V ( Friday, May 19, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 prior to the approval of the con­ • Syracuse, Kan., spent Saturday | appointed Administrator of the tract, to furnish a «worn financial mght with Mr. and Mrs. John Estate of Amos C. Whitworth, de- statement showing ability to fill Webster, after spending the lKist ceased, by order of the County month hi Eugene. They were en- Court for Jackson County, Oregon. fill the terms of the contract. For ‘ route to their home by way of the All persons having claims against copies of the form of proposal, the estate are required to present form of contract and bond, ami • C. C. Collins left Sunday for San Francisco fair. information, application LaUhne where he has employment • A large crowd enjoyed the them to the undersigned al the other should be made to the Chief For­ office of George Codding, Attorney with a lumber company. Glad-to-Meet-You club Thursday • Alts Francis Frink and daugh­ evening at the City hall. The high at Law. 217 Liberty Building, ester, O. and C. Administration, Oregon. within six Portland. Oregon. The timber vol­ ter, Mrs. Phil Cunningham of Ev­ school orchestra played several Medford, erett, Wash., are guests of Mr. and pieces on the lawn before the pro­ months from May 19. 1939, the umes, given in the following ap­ praisals, are estimated and may Mrs. Lem Frink. gram began. A large number sat date ot the first publication of this be more or less than the amounts • Ben Clark spent Thursday in at the potluck supper. That being notice. stated. In Jackson County: T 38 IVAN L. SNEED, the Dead Indian country. music week, the program was car- 8.. It. 4 E.. Sec. 1, S‘ii White Pine Administrator. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cochran tied out in that line. 640 M feet B. M ; appraised at George Codding. and small son Keith of Eugene the following minimum price of spent the week-end with Mr. and • Mrs. Alfred Norris and daugh- Attorney for Administrator. $4 (H) per M feet B M Other spe­ Mrs. Roy Estes, Mrs. Cochran's l ter Annes spent Saturday aiter- May 19, 26 June 2. 9 I noon shopping in Medlord. cies as follows may Is* purchased parents. • Hairy Moore of Ashland was • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, who United State« Depiirtineiit of the at option of the bidder; Larch 1740 Interior, General lauid Office, O. M feet B M . White Fir 600 M transacting business in Talent j liave been living on Thompson i creek this winter, moved to Talent :ui«l C. Adiiiiiilxtratlon, Portland, feet B M . Red Hr 2240 M feet Monday. B M ; none of the timber to be Oregon. • Mrs. Jessie Nichols is employed ' recently where they are occupy - Sealed bids, marked outside sold for less than $1.50 per M feet at the Wolf Creek Tavern in Wolf I ing the Albert Black house. • The Talent extension unit held “Bid for Timber", and addressed B. M for the Larch and lied Fir. Creek. • Talent chalked up some more I their last meeting for the season ( to the Chief Forester, O. and C. $1.00 per M feet B M for the Klamath County: T names in its hall of fame when a at the home of Mrs. Sam Hamil- | Administration,410 Custom House, White Fir In Klamuth local team consisting of Mr. and ton Thursday. The making of face ’ Portland, Oregon, will be received 38 S R 5 E. Sec. 5, SW'.NE1*, Mrs. Don Maygard and Mike Boss­ creams was demonstrated by Mrs. until 10;30 a. in., Pacific time, NW'^NWt*. S'JNW'I,N',SWI 4 ier captured several prizes at the Mary Withrow and Winnifred Ma- May 23, 1939 for the purchase of and SW'.SWL White Pine 1195 annual catfish derby held at Emi- j ' son. An all-day meeting was held timber upon the tract hereinafter M. feet B. M ; Sec. 7, All. White ' and a fried chicken dinner with > described; the cutting and removal Pine 1390 M feet B M ; none of grant lake last Sunday. • Charles Skeeters, local contrac­ I other hot dish«» was served at of the timber to be carried out in the timber to be sold for leas than tor, moved part of his crew of noon. accordance with the forest prac­ $4 00 per M. feet B. M Other spe­ men to the Cove district on Dead • Word was received here that tice rules approved on July 7, 1938 cies as follows may be purchased Indian for extensive logging oper­ Mrs. Frank Lewis, formerly of by the Secretary of the Interior. at option of the bidder; Sec 5 Talent passed away at her home i Each bid must state the amount per Shasta Hr 3345 M. feet B M . Red ations there. • Earl Allen left the first of the in Portland the first of this week. thousand feet, board measure, that Hr 780 M. feet B. M . White Hr week for near Rocky Point where • Elmer Miller of Tule Lake vis­ will be paid for each species or 1350 M feet B. M.; Sec 7 Larch ited his mother and sister last class of timber. No bid for less 4610 M feet B. M . Red Hr 2180 he will have employment. than the appraised value will be M feet B M , White Fir 2030 ." • Mr. and Mis. Carl Lane of week. • Will Bates of the Bates Service considered. Each bid must be sub- feet B. M , none of the timber to station spent Sunday fishing at mitted in duplicate and be accom- be sold for lees than $1.50 per M Fish lake. • M for the ‘ ’ Larch and Red panied by a deposit. The depoait teet B. " • The Community club met Wed­ must be in the form of a certified Hr, and $1 00 per M feet B. M nesday afternoon at the City hall. check on a solvent national bank for the White Fir and Shasta Fir. Instead of the regular meeting the in ____ __________ _ _________ favor of the Chief Forester ___ of In lauie County: T -’0 S , it 1 W . afternoon was spent redecorating j the O. and C. Administration. The Sec 35, NW>4 NW 1« Yellow Hr the dining tables and cleaning the amount of the deposit will be com­ 2660 M. feet B. M . Hemlock 100 kitchen. puted at the rate of at least 20 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber • Mr. Stagger returned Sunday per cent of the first $1000 of the to be sold for less than $2 00 per from the Ashland hospital where bid, plus at least 10 per cent of M. feet B. M for the YeUOW I he has been a patient. Mr. Stagger any additional amount of the bid and $100 per M feet B M foi suffered a broken leg while work­ in excess of $1000 and up to $10,- the Hemlock, felling of the Hem­ ing at the Park Orchard farm. 000, plus at least 5 per cent of any lock to be at the option of the • Mrs. Lewsadder left Saturday additional amount in excess of purchaser. In Linn County: T. 14 for Glendale, Calif., to visit her $10,000. The deposit of any suc­ S. R 1 E. See 35. NE< Yellow daughter-in-law for a month. cessful bidder will be credited as a Fir 4345 M feet B M . HunlOCk ----------------------------- •------------------------------ first installment in the payment 290 M feet B M T 15 S . R 1 W. • The Ladies club met Thursday for the timber. Checks of unsuc­ Sec 1. SW',SE>4 Yellow Fir 1275 afternoon at the club house with cessful bidders will be returned ! Mrs. T. Quamme hostess for the upon the award of the bid. A bond afternoon. Three tables of bridge will be required in an amount com­ ! were in play. Following bridge, de- puted at the rate of at least 20 per i licious refreshments were served. cent of the first $10,000 of the bid, • Miss Margery Clark, Bob Ohl- plus 10 per cen. of any additional und and Billy Gran went to Mt. amount of the bid in excess of MATINEES & EVENINGS Shasta to the Siskiyou county mu- $10,000. Payment for the timber Kiddies 10c | sic festival Saturday. will be required in advance of cut- | ting and at the option of the pur- : chaser may be made in a number j of installments scheduled to keep I Chilli I pace with the rate of timber cut­ ting and payable upon demand lc per Word per Insertion from the Chief Forester. The sue- I Ä cessful bidder will be required, I FOR SALE—New and used desks, and filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) • TALENT • M feet B M.; non«' <»f the timber to be sold for less than $2 25 per M feet B M for the Yellow Hr, und $1 00 per M f«H>t B M for the Hemlock, the Hemlock to Is- taken at the «»ption «>f th«1 purchaser. OPEN SATURDA (M IY !0TH) Southern Oregon’s Ideal Deere; lion Spot ■Mi Twin Plunges IJccnsed Lifeguard Servile Warm and Cool Pool* Pure, Filtered Minerai Muter SANDWICHES ICE CltEA.M COLD IIRINKS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY POPI LAIC Z) PICK ES! 25c « Tlie light to reject un» bids In reserved l>nf(.<| J land, Oregon, tills 2<»th i April 1939 W II Horn J Forester, <> mid (• tlon A 2N J L. • WANT ADS • frctniOVE i DENNIS OKEFFE * FLORENCE RICE 1 COLBERT AMECHE • n a hJariout romance of a Modern Cinderella : JOHMiAMTMOM FUHCB LOOtn ' A> Sunday Matinees now 25c HOME-MADE PIES ITHIA USED CARS 1938 1937 1936 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1936 1936 1937 1937 1936 1935 1937 1932 1931 1930 1931 Ford Deluxe Tudor Ford Deluxe Cabriolet Fold Deluxe Sedan Ford Deluxe Sedan Ford Deluxe Tudor Ford Deluxe Sedan Ford Deluxe Tudor Ford Deluxe Sedan Ford Pickup Ford Coupe Chevrolet Tudor Sedan Plymouth Sedan Graham Sedan Plymouth Coupe Dodge Pickup DeSoto Sedan Buick Coupe Buick Coupe Nash Sedan Many Others! Get Our Prices Before You Buy CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Open Sundays and Evenings NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, In the Matter of the Estate of Amos C. Whitworth, sometimes known as Amos Clinton Whit­ worth, and sometimes known as A. C. Whitworth, deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on May 2, 1939 POISON OAK? FRESH DAILY A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Our Anniversary Special! 10c PER SEAT (Adults or Kiddies) • Our first year is ending, and we take this opportunity to ex­ press to you, our patrons, a , sincere appreciation of your ’support and our assurance of a1 ^continued effort to give you the i ■ greatest entertainment valued that is in our power to give. 1 Sincerely, H. B. HURST ! *ul hpl my For a beautiful new ni » I Dree Heat Regulator 4 Piece Condiment Bet Easy ghdiag Utihty Drawer • Wedgewood Qwuhly Qwüity Const ruction • Heavily Insulated Porcelain Lined Oven • 2 8peed plus 8 imine r Burner» • A»togril RotorDue Broiler • Self Lighted Tep Bnrn.T« VT» Ci e. A* “ORPHANS OF THE STREET” piUH ‘FLIGHT to FAME’ ' •• Saturday Only (At Regular Price«—25c A 10c) RROULARLY . . . ............. I hh $7950 Black Bandit” id Si I Mr kte c li-N.M 5 in Kt Pf I I S THAW AMY OTH€R FUEL ECONOMICAL AM) SAFE Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Life - Auto - Fire 00 39.» Special ■S’ ■ EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER Jackie Cooper INSURANCE Blur Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Price« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS tut I II with ZASU PITTS JAMES MELTON HUGH HERBERT ALLEN JENKINS Pete's Lunch Next Door to Post Office Cali Office 113, Res. 248-R Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE" lol t. W FRIDAY “SING ME A LOVE SONG” M-M-M-M!! You’ll like our delicious bakings and appre­ ciate our he-man cuts . . , M-M-M-M again!! I BROADY BROS DRUGS “GANGSTER’S DOY” In expert manner it pointN to the cruelty that emuie« where false conclusions are haHtily made! Phone 72 _ / TWR GAS COMPANY Ashland "It (