Friday, May 26, il SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ALBERT E. KINNq gravers. Only names of the boys and girls of the senior class with the highest scholastic standards will appear. • Mr. and Mia Wayne Cowdrey and family visited relative» near • The Hilt Ladle« Aid met Thurs­ day afternoon in the dub house • Vera Wright of Klamath Falls • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sander of Butte Falls Sunday. visited in Ashland over the week­ Yreka visited at the home of Mr. • Miss Genevieve Thayer, who Mrs Mitchell, president, pi raided end at the home of her father, and Mrs. W. G. Sander Sunday has been teaching school at Illa- over the devotional» Mrs. Roop • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Linin- hee, J. V. Wright Ore., finished her work Fri­ read the report on the benefit »up- ger, Errol Miller and Ellis Linin- day and is at home with her par­ per. The date for election of offi­ • Vic Sander and Carl Fehige ger fished at Fish lake Sunday. cers was set for June 1. Tile busi­ spent the week-end in San Fran­ • Mr. and Mrs. George Goswick ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walty. ness meeting was followed by a • Delta Thompson was an Ash ­ cisco on business. visited with friends and relatives land shopper Monday. surprise handkerchief shower for • Mr. and Mrs. Toni Callahan in Pass Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Weathers of Santa Mrs. Mitchell in honor of her made a business trip to Yreka • Grants Merle Crews. Madeline Moon Cruz, Calif., an* guests of Mr. birthday. Delicious refreshments Monday. and Carl Elders of Grants Pass • Kenneth Schilling of Butte Falls visited here Sunday with Clara and Mrs. Eads. Mrs. Weather’» included a lovely birthday cake parents. Mrs. Weather plans to made by Mrs. T. Anderson, who visited here last week-end at the Pederson. home of his mother, Mrs. Etta • Beryle Cunningham visited in make an extended visit here while was unable to attend the meeting her husband makes a business trip because of an injured hip. Schilling. last week-end. _ Mrs. E E Gran, who is stay • • Mrs. Hattie Jones returned late Salem the north. • Mrs. Dick Neill returned Mon­ to last week from Corning, Calif., day • Mrs. IH»ris Stelle and daughter ing with her daughter. Mis. G. G. from a trip to Pocatello, Ida. I where she has been visiting for returned home from Wakefield. Black, spent Sunday at her home ----------- •----------- Kan.. Sunday following a month’s in Kerby, Ore. two weeks. • Louie Pitwood of Portland was trip. • Perry Pullen of Kerby was in a business visitor here this week. • Mrs. Martin Paulsen made a Hilt Thursday and Friday • Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hulen and business trip to Medford Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund and daughter Joan visited friends and • Frank Mannis of the Hopi In­ Bob and Billy Gran were in attended the Ashland-Medford • The Talent high school gradua­ dian reservation, who is «pending son Yreka Sunday morning Mr. and baseball game here Sunday. tion exercises were held in the vacation with his sister, Mrs. E. Mis. Ohlund attended church serv­ • Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Harra of school gymnasium Thursday eve­ Learning, was in Hilts during the ices while the boys played in the Chiloquin visited in Ashland over ning with 11 students receiving latter part of the week. high school band at the the week-end with friends and rel­ diplomas. Clyde Perdue, Richy • Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Yreka American Legion parade Mr atives. Myers, Elmer Ogbom, Ray Zemke. Anderson creek visited with • Mr and Mrs Frank Ward were • Monte Briggs of Los Angeles Lester Anderson. Earl Vetter, Har­ and Mrs. Ben Clark Sunday. visited over the week-end at the vey Maxson, Don Hungate, Hulda • The firemen's dance held in the in Klamath Fulls Saturday home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Estes, Cornelia Hilkey and Hazel city hail Satuniay night wax at- • Mr ami Mrs. W. A Qnui Briggs in Bellview. Riggs. Salutatory was by Lester tended by a large crowd. Proceeds, son Billy and Robert Grun were • Joe Price of Klamath Falls vis­ Anderson and valedictory by a neat little sum, were for the in Klamuth Falls Saturday ited here Monday with his father, Richy Myers. Invocation was by benefit of the local Boy Scouts. • Wallace Kohler of Kerby, Ore. O. J. Price. Dr. Temple and presentation of The music was furnished by the was in Hilt Monday He is piling brush at Paulson's camp • Charlotte Kallander and Ruth Meadow diplomas Mountain was by Jay Hillbilly Terrill. or- • E. HJertager attended lodge in Gough visited the fair in San • ‘ The eighth grade graduation | chastra from Ashland, Francisco last week-end. exercises were held Tuesday eve- • ~ The pinochle club held a party Yreka Tuesday evening • Miss Nellie Dickey returned ning in the Talent school gym­ Saturday night at the home of • A special business meeting of the Hilt Unites Aid was held in Sunday from Vancouver, B. C., nasium with 22 graduates. The Mr and Mrs Barney Riggs where she has been visiting with program opened with a procession­ • Talent Boy Scout troop No. 14 the Community church Monday relatives. al by Verna Paulsen. Invocation committeemen and scouts' parents afternoon. i • Mrs. Will Dodge returned Sun­ was by Dr. Temple, followed by attended a scout court of honor in day from Seattle where she has ! | a solo by Gerald Locke, "My Jacksonville Thursday night. A been visiting for several days. ■ Heart Is in the Highlands.” Salu- number of awards were presented Kingdom Hail • Marie Mitchell returned recent­ ' tatory was by Arliss Williams, fol- for scouts from tenderfoot to life ly from North Bend where she has ! lowed by an overture by the school ratings. Following the ceremon­ been teaching. Jehovah's Witnesses mitt at orchestra. Valedictory address was ies refreshments were served. • Mrs. Lee Burns and son re- I I given by Floyd Donald Yarnell. A Among those accompanying the 135 East Main street at 7:30 p. m. turned last week-end to their I violin duet by Lois and Nancy troop were O. K McCurtain, Mr. Sunday for watch tower study, home in Antioch, Calif., following i Firestone was given, followed by and Mrs. Robert Locke, Mr. and and at 7:30 o’clock Friday eve­ a visit here at the home of Mr. class prophecy by Lillian Leone Mrs. Karl Baylor, J. W. Welch, ning for weekly service meeting and Mrs. S. C. Gunter. All interested persons are wel­ Sloan. The grade school chorus Mr. and Mrs Ralph Witt, Mr. and • Constance Lemmon visited in sang two numbers. Dr. Temple Mrs. Barney Riggs. Mr. and Mrs. come. Yreka with friends Sunday. addressed the assemblage on "Fac­ Lyle Tame and Scoutmaster Bert • Mr. and Mrs. G. Robin of Santa tors in Successful Climbing." Jay Simmons and wife. Rosa, Calif., are visiting here at Terrill, board of education chair­ • Arthur Walty of Tucson, Ariz., Mrs Will Bates, her parents, Tuesday evening. the home of Mrs. Frank Potter. man, presented diplomas, followed is a guest of his brother, Walter • Talent high school seniors en­ • Steve Zarka and Cliff Brenia- j by a solo by Mary Anne Gates, Walty and family this week. man fished at Fish lake Monday. and benediction by Dr. Temple. • Gus Brown. 70, was found dead tertained junior class members • Mr. and Mrs. Al Brower attend­ Recessional was by Verna Paulsen. at the home of his son Glen early with an all-day picnic at Squaw lake Thursday. ed the wrestling matches in Med­ Students graduating from the Tuesday. ford Monday evening. eighth grade included Catheryn • Mrs. Lydia VanWinkle of Jer­ r.............. • Bill Ford of Dunsmuir visited Balderstone, Helen Balderstone, ome Prairie visited Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Beulah Balderstone, Robert Bay­ Karl Baylor and family this wg.*k Burns Sunday. lor. Betty Boardman, Dorris Coop­ and attended eighth grade gradu­ • Earl Edsall of Klamath Falls er, Leraine Graham, Wilbur Hart, ation exercises Tuesday evening. visited with friends in Ashland last Wanda Lou Hill, Edward Huson, • Mr. McKeene, who leased the week-end. Gerald Locke, Mary Muse, Anita Graham sawmill, has enlarged the • Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gates, Bill Maxson. Helen Romanger, Ray pond and made extensive repairs. Isaacs and Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, Lillian Sloan, Arliss Wil­ • School will close today in Tal­ Gates visited with Ashland friends liams, Ruth Williams, Claire May ent, with all teachers rehired for Sunday. Harry Withrow, William next year. • Dr. C. E. Kunz of Medford was Withrow. Witt, Floyd Yamiell. Class motto • Jim Spears, formerly of Talent, among the Ashland-Medford base­ was "Climb, though the way be was calling on old friends Satur­ ball fans here Sunday. Class colors were flame day. • Mr. and Mrs. Woody Shaver at­ rugged." gold, and class flower, rose. • John Sloan made a business tended the baseball game in Gold and • Those of the Talent high ath­ trip to California last week and Hill Sunday. letes to receive basketball and returned Friday. • Hazel McNerny is visiting with baseball letters, which were • Bill Boyd of Crescent City was relatives in Castella, ~ Calif., this awarded at a Tuesday assembly, a business caller here this week. week. • Mr and Mrs. J. D Atwill of • Katherine Cook visited at Tan- were Don Hungate, Earl Sommers, gent, Ore., with relatives last Leslie Mason, Clyde Perdue, Har­ Medford were guests of Mr. and old Barr, Leslie Seaman and Man­ week-end. Richy Myers. Basketball • Beulah Hervey spent last week­ ager were awarded to Don I end in Portland visiting with rela­ monograms Hungate, Dick Skeeters, Harvey tives. Maxson, Clyde Perdue, Earl Som­ mers, Howard Lockwood, Victor Anderson, Bob Keith and Man­ Life - Auto - Fire ager Earl Vetter. Cheer leaders honored with letters were Richy Myers and Earlene Withrow. An­ nabelle Riggs, song queen, also was presented with a letter. Fol­ Monuments and Markers lowing presentation of letters, of Bronze and Granite awards were given to Richard At Prices You Can Afford Skeeters for athletics, Lois Thompson for journalism, Virginia Keith for scholarship, and Anna­ M. T. BURNS belle Riggs for activities. Clyde Next Door to Post Office Perdue and Hulda Estes received Call Office 113, Res. 248-R the honor of having their names Evening Appointments engraved on the scholastic plaque “DEPENDABLE SERVICE" which was presented to Talent high school by the Master En- I About People You Know! ] I • TALENT • Funeral service» f<>i 4^ First Baptist Church Kinney, 79. who