Friday, May 26, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 LETTE] Memorial Day Southern Oregon Miner to the Edi ♦------- Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON DOEMN’T I.IKI |,(M the Edit«»: T«» one who has wm unties of th«- solou« at V\j for many years the prt. lorUona of the congress entire administraUon, i cubinrl official« great ■ 3 «sit. one wonders what ter is. Five long years iuai uince tire new n th Times got harder The y wua culled a Kurd p|HMM-« . Ik» you like the plctus not more in our m-xt. DAVID || Editor and Publisher ★ ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR.............. >1 51 SIX MONTHS.......... 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1835, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 170 SET YOU FREE" THE TRUTH WILL YES, IT COULD BE SILENCED! Ashland residents who have been brought bolt up­ right in bed by the sudden screaming of the fire de­ partment s siren will be glad to learn that some day mat motor driven hell-box atop the Pioneer building might become unnecessary. The siren—which will blow your hat oft at JU yards—is used to call volunteer firemen. When and if the fire company is provided with new quarters with sleeping accommodations for a half dozen or so volunteers, blowing of the siren will be unnecessary, according to Chief Clint Baughman. Not only would larger quarters eliminate the ear­ drum stinging blasts, but also would give the city better fire protection and result in lowered insurance rates. Too, silencing the siren might do away with those dangerous automobile parades which answer the alarm at break-neck speed. So next time the thing scares the daylights out of you and ruins a night’s slumber, say a little prayer for a new fire hall. for false flag-waving his action would produce. But ★ ★ ★ Mr. Roosevelt still is one who will brave the hiss of A TOUCH OF THE OLD WEST! special interests in defense of a principle. Roosevelt’s Regardless of the circumstance attending the admonishment that American packers would be well fourth killing in a bloody feud of the rangeland near advised to put a better tin of corned beef on the mar­ Burns, the incident will cause much wide-eyed reading ket at a lower price might have been meant as a bou­ on the part of youngsters the country over who like quet for our South American neighbors, or it might have been a well-described shoe that fitted important their wild west like the books say. The Wagontire water hole, which has been the feet. cause of feuding and shootings for a number of years, The incident serves to illustrate one point, at least. has been the scene of a modern-day pulp-thriller epic. Mr. Roosevelt’s critics are overly eager at every op­ The old west is not dead—at least not in central Ore­ portunity to heap coals on his presidential head. Foes gon, where men still meet on horseback with hoglegs of the administration have revealed themselves as strapped to their thighs for a final draw. being more interested in seeing the New Deal fail than Many a youngster will read the story, strap on his in having our form of government work. cap-pistol and decide to be a gun-totin’ cowhand out Most of the anti-Roosevelt criticism is little more than wishful argument. • in Oregon instead of the policeman they admired the day before. And many a grown-up will remember the the destination. However, this vivid, excitable days of their youth when they dreamed method has given rise to bands of of cattle wars and high heeled boots. hijackers who make a practice of frisking these empty coaches, The pity of it is that the true-life enactment of a increases the chances of western movie will not end w’ith the cast living hap­ By MINER STAFF WRITER which Ions. Sometimes the smuggler boards pily ever after. Copyrtfht. W N U-> OF ALL THINGS! ★ ★ ★ THE LAZY PEOPLE TRAVEL! Some things tax a reasonable person’s patience be­ yond endurance. Such is the case with the recent influx of assorted panhandlers, moochers, sodden transients and gadget-peddlers which has descended on southern Oregon like Mormon crickets in a truck garden. What makes the migration most irritating, how­ ever, is its coincidence with reports from upstate that pickers have not been found for ripening berry crops. Where growers need 150 pickers, 15 are available. Yet day after day dozens of able-bodied, husky men and women interrupt local business with extended palms and mumbled hard-luck stories. Jobs are im­ possible to find, they say, and always they’re in the final stages of acute malnutrition. Produce ripening and rotting on the ground for lack of labor in one part of the state, panhandlers thick in another. Is it any wonder that an harrassed people become short-tempered with the legion of gimme-guys who always manage to be where work isn’t? ★ ★ ★ THE WISH COLORS THEIR REASONING! When beef is to be chawed, there seems to be noth­ ing quite so much to the liking of politicians as Ar­ gentine beef. Protest has been loud and widespread since Presi­ dent Roosevelt ordered a navy purchase of a few thousand pounds of South American corned beef. Judged from the volume and pitiful tone of the im­ mediate protestations, one might be led to believe that the American beef market had been sabotaged. Louder plaint would not have resulted if the adminis­ tration had forbid fertility on the American range. Doubtless the President knew well the opportunity The perfect tribute within the reach of every family, no mat­ ter how modest or pretentious a service you choose. Ashland’s Leading Funeral Directors Funeral Service Since 1897 LITWII/LER FUNERAL HOME (Formerly Stock’s Funeral Parlor) We Never Close—Phone 82 LX3R some time the treasury de­ partment has had the problem of buying the world's output of gold on its hands. Lately another foreign exchange headache has cropped up. According to the Fed­ eral Reserve Bulletin, United States currency is commanding a premium in the high tension cen­ ters across the Atlantic. Inability to predict the future value of some countries’ money has caused the harrassed holders thereof to flock to the good old US dollar for security. Gold and prec­ ious stones would serve the same purpose but for hiding use nothing­ can beat a United States bill and it is worth face value wherever it is. Consequently, people who may have to take it on the lam in a hurry or who want to send money out of their own country are buy­ ing large denomination govern­ ment bills and the heavy demand has caused all shipping records for our currency to fall. Most of the cash goes to Am­ sterdam, which is in the center of the troubled area and a world ! money market besides. There, they | say, a thousand dollar US bill brings a premium of seven per cent and there is even a market for future delivery. You make a small payment down for delivery at a stated price some months or weeks later and the seller war­ rants that you can get it at that price then upon payment of the balance. r r » The old time jewel «mug­ gier« could take lessons and learn a lot from the present day money «muggier» operat­ ing out of Germany where there Is a death penalty for taking cash away from the Reich. One method used is to paste the currency in an envelope on the underside of the seat of an empty railway compartment and then take another seat elsewhere. If the money is found by the inspector, nobody knows who put it there and if not it can be retrieved at • • Liveme Roberson returned re­ cently from Kerby where she has iioen teaching for the last year Miss Roberson will teach In Phoe­ nix next school term • II B Curtis <>f HI. tUDCOdf.ihf former owner %nd builder of the Mountain View auto court here, was in Ashland early this week CORNS CURED • Mr rind Mrs A inly to Holly w < m «I visited here tai days this week at the h<* and Mrs Arch Barkadall V ALI ABLE ADDITION PROTWTIOÜ At Small Exp Modernise your mw, by having your lire S rsti-ndrd to cover hs duinugr from u intaa explosion, riot, nln-nfti hide«, hail, -»moke k stationary hrating » and also «n-tirr nils fallen building c L ium . Billings Agi the train with two hats, one well worn with his Initials stamped in REAL ESTATE Ml Ma k \ (l fl fl Cxn-OB it and the other new. The new one J V«V V aaUM Mfk ItfU •• la REAL I.NMI'KAXd he hangs on a peg where he can RiwAKD «-r.-oT,sjnr..*s Phone 211 «I tM watch it and the other he keeps on his head or nearby. Inside the McNAIK BROS. CORN-OFF band of the new hat is an envelope holding the hot currency and if the X inspector finds it he shows his own hat with the initials and you have the phenomena of c«>n»iderable ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! money that nobody wants right then. Thefe is even a guaranteed serv­ ice available. You arrange with the ring to execute th«- commis­ sion with the understanding that you are not to pay them until after the money has been deliver­ ed to your payee. You get a code message from the payee in th«- other country that he has receive«! the remittance and then you pay off the ring. FEATURING If you are »till reading, we will finish up with this one: An indi­ vidual who wanted to take a con­ siderable amount of money out of Germany but could not secure gov­ ernment permission to buy for­ eign exchange placed a want ad i OUR ADJOINING ROON WITH BOOTHS ANI TABLES FOR LADIES A-ONE DRAFT BEEI 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew In Generous «-(>-/.. <•!**' Ml. cJlome. BOHEMIAN CLUB Al, BROWEIC, Proprietor YOU DON'T NEED CASH FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELING... The ABC Monthly Payment Plan IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATET S m STEVEN R. in a Nazi-con trolled newwpaj>er, the answers to be held by the paper. He then traveled around to several cities in the vicinity and mulled replies to himself In one of the letter« he placed the money he desired to send out and the publication held the letlera. After mailing the answers he journeyed across the border to a foreign city and wrote asking if he had any answers Ujs»n being informed that there were, he sent a large envelope to the |«q«-r with the request that the answers In­ put in it and sent to him in Ute >>th,-l city The envelope, ostensibly from a reputable nazi ncws[>upcr. went {Mist the censors unquestlotml A A NEW, FINER DRAFT BREN A-ONE BEER makes it possible for you to buy your home repairs and pay for them a little each month to suit your pocket­ book. See us for all details This is the easy way, no delay no red tape. Keep your home in good repair. SCHUERMAN Phone 334-R • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. PHONE 20 OAK ST. .at RAILROAD SOLI) IN KEGS ONLY! ASK YOUR DEALER • A-ONE BREWING CO.,