i Friday, June J SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 2 LIFE’S BYWAYS! About People You Know' M azie J list inu > rmtp iHunBY T hat A C emtaema M A lv WN-S' TIPS* Hii HAT T o A LADY FRILNP NOW I f A FEi-LA HAENT G o T EM o UCM T o P o V/tTH J3 oth • W. J. Chipman and George AKHi FULL- - AHV THE CHANCE. OF TWENTY- 1 shatter fished on the Willianuxin pcLiAPi CiMiixvEie; in His P ocket TU a T 1 river Sunday. I IAS A TENDENCY Tt> P mll OFF HlX TR ousmk S < Nathan and Robert Gale left i last week-end lor a visit to Lie j uolden Gate exposition. • Marion Mann visited with mends in Klamath Falls Sunday. • Mis Bill Ai tring of Harbor vis­ aed neie during uie decoration week-end at tue home ol her niuuier, Mrs. Jessie Miller. • Genevieve McGee returned le- cenuy from Klamath Falls where | sue nas Deen teaching. • rionk Redkey oi tfuincy, Calif., visited witn iriends here last week-end. • Mane Mitchell returned recent­ ly nvin Nor til Bend where she lias ueen leaching. • Bud Newton of Independence, ore., visited here Sunday at Un home ol Mr. and Mrs Gary New­ ton. • Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hardy aiit Alicia Appiegate visited witn Bo tiaruy last week-end in Eugene. v rt. G. xxebeaer oi San r ranci». visited witn inends nere lor se. eiai days uus week. • an. and Mrs. uean Horne, M. anu Mrs. Carl Harris and Mr. ai. Mrs. Cliff Warden fished Kogi, nver Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mayberr. Air. and Mrs. Howard Mayoen. and daughter Sandra Jo vuutc. wiui friends in Montague Tuesday • Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Provost aid. Buddy Provost spent last week­ a 4-H school in Corvallis for a end at Diamond lake. two weeks session. The Talent 4-H • Harry Morris, son Gene and club arranged for attendance oi bim Morris nsned the Klamath three while the fourth member or nver Tuesday. ' the [>arty is being sponsored by • Mrs. \ ernon Decker of Talent • Mrs. Wilkenson of Dead Indian the Talent Grange. soda springs arrived Wednesday shopped here Monday. • The many friends of Mrs Brad­ • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoxie of 1 for a visit with her daughter and ley, Wagner creek resident, were and Mrs. Claude Copco, Calif., visited here Memor- 1 son-in-law, Mr. grieved to learn of her recent ial day at the home of Mr. and • Jones. death. • Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parks spent Mrs. W. M. Herbert. —•------------- the early part of this week at Fish • Mis Gladys Helbig of Roseburg is visiting with her father and lake. • Bob Bechtel of Dunsmuir called mother, Mr. and Mis. C. W. Long this week. on friends in Talent Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fierce of • Hazel Walker of Phoenix calk'd Lakeview have moved into the on Talent friends Tuesday eve- E. E. Wordsworth, Minister I nfaf. Simmons court. Fourth and C Streets • Mr. and Mrs Bill Hotchkiss • air. and Mrs Roland Parks and and small son made a business baby have returned from Sprague ‘•The church where you never and pleasure trip to Klamath j River, where Mr. Parks has been Falls, Tule Lake and Chiloquin teaching. are a stranger.” • The Talent Community club Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., T. S. Tuesday. Wiley, superintendent. Children's • Mr. and Mrs. Arils Lanham, a held its annual birthday party day program, an excellent one. postal employe from Seminole, Wednesday afternoon with more Bring the whole family and enjoy Okia., are visiting his sister, Mrs. than 100 guests from Ashland, Medford, Valley View and sur­ L. Daugherty and family. this service. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ozias of rounding neighborhood being pres- Monuments and Markers Sacramental service, administra­ Joplin, Mo., are stopping in Tame's ■ ent. An enjoyable program had of Bronze and Granite tion of the Lord's supper, sermon auto court while looking over the iieen prepared with Miss Hulda At Prices You Can Afford by pastor. Rev. C. O. Presnail, as­ valley lor a permanent location. Estes giving a piano solo, Mrs D. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Kahler of Hol­ Smith, two songs with Mrs Trink sociate pastor, assisting. Young People’s hour, 7 p. m., an lywood, Calif., visited with Mr. as accompanist; Mrs. Bates, re- Next Door to Post Office and Mrs. Charles Long sr. Mrs. 1 ci tai Ice cream, cake and coffee interesting service for youth. was served and much of the after­ Call Office 113, Kes. 248-R Preaching service, 8 p. m., ser- Kahler is a sister of Mr. Long. Evening Appointments mon by the pastor, “Life's Ob- • Miss Helen Hewitt of Phoenix noon was passed with visiting. spent Wednesday with Mrs. Meda • Mr. and Mrs Crate McElfrish jectives.” DEPENDABLE SERVICE” Fox. Miss Hewitt recently return­ have moved to Castella, Calif., for A cordial welcome to you. ed from a visillo her former home the summer where Mr. McElfrish will be employed. The family will in Council Bluffs, la. • Jack Gardner and family, who return to Talent in the fall spent last winter on the L. * C. ~ • Mr, and Mrs. J. Phtefer and Jones ranch on Anderson creek, son Jackie spent Decoration day in the Applegate country. moved to Talent Monday. • Elder R. L. Blaylock of south- • Several local people left for the ern California is visiting with the Ditsworth strawberry patch Sat­ Rev. Fredenburg and conducting urday, where they will pick. a series of meetings in the Bap­ • Mrs Sam Hamilton entertained the Ladies Aid society Thursday, tist church this week. • Donald Walden, who is em­ at which time 10 ladies were pres­ ployed at the Norris grocery, en­ ent, Mesdames Spencer Hackler, joyed a trip to Crater Lake Tues- Lloyd I-acy, Clarence Mathews, Karl Fowler, O. D. Goddard, Frank • Mrs. Louise Com best received Holdridge, John Webster, Bob Lo­ word Wednesday morning of the gan, Doris Stelle and the hostess. death of a son-in-law, Frank Cam­ Mrs. Sam Hamilton. Refreshments eron, at his home on the Apple­ were enjoyed. gate. He had been ill for some time. Ï • Fred Rapp returned from the Community hospital in Medford Saturday, following a major opera- ation three weeks previously. • Mrs. Lizzy Talbot of San Fran­ cisco and Mrs. Vance Morgan of Phoenix were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Wednesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fowler, who have been living in Tame’s auto court, Monday moved to the An­ derson ranch. • Charlie Skeeters and family and Bill Henry and family spent Tues­ day at Fish lake. • Emerson Pratt, Talent high school teacher, is spending a week at Fish lake and other resorts. THAT’S ASHLAND LAUNDRY SERVICED SHIRTS He will attend summer school in SEND US YOURS Corvallis and will leave Sunday. AND YOU WILL SAY SO TOO! Other teachers leaving for their homes were Miss Isabelle Miller, Condon; Jean Larson, Holden; i Marian Gould, Medford; Maxine Swanson, Sweet Home; Miss Sid­ ley, Lake Creek; Miss Fitzgerald, PHONE 165 31 WATER STREET Fem Valley, and Jeanette Gore, who plans to remain in Talent “For the ideal washday, with her parents. Just call, • Minnie Dobbins, Doris Cooper, That’s all.” Virginia Garvin and Nancy Fire­ stone will leave Monday to attend • Mrs. Lyle Anderson is visiting nere at Uie home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Balis • Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Washburn of Oakland, Calix., are visiting here tor a lew days at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Galey • Mr. and Mrs Al Brower visited witn relatives ui Klamath Falls Tuesday. • Mrs. Thelma Flaiuiigan of Oak­ land, Calif., Miss Zeaia Heer of San Francisco and Mrs. Alda An­ derson of Portland visited here tor several days uus week with their motner, Mrs. Bertha Heer. • Harold Baughman and Jack ’Thompson made a trip to the Lava Beas in Biamath county 'ruesoay. • Dr. Mattie Bnaw ana Mrs. Luiu W usou spent the week-end ui Crescent city. • uoo Bectei of Dunsmuir visited here Tuesday at the home oi Mis. Gaiter Bevington. • Mr. and Mrs. Otis Johnson and son of Heniey, Ore., returned u> tueir home Tuesday touowuig a visit neie at uie nome or Dr. and jus . ru L. Burdic. w air. and ans. Arnold Bauman vianeu neie auuuay at tue nome ox axr. anu axis, r ted X'epuer. w axr. and axis. Larry porter and air. and Mis. J. C. Hamaker made a trip through Klamath county ounuay. < Mrs. Mildred Hoffman of Chilo­ quin visited here Tuesday at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vestal. Max Guiley of Klamath Falls visited with friends and attended the Ashland high alumni banquet last week-end. • Dan Moon of Fort Klamath vis­ ited here Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Moon. • Mrs. Mabel Lowd of Grants Pass visited here for several days this week at the home of Mis. Helen Skidmore and other friends. • Cornelia Hulst left last week- end for San Francisco where she will attend the fair. • Harry Morris fished the Klam- ath river Sunday. • Marjorie Scobert of the local high school faculty left last week- end for her home in Eugene. WILLIAM n J Funoral servio» Klug. HI, who