19, .¡day, May IP. 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 ils y \\ iJ 1 ' • ' ini bau J I".ill ugh ■ lit ill |M H.N..0J 1 11111 JM U J 2.000 1 ><’ cuJ igs Id O HI IS ese i a ex od tri rii the I ay 1 <1 hi * ail'll I» c* urti« cult i 'oil- ÿ, f« lì :ix ,t| ■•th* it. « l’usa I . I ’ ND VK 5, Ml M 1 o n Il Pi M m 52 a aseball to Make Debut Here Sunday dford nine HINDSIGHT ON SPORT« ILL FACE A-T IIITFIT AT 2:30 kp.Al.l. Will take a bOW • >' L o’clock Hun.iay afternoon ¡land on the high school din [when the Medford Craters |n t<> fine the Ashland-Tid- ■hUins It will b* their six1 Lining off of the «MUK’n, the [opener* pitting the two at L,| where a 10-7 score gave Ll the edge. Liugh Manager Charlie charge» fared worse Lmrly at Glendale last week- jroppmg a 1*1-0 debacle the Liford-Ashland rivalry Is ex- | to put new color into the L Frank DiSonli's 4OO-ff the league and the lu! righthander is cxpectixl fk the sphere over the Axh- Lue with encouraging fre- bexides probably getting [d for pitching duties Ash land-Ta lent receiving r handled by Rich Skeeters, liny Jone* being a definite on tor Hist Imac Other ra were indefinite yesterday, inger Skeeter* has been fol- [ a course of beat-man-get*- nik in determining his iford. under the nuumg.-r- y Hoosier Hoffard, will strut town Sunday with Erickson •vbublr starting pitcher and Bin Rathke in resrrvr sjwn pil receive, while Porterfield L ■ . first bug H.iiii|><-I will | second, Ager at short and I at third taae, with White I and Hoffard hi the outfield Iford dropped a 13-innlng [with Grants Pass hurt Hun | to 3. while other Southern |n league results Included tnt CM . i. inuith Fulls 5, k I '. I Hill 3 While Med knd Ashland arr battling it [«•re this week-end, Crescent [will play at (Inuits Pass. ■ 1c will drive to Gold Hill, burns will perform in Klaxn- Uls • I ks I IND’ LOST lilt ER Land Elks' softball team lay evening bowed 13-6 to the River Dairymen <»f Medford practice game on the high U field * r and Mrs. Mike Chamreki union visited here recently at »me of Mr and Mrs. George MkiiiMn I and Mrs Charles Butchart beriilan. Orc, visited at the I of .Mr and Mrs James Yeo Mb knley Johnson of Portland I here last week-end with 111 By I TOLD YOU MO ABOVE I« Sgl. Boli Ki-iiniiston of Gold Hill who turigli-«« with Marshall Carter in a re­ mati h nt Medford armory next Mondai night Pete B<-l< .i-.tr<> meet* Bulldog Jiukson in the middle bout mid Eddie Roger* take* on Sailor Dick Trout in the o|M-ner. WITH baseball banging its way into the public eye in Ashland this Sunday, when the Ash Land- Talent nine will entertain the Med­ ford Craters on the local high school lot, a brief reminiscence anent sportswriting Billy Hulen might be both elucidating and amusing Hulen, aged fans will remem tier, used to play a bit of baseball him­ self usually around second base where the throw was short and downhill to first. In case any of you wonder why Writer’s-Cramp Willie retired from the national sport, here’s the straight dope from an eye-witness: It wax one of those fag-end-of- the-aeaaon games with the Klam- ath Falls Red Sox in the potato country when Hulen, in Idthian panties and blouse, made his last stand Klamath Falls was waxing Ashland to a fare-thee-well, as usual, and at long last an Ash­ land chance to score developed. Yours truly was spiking third base and licking his lips at the prospect of actually reaching home plate once during the year. Two outs were chalked up and Bill stopped up to the platter with hands all spitted and chest thrown halfway out to the pitcher's rub­ ber where Clyde Carlstrom wiped the sweat from his brow, showed a half-toothed grin and cut loose. Jlulen must’ve been looking at that blonde in the fourth row at the time, because he whacked out as pretty a blazing bounder as .■ver wh.xmhcd through an Infield. This witness went scampering for home to caress the plate from whence many leaveth but few re- turneth and then It Happened! Hulen, bowing and scraping his way to first base, was still patting himself on the back when the rightfielder threw him out by a good dozen steps. Yep, that positively was Willie Hulen's very last ball game, and no wonder. Old Broken Arm had finally fractured his legs, too. So you know now. Junior Netmen Set New High Record In Sweep of Victories W L 0 1,000 Ash. Jun. Hi. 6 K. F. Frosh .1 s 250 G. P. Frosh 1 4 200 000 Med. Jun. Hi.......0 3 The Ashland Junior high tennis team closed a highly successful season Wednesday by defeating the Klamath Falls freshmen 5 to 2. The local Juniors have won all matches played by lopsided scores. The entire team will be graduat­ ed into senior high school at the close of school next week, thus providing some excellent material. This is the strongest tennis squad the Junior high has ever produced. In Wednesday's match Provost found a worthy opponent and was pressed the limit to finally win 6-1, 3-6 and 7-5. Jandreau, Ash­ land's No. 2, took Lyndal 6-0 and 6- 3 Albert Newbry won his match 7- 5 and 6-1 from George. LaMar Ormond found his opponent too difficult, finally losing 6-3, 0-6 and 7-5. Billy Cooke lost his match 6-3 and 6-4. A-ONE BEER TOUGH But Oh Ho Gentle Tough—On OU Pumping Gentle—On tbe Cylinder Wall* HASTINGS STEEL VENT KINGS Harrison Parts Co. Phene 104 PcL A NEW, FINER DRAFT BREW! ALTO PARTS OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Luder One Roef Clay comb Motor Co HOTELS New Ashland Hotel and Apartment« and Coffee Shop Ashland’s Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comfort* at * home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serve* the beat food in town. Come in a* you are! FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarter* for F.AKM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 M. C. Lininger & Son Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS ASHLAND SIGN SHOP SOLI) IN KEGS ONLY! ASK YOUR DEALER • A-ONE BREWING CO., MEDFORD S’MATTER POP—Hint on Caring for the Garden MESCAL IKE PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 By C. M. PAYNE Take One More Guess, Pa Br S L HUNTLEY ARE S 3 ALL-STAR HAIN EVENTS! ledford Armory GONE FOREVER PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Prices Are Lower! If you’re shy on cash we’ll take part in trade. 406 North Main Street Mutter This to