SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 op Battle Set for Local,Diamond ♦ ATH FALLS MEET A-T’S ON SUNDAY ------------------------------------------- Talent Firemen Nine To Round Out Sixth Team for Kat Loop latent soft bull fans arc show­ ing much enthusiasm over the an­ nouncement of Bert Simmons, chief of Die Talent Volunteer Fira department, that the firemen will sponsor a team in the Ashland city lenguc. which will get under way under the lights on the high schixil field June 5. Si.:'"ions stated that he will use only Talent players In forming his squad, which will be the first en­ trant from that city in many years. Simmons will attend the league meeting called for X o’clock tonight, May 26, in the chamber of commerce office. ihland Talent basebull 411 make their second earancc in as many rn they play hs, buttling along wilti­ n' win t<> their credit so MKrti, have vowed to get Mly column at the eX- jc Klumathitex starting lineup for garlic Skeeters’ team jrrters, catcher; Jones. .Maxson, «aimil lam«-, Vincent, third I mus ' . Joanis. left field; Pote HOI IIIERN OREGON ■y. center field; lion Team— W. L. •y. ng lit field, with taiemblle 3 0 elected to do inSordi p < reM-ent ( Ity 3 0 y. Medford 2 I •nt school bund, under li lama th f alls I 1 thip of Harry Meyers, Dorris I 1 play for the afternoon Grant* I’ ium 1 2 iroused much favorable Ashland Talent 0 3 ere last week-end when Gold lllll 0 3 ans "drove the clouds • ng rain recesses. • HOW THEY STAND! Pct. 1.000 1.000 .667 .506 .500 .333 .006 .600 S< HEIM I.E PRACTICE TILTS RUNS POUR ONTO A T S Practice softball games set for next week include a Dodger-Miner tilt starting at 7:30 o’clock Tues­ day night and a Dodger-Rogue practice session Wednesday night on the high schl field. HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOU SO 1X/T of sour notes developed on the local baseball diamond .Sunday afternoon when Medford wrung a victory out of Axhland- Talent during a dripping after- noon, but none (it them came from the grandstand, where Harry Mey­ ers and his Talent high school band was busy blowing enthus­ iasm into the day. Their huffing and puffing added a lot to the game and had it not been for the busy musicians, there would have been times when the hours dragged. When the fray wan called for a passing shower, the band dug in and blew plenty pretty. A The sur* rising part of Meyers' contribution, Talent folks proudly relate, is that a few short months ago none of the bund member« knew whether you played music on a horn or ¡toured kerosene into lamps through 'em. The near­ est thing to a drummer they had was u kid who had rat­ tled sticks on picket fences, and the clarinet player had to is- baited with lollypops so he could tell where his lips went. But that was last fall, when Harry first took over at Talent. Now ? Why just drop out to the e • Mina Julia Quimby and students ball park Sunday afternoon and tent showers dampened in her room enjoyed a picnic Fri­ hear for yourself. And believe thin Hl-Tilent IxmelMill team's day Miss Huger and her pupils • h'pai tini-iit when we say the young musicians are willing and the local high school enjoyed their picnic Thursday. able they Just naturally blow jnday aftemexm and the their brains into them things and Iralcrs went home with Ictory, Its second of the •••Batted for 1*. Montgomery in out comes stuff you really like to listen to. »uthem Oregon league eighth. > t t iter, started things off Medford Now that Curt Davis again is st inning with a four- Gttzen, 2 b having a g