une ¡flay, .lune 2, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BELLVIEW • H i IS Rñ I, K< nm ÎPS K,,i r.itii« 11 iiii . ui n tiip to ■, i M oil H ■ birtlMiai ■ lub i ’ ' ■ • ■ i Ky < veiling in tionoi oi ■ ry of Mi ■ at her home ■ K the The evening Al I III' I SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! lo-M opened the immy lovely ■ ii ight to hei and al I rai Uv< Kmenta tbe blrthdaj A ir L I'M 1 ■biked by Mis Piuikcy, were I lc < . Ijoytng Dlr cve KiPb th< pm-.Mi ware Mt nmi I) |. ■ ■ :.i ml. Mt .< M, M l I .1 11 i' \\ > J euii I cc Klin aid, Mt und .M im I . • I n 'I Mt il l M> . Potatoes, 25^..f 29c <• Kincaid rs Horace Bu4z»-r, who Ims ill ut lite < 'oiiiiiiunity hoMpil al W.IM lemovi'd to h'l l.l.sl Week , I ic.c, I mik iu,| ,( I . . \Mfllsml rhlllM'l.lV eve of i . im ! wei-k which whm given mot of M im Denn Home |> Reynolds left W<-dn«-«i|iiy o bru.sk i when- lie will S|M-IIrt time on bunim-HM ,in<| v I m | relative* |ni Ella True ami Mi** Marl«- lei vlMlted Tuesday al the f of Mr ami Mrs. Archl«- Kln- m u Joi le Bail »laitad Fi i- [afternoon at Pinehurst wlth and Mrs D F. Korth ind Esth< i W.uli- made a ito Dunsmuir Monday, where attended the high school haa III, Walter Btiihs left las' k for lto»> Ville Calif . to spend [.definite time with het brothel slat el in law, Mr and Mrs Ed , . o.'l f.imll) Mis N ii . i . rlwood made th«- trip with Brails and Is to Is- employed he Wig, hott • of M t and M t s n iieilmeyer Sh<- was called i- by the Illness of her ÜM i. I ||< i : who makes her John le With Mi ami M ra This quartet of backs will be among those competing when the , ...it Mis Wing is a sister most perfect back is selected in an international contest at the Mr Iieilmeyer California World’s Fair on May 23. The contest is being sponsored Mr» Ora Meyer» of Medford by the San Francisco Unit of the Affiliated Chiropractors of Cali­ ted I b , lay .ifte|ms.1, at tile fornia and will climax Chiropractors’ Ilay at the Fair. The girls r.e of Mis R E Bell iui«l are (left to right) Kaye Laurstu. Patricia McMillan, Bettina Nor­ Uly berg and Georgina Wells. Mrs R C A vent ami «laughter I t> pent Wt In«- slay at the Tuesday and Wednesday at the lint Mr ami Mrs Archie Kin- home of her daughter, Mrs. James J Purvis. Mr and Mr» William Turner fc business visitors in Medford lurtlay « M im J De Witt was hostess at Robert Bell, who is employed I bridge party at her home in Bly, Ore, spent the week-end honor of Marjory Bray Wednea- B FFICIINT the home of his parents, Mr ilay afternoon. Those present in- il Mrs it E Bell. l eluded Meadlimes Ben Ollom, W. Ute only on. Isvsl its The Bellview district will hold Holmberg, M J Bailey. W. Bray, spoonful to a cup of sifted annual school election at Liu- W. Poff, C. Baumgartner and the flour for most recipes. tool hour*- at H p. m. Monday, guest of honor. Refreshments he 5 One director and a clerk were served. 11 be elected with Herman Helm • Mrs M J Bailey entertained retiring director. Other for Miss Marjorie Bray Friday af­ member* arc William ternoon Those present were Mea- Walter ¡»ngatreth and daines Venial Nebeker, Ben Ollom. J is i 'll.it les Anderson, clei k J lie Witt, W. Holmberg, J. Clark, Miss Elizabeth Joy, who has W Tallis W A Bray and ' Mis« “ <-n teaching school neat Port Marjory Bray. The afternoon was t<-s, gambling may give ft lot <»F entertainment, ‘ but 1 when fortune*, that's •t comes to chancing it on your |M-rsomil . __ ' your < — something else again. Protection for • ■ your - home ’l't furnishing* ’ should '«ionio I in- . .................... . we will •>"