lay, June 2, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 irv Loop 'Dark Horses’ Gird for Play IMS POISED R SOFTBALL ■BUi MONDAY TAKES ON SAMMY! ■id.lAH-'» nave been Ironed I lol the opening of the 1939 schedule winch will gel ■wav al me local hlgtii achool ft, al s p. m Mommy, Jun« |-ox teums enter«! Rogue«, L Talent Firemen, Elks, ft and i'Uie Boxer» will be Lt rd as teams A, B, C, D, E I Tliesc letter» will be placed Lt tor «hawing at the open- jme ami name» <»f the team» I nil« <1 in <>n a »chedulc from »awing Hist f«ur teams in L«tioii» will square off for Leiung night contests, with L>mi game immediately fol- f me s o'clock starter. Two ■ will be played each Mon- Letlnesday and F riday nights ho team playing mole than [ iii any one week for a 10- xpllt «••axon, omitting the Leek In July. pi,s will march ns unit» from Lza to the library its pail [opening ceremonies at 7:16 k Monday evening and Skirt pell, field general, and John jerty have been assigned the ui securing a list of prizes chlevemcnts al the initial ' j ^HE Asiiiand-Taient baseball nine will make another appear­ ance at the local park Sun­ day, June 4, when they play nost to die Gold Hill aggregation at 2.30 p. m. Gold Hili win make a desperate effort to get out of the ceuar at the expense of the A-'Fs but they wlU have u job on their humis lor the local club is ail "hopped up" over their thrilling victory over Klamath Falls here i.u»l Sunday. 1 he Gold Hill Cement Makers lose last week-end, but only by the close score oi 3-2 to the league's topnotchers, Crescent City, and the boys are not being regarded us push -overs by fans or players. Flunk (Nig) DiSordi undoubted­ ly will Ire selected to the pitching job and the only change in the starting lineup probably will see Neil instead of Maxson at second base. An effort will be made to have the Talent high school band on hand again to furnish musical en­ tertainment. Other league games scheduled for Sunday are Klamath Falls at Grants l'aas, Glendale at Medford and Dorns at Crescent City. • I Friday night's meeting of Lera and official», passes approved for managers, piay- hd press and the Wilno Kited the official sphe [ist half of the season • HOW THEY STAND! mer Lithian IxTty ned by Detroit; To x>rt Before June 12 ft* Hardy, son of J H. Hardy, ftnrr of the Ashland Gruce- I has signed a contract with EMroit Tigers of the A inert- Lagu«- and la to report to De- |before June 12 kdy, ace southpaw pitcher, L<>0 M«-«iford ........ 3 1 .750 Glendale 3 I .750 <>runbi Pass . 2 .500 2 *> Dorris ........ I .333 Klamath Falbi ...1 .333 2 Ashiand-Talent 1 3 .250 Gold Hill 0 4 .000 ----------•------------- • Mrs. Charles Mitchell is visit­ ing in Klamath Falls this week. • Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Walker spent the week-end in Crescent City. • Mrs. Jimmy Bates of Dunsmuir visited here Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doyle. • Mrs. Bob Pinson and son Bob of Dunsmuir visited here for sev­ eral days this week at the home ■ of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughs. frout’s Deadly Spin io Challenge Carter At Armory Monday Sailor Dick Trout's deadly air­ plane spin, which has taken the ■ toll of every wrestler he Las met ! in his current stay at Medford armory, will be pitted against Marshall Carter's standing leg split and all-around grappling abil­ ity Monday night, June 5, when the pair square off in Mack Lil­ lard's top main event. Both boys are exceptionally clever and like to work according to the rules of the game. Bulldog Jackson, the Portland hammerlock artist and unusual meanie, will meet a man of his own caliber when he tangles with Sammy Kohen of New York in the middle bout. Kohen took a ride in Trout's spin last week while Jackson took the measure of Car­ ter, but with both men trying to beat the other at his own game, something ought to happen. Jim Spencer, the meanie from Boston, will get another chance to even the score with Vern Clark in the opener. He failed to do this last week when Clark took two straight falls over him, one by a foul which left a “bad taste” in Spencer's mouth. The first two matches will be under the Australian system of six 10-minute rounds while the final go of the evening will be for one hour straight time or the best two out of three falls. ------------ •------------- 7TH TO DEFEAT KLAMATH 10-6 gCORING 10 runs in the seventh inning, the Ashland-Talent baseball team came through with their first win of the current Southern Oregon league at the high school field Sunday when they romped to a 10-6 win over the Klamath Falls Sons. Nig Di­ Sordi, big right-hander for the lo­ cals, pitched the entire route giv­ ing up only 10 well scattered hits, no walks and striking out 12 men. Dito, starting Klamath pitcher, gave seven hits and two walks until he was relieved in the fatal TOUGH But Oh So Gentle Tough—On Oil Pumping Gentle—On the Cylinder Wall. seventh by Griffith, starting short­ stop, who was knocked all over HASTINGS the lot, striking out but one man. Up to the end of the first half STEEL VENT KINGS of the seventh the Sons had things pretty much their own way with I a lead of 6-0. Then the A-T» Phone 104 opened up and harrassed the Klamath team into making errors and bad Judgment. Five hits were OIL DISTRIBUTOR enough to cause the removal of Dito from the box. Every A-T player crossed the plate except SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Maxson, who was replaced by Neil, and Pete Montgomery tallied two Wholesale Prices to runs before a man was put out Our Customers in tnc lucky seventh. In other league games, Medford Complete Service Under One Roof used 14 innings to put Dorris away 9-8 at Medford; Crescent City kept Gold Hill in the cellar with a 3-2 score at Gold Hill; Grants Pass journeyed to Glendale and HOTELS gave the strong Loggers an 8-2 treating. The box score: Harrison Parts Co. Clay comb Motor Co. Ab. IL 0 .. 5 1 .. 4 .. 4 0 .. 4 0 0 .. 4 .. 4 2 1 .. 3 1 .. 4 _ 4 1 R. 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 E. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 6 10 6 Ab. H. 'Maxson, 2b ... 0 2 Vincent, ss ___ 5 1 Schopf, 3b ...... 1 3 P. Montgomery, cf.. 4 2 DiSordi, p .............. 4 1 D. Montgomery, if.. 2 1 Jones, lb ................. 4 1 Skeeters, c .............. 4 1 Learning, rf ........... 4 1 Neil, 2b ..................... 3 1 K. Klamath Sons Zirkle, rf ........ Harper, lb __ Goodbey, 2b ... Griffith, ss, p. into, p, ss...... Anacker, cf ... Pasiega, c ..._ Law, if ........... Crapo, 3b ....... Totals Ashiand-Talent 36 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Totals ................... 40 10 7 •Replaced by Neil in sixth. New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop Ashland’s Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of * home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serves the best food in town. Come in as you are! FARM IMPLEMENTS E Headquarters for 0 FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS 1 GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 0 2 AND WELDING 1 PHONE 67 0 0 0 0 Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock 0 M. C. Lininger & Son 4 LEONARD PATTERSON TO BE NEW JACKSONVILLE COACH SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS ASHLAND SIGN SHOP Leonard (Pat) Patterson, form­ er athlete at the Southern Oregon PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price*» Are Lower! College of Education, has been ap­ pointed coach of athletics at If you’re shy on cash we’ll take part in trade. Jacksonville high school, accord­ ing to an announcement this week. 106 North Main Street Patterson was a star basketball player at the local institution and PRINTING played baseball on the Ashland Lithians two years before he went CALL THE MINER FOR ALL to Oregon State college where he YOUR PRINTING NEEDS I was a sensation on the diamond. PHONE 170 MESCAL IKE We Think He Has Something There S’MATTER POP— Ya Can’t Do That to Ambros T 8:30 EVERY ONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! edford Armory THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER ALTO PARTS Graft This on Your Grafonola. By C. M. PAYNE