i 10 per cent of any additional In the County Court of the State | amount of the bid in excess of 31000 and up to 310.000 Th«- de- of Oregon for the County | posit of any successful bidder will of Jackson In the Matter of the Estate of i be credited as a first installment | in the payment for the timber, James A. Cook, Deceased j Oiecks of unsuccessful bidders NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled court of the state of Oregon, for the county aforesaid, administra­ trix of the estate of James A. Cook, deceased, and having quali­ fied, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said deceased, A HOME-OWNED THEATRE to present them, verified as re­ quired by ¡aw. within six months Friday, Saturday after the first publication of thia notice to said administratrix at the office of Briggs & Briggs, her attorneys, Pioneer building, Aah- land, Oregon BESSIE MAY COOK, Administratrix of the estate of James A. Cook, deceased with Dated May 26. 1939 i May 26 June 2-9-16) PRINTER’S PRIVILEGE Where sixty-eight attend a thing It reads "almost a hundred." A dozen racers ran the stretch; In print it's always "thundered.” When rivers start their annual flood It’s judged “the worst in years ” Most any bloomin' musical's "Most pleasing to the ears." Political developments are ■'Critical' at least And eatable or not so good A dinner is a "feast.” The weather's always most unique In record smashing stride, And plain and fancy debutantes Are truly glorified. No matter what the incident. It’s seldom mediocre. If Miss Society gets hurt, Why, prob'ly some one's choked her. Fenders may have only dents— "The car was badly smashed.” However mild discussion is. The subjects simply "hashed.” Perhaps a guest s been gone a week, Twill never be explained, But rather in the newsy sheet— "Left recently,” it’s framed. Ronald Regan It might seem to the readers NOTICE TO CREDITORS Confusing—just a tetch. Gloria Biondell the County Court of the State If they didn't know the customary In of Oregon for Jackson County. | And As a Companion Featun "Journalistic stretch ” In the Matter of the Estate • Subscribe for The Miner today. Amos of C. Whitworth. sometimes known aa Amos Clinton Whit- f~ "■ worth. and sometimes known $25.00 REWARD will be paid for any corn Great Christopher Corn and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY HIVER SAW AMYTH'NG LIKE LUSTER-FOAM TO MAKE TEETH sparkle QUICK RELIEF FROM It'ialmost incredible the way tbeNEW Ll»- terine Tooth Paste, containing Luster-Foam detergent, maxes teeth gnste-n and sparkle. The instant brush and saliva touch Lusto*- Foam detergent, it surges into a foam of tmy, active bubbles, which gets at stain and decay breeding areas that even »ater may not reach. And as it sweeps over tooth i urfaces and into minute crevices, your whole mouth tingles delightfully . . . your teeth take on new polish and luster The regular size tube is 25« But your best buy is tne big 40« tube containing more man pound of this modern, crierjrirrd dentifrice At all drug counter*. Lambert Pharmacal Co.. St. Louis. Mo TH1 due to dust, sun, light-glare, driving, movies, reading, etc. Do your eye* bum — feel tired, uncomfortable? Try Munne. It contain* 1 help. Ful ingredient* which :!ean»e and clear eye* red­ dened from fatigue—make your eye* feel dean, freth, «live! Much more effective than boric add. Send for trial bottle. Mail 10c (»lamp* or coin) with your name and addrea* to The Murine Co., Dept. HS, Chicago, I1L HOME MADE PIES PIPING HOT CHILI LUSTER-FOAM Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “SOCIETY SMUGGLERS” with Preston Foster Irene Hervey also NEWS and “TITANS OF THE DEEP” with »upcrrtiarged with /'V” EY es ■ AT ALL DRUG STORES f z’z'z r mi I «««• 11»»»•« a vtvvNN « ‘••••• h :><» kjb I' M. Il«x| non«- of th* •■a* Dian $ foi th«- Ila«. || toot H Lu«' < .tec 17, Hr tiHfi 1010 M Dmlxt 31 75 |x i M frv( H , “ 5 U ’ 27. Ut! Hr 31 50 p< M f,.rt & ( OUIltl 1 10 ■■ « k i • NK'.NW Itel ) ■ j I» M H- .k ngi* moie . .f . .. ¡e-i , U: in J1 frf) jwr fot II» IC.-I Fu H M for tlir Y,;;,, .•nix i M fw: 1: Hemlock T IOS.R«. NSNW 11 lt«-<| jYr |jj B M : ‘ "( th« W »»Id for I cm tasa ng feel 11 M I» (‘ ■ R : w se,- i j j lit FH?« M |i ¿ the Umber to I». auaj ¡„ $1 73 per M feet h If < ••orit i : T 18 R j g NW » NE‘, lt«x) Fir 3g H M none <>t th* m rudd for leas than l ì fret B M T 3 H K 23. NW'.HW* fret B M none of tb| I m - sold for lea* than |; f«*vt B M The right toi and all bids la rvarrnt I*..ri! u : 1 tt-jj Muy. 19 » W fi Hur Foreater (1 AC Ada (June 2-9) CERTIFIED MARFAK LUBRICATION f J All for Only $1 DOUBLE TRADE-IN ALLOWANfl ON YOUR OLD TIRES FORA SHORT TIME ONLY ON NEW U. S. TIRES ** I U. S. Royals - U. S. Royal Masi U. S. Royal De Luxe Ask Us for Quotations on HawkinW Recap Tires! ASHLAND HOTEL SERVICI J S. REED Phone Ashland Hotel Building with Buck Jones NEW FORMULA IISTERINE TOOTH PASTE X X EYE STRAIN .. “ « i! YOUR CAR WASHED AND INTERIOR VACUUM CLEANEll LITHIA “THE LAW OF THE TEXANS” It 3 E 1. Vv i •!»!«• r ’•<" ■ M ¡«MB? 10 M fret fret H M . bohr (4 » I m - sold fot f«<*t B M por M f«-ct '•* Ihr li< i i p l(1 _ $1 Speda • WANT ADS • “ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN” Amazing NEW “Bubble Bath” rids teeth of ugly, dull film will be return«! u|mn the award h • bid A bond or. •< - w"> r.Hiuned m •« w,nv « Xi the rate •“ •“ ¡’ ‘Tent «< th*’ »‘00O° oi ‘‘,'5 nd plus B’ lMM “ nl "l “ny “‘k*1’ tmnai amount of the bld I«» ,,I »lutxxi Payment for Umber Will I* requited in advance of . ul- ung payment 'u)l ut lhe ‘",‘r of illmg the «xmtracl Ix-lng re­ united in sale» anwuntmg to 32UUO or leM m may I»- made ui « number of tri­ al umienla achedulcd to keep p With th., rate of Umber cutung and ¡-yaWe uj»«n damand D-'.ir th. i nief Forester Thu auccramul bidder in «»eh sale ex.. e.llng 3ho A? in amount win be required, pi.« to toe approval of l ie cxm UG m H covering such sale, to fumi-n a »worn linanelal alateiiicnt aho-v ing «billty IO fulfill me trim» «nd • Admin 1st ration. I'm Band. Oregon The limber volumes, given in the fol owi.ig appriUSitls, are vatimal«-«i u ul may be moi«' or !«• •■ than the amounts state.! Living cull Ire— and young tinitM-r leas than mer­ chantable six«- rr««-n«i fn»m cut tmg In < < m ~ ( ounty: T 38 H It W. Sec 21. SETN'E',. NE‘. ;u-. T Red Fir |1M) M feet B M White Fir 245 M fret II M Port Orford V«iar no M feel H M none of th«- Umber to I m - aol«l for .ess thun $1 50 per M feet II M fOI Bed Hr. »100 l«cr M fret it M for the Whit«- Hr. 39 00 prr M feet B M for th«- Port Orford Cedar; the White Fir to I m - taken Io -lackson Couaty.’ T .19 S . Il 1 W See 17. NW1« Yellow line 530 M feet H M , none of the Umber t«« lx wild for less than 33 00 per M feet B. M- 1 ■ 1; ( w s.. 19. SW'.SE1,. N’E'.SW! 4 Yel­ low inric 284 M feet B M Sugar line 4.500 feet B M ; none of the timber to br »«Id for less than 33 (X) firr M feet B M T 40 N Pete's Lunch William Beebe Otis Barton EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER Admission 10c and 25c BENEFIT DANCE Saturday, June 3rd dreamland hall , medfori st KVK WHIPPLE and IIIS OK( HK s TBA WITH THE MELODEARS GIRLS TR1° To Benefit the Disabled American Veterans of the World War H|H.n«.wd by Jackson (Ounty Chapter No. « ADMISSION $1.00 COUPLE **■*> L