Page 8 • BELLVIEW • HILLAH SHRINE Honor Guard CEREMONIAL IS Keeps Watch SET SATURDAY Over Shrine • Mr. and Mis. Roy Call of Klam­ ath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorna t of Ashland were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. C. H. Modrell recently. The three families were friends when living SATURDAY, May 27, will be an- in Klamath Falls. other big day for the Shriners • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore of Hillah temple, and for many have completed remodeling of the other visiting Shriners, as well as interior of their home and the ad­ for the large bunch of novitiates dition of a new tiled bathroom. who will be the center of special • Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wood­ interest on the occasion of the worth recently have added a bed­ spring ceremonial to be held in room on the east side of their their honor in the Medford arm­ home and have made several im­ ory. provements to their property. Under the leadership of Poten­ • Pupils graduating from the tate A. B. Cunningham and Gen­ ninth grade this year from Bell­ eral Chairman Paul B. Rynning, view include Betty and Bob Dunn, an especially interesting program Kathryn Peachey, Philip Willis, has been arranged, starting at 2 Bill Briggs, Bernie Helms, Yvonne p. m. with registration of candi­ and Norman Christ lieb. LeRoy dates by the recorder's office in Ayres, Grace Walker and Agnes the armory. White. The uniformed bodies of Hillah • Among those graduating from temple will entertain the public in Ashland high school Wednesday the city park during the afternoon. night were Esther Wade, Jack At 3:45 o'clock the patrol, in their W illiams, Lois White, Gifford Lee, brilliant uniforms, will give an ex­ Edna Hash and Lucille Lebow of hibition drill while at 4 p. m. Hil- Bellview. lah’s uniformed drum and bugle • The eighth grade of the Bell­ corps, located at Klamath Falls, view school held a sneak day Mon­ will entertain, followed by a con­ day. cert by Hillah's own uniformed • The student body of the school band in the park at 4:30 o'clock. held a hayrack ride and wiener A social hour for Shriners only roast at Emigrant dam Tuesday. will be held in the Medford hotel Mr. Gilliam furnished the hay­ at 5 o'clock, with the traditional rack and he and Mr. Balding ac­ banquet in the main dining room companied the party. of the hotel at 6 p. m. At 7:30 • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brahs made o'clock a public parade will be a business trip to Yreka Saturday. held through Medford streets to • George Yockel made a business the armory, where the formal trip to Eureka, Calif., Monday. ceremonies and the pageantry • Mrs. Ross Applegate from which the Shriners are wont to Ashland spent Tuesday with the stage in honor of the potentate Earnest Applegates. and his divan, and the assembled • C. H. Modrell is visiting this Shriners. and for the inspiration week with his wife and family. of the novitiates, will occupy the Mrs. Modrell and children, Marjor­ remainder of the evening. ie, Charlotte and Iris will go to Murphys, Calif., the last of this week where they will spend the ley, Mrs. Howard Black, Miss summer with Mr. Modrell who is Marian Annis, Mrs. Charles Blake. Mrs. E. H. Brown, the honoree and employed there. • Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hull en­ the hostess. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Gamer and • John Lan ini visited last week Miss Nicholson from Yreka Sun­ with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lanini. John is employed near Eu­ day. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wisdom gene. and Joseph Wisdom from Jack­ • The 4-H boys of the community sonville visited Saturday afternoon met Tuesday night at the Bell­ with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hull. view school. They organized two • The Bellview- school closed clubs, the Pig club and the Dairy Thursday with the annual school club. Dale Williams is to be the picnic for parents, teachers, pu- leader of the Pig club and Marvin pits and friends, Baseball and Poyer is to lead the Dairy club. games provided the amusements. Melvin Poyer was elected presi­ The last P-TA meeting until next dent of both clubs and Dale Wil­ September was held after the pic­ liams vice president. Mr. Francis nic. of Medford, county 4-H leader, • Mrs. Charles Wimer gave a was present. shower for Mrs. Delbert Mongold • The Home Economics club will last week, those present including meet June 1 in the Bellview Mrs. J. H. Monroe, Mrs. Ada Hux- Grange hall. • The Bellview Home Extension unit met in the Community club house Friday, May 19, with 17 members and Mrs. Mabie Mack present to enjoy the noontime covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Vai Inlow presided at the business meeting. The installation of offi­ cers will take place in September. The next meeting will be in the afternoon of Sept. 15. • Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds and family spent Tuesday in Med­ ford visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dimick. • Walter Hash was in Ashland Monday transacting business. -------------•------------- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c • WANT ADS • / a year —on Memorial * 1 Day—eye» of the nation focus on a tomb in Arlington National Cemetery in U ash­ ington, D. ('., on u-hich is in- scribed: "Here rests in hon­ ored glory an American soldier known but to God." That those soldiers who died in ser­ vice of their country shall be constantly remembered, the United States Army maintains a perpetual vigil over the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On guard at all limes Is one soldier. The sentry detail includes three shifts of four men each. Each shift is on duty 12 hours, then is oil duty 24. This sentry marches 30 paces a minute, keeps the post (or two hours, then is relieved for four 1 The CHATEA Spring Opening Saturday, May 2?| WITH IMicct from Niwnuix'iito! (Continued from page I) velt had a quiet chuckle One aen- ator, to discomfit his colleagues, had a senate page bring u can from the restaurant and displayed it upon his desk EARLY EVFXING DINNERS In the files of the FBI (G-Men to you) are the fingerprints of America's leading citizen, Frank­ lin Delano Roosevelt Also in the records are the ink marks of th. digits of John Nance Garner In u jiffy these can be found in the collection of 10,300.000 other prints. The new ambassador > Spain is having the embassy dis­ infected after its occupancy by hi t predecessor who represented loy­ alist Spain. Fastest talker iu the senate is Homer T Bone, of Wash­ ington. He is a tribulation to the expert shorthand reporters who make a stenographic record of the debates An eastern representa­ tive, granted permission to "ex­ tend my remarks," included an address his wife gave at a social affair. It is easy to discover whet senators dodge a vote First comes a quorum call and then In a few minutes, the roll call. The mem­ bers who answer the first and are absent on the second are the marked men. One senator votes only about half the time. Bureau of public roads report on the President's Inquiry as to two na­ tional defense highways (toll roads) is to be printed as a public document. Every road enthusiast will want one. Foolish questioning when Umatilla dam was being considered at a hearing of the riv­ ers and harbors committee, gave enemies of the project material with which to scuttle it. The fool­ ish questions brought out that power would be necessary to jus­ tify the construction RALPH .SMITH, CHIT’ (Served from 5 p. m. Work Days) AT TOWN PRICES Here’s Our Tempting Sunday Dinner Tn lie Served from I p. in. to I a. in.: 75C COCKTAIL Fruit RELISH Garden Kudishe« (J li.-.irta of ( clery < IIOICE OF: ( lidl.-.l 1 ornato Juice <>r Chicken Bouillon, Orient^ SALAD Heurta of M-ilu.c and Tolilitlo with IIHHf Island lirrw Cruli Moat ENTREE Baked 4Irginiu llam, Orange Hance Half Fried < hlekrn, Country Style Ohl Fashioned Breaded 4 <-ul Cutlets, I’an i.raiy Top Sirloin Steak, Mushroom Haiu-e Spring Vegetable lawig Branch l*,lr uioney-Miivliig Or©C<>n * “SQUADRON OF HONOR” rir© Inaurane© Policlm. with I. c. ERWI1 Don Terry Mary Russell * ■ 1 - . • I 240 EAST MAIN STREET A '********************** aa < www « ni .