, May IO. 1939 LLVIEW • Mix W O Martin and xiuisr ami J H Will i u trip Pinvhuist »hl. Louise hus Ix-c-ri ,t the Pinehurst Inn I Mrs R K Hell and and Mrs W O. Mur ,h. . wall to I'illeillltst • ii Mother's «lay picnic, joined there by Mr and K«>rth and son Jimmy ,, Seibert llvlew Home Extension lave th«- last meeting of I ut the club house Frl- Ifi Mix Mabie Mack, sic demonstration ug«-nt jl will Is- present to give j I ’. i soiuil < 'Jiiirm In ( of officers will also be - Walter lx»ng»trrth and |n Dunn will be the host­ ile covered «lish luncheon IKXMt. ,11 Cooking club enter- lit mothers nt u Mother's t the home of their lead- Modn-ll. Monday after- I girls put on a program nslatcd of tun dancing, tying, a violin trio, a uni singing Those pres | Mix R E Bell, Mr» G , Mix Oscar Talent, Mrs jain, Mrs. E<1 Dunn, Mrs Jin, Mix George, Mrs , Mrs Walter Dingstr«-th, |a Quimby und Miss Eu >. i Betty Dunn, n gueet p Cunning club, patricin n Neil, Barixira and Joan /«•iln William», Jeanette Ixiuisc, Inez an«l Edna Eleanor George, Marli- , Marjorie, Iris an«l Chur- drei I and Mrs O. G. Meyers at the R E. Bell home ind M ta Henry Stenrud led nt a Mother's - ther, Mrs Alice Dailey, Grange hull • Miss l|< ivn Dunn ha» been ............. r<- • I'hc Bellview Girl»* baseball «•Irct.il to teach the fourth grad«- team played the Central Point in the Jacksonville schools for Girls’ team at the Ashland high next year Miss .............. ..... the school field Tuesday afternoon. Dunn spent Bellview won 28-14. week end iii Jacksonville working with the Camp Hre girls of which • Friends will be interested to know that Mr. and Mrs. Henry she is a l<•<• Wnllie and Stennid had a telephone installed at their home thia week. Their sons Robert an» getting along fine and will be Ed GowLand, Mr and Mrs Archie able to be up in a few days Kincaid and Eunice, and Mr. and • Jack Williams entertained the Mix De Soto from Yreka .Senior c I ium of th«- Ashland high • The Bellview Grange hel«l a schcxrl at a tsirn dance Mon«biy meefting at the Grange hall Tues­ night The music was furnished by day, May 16. The program was put ii phonograph. on by the Boy Scouts A n Page 3 G 0 PG® JELL-O MILK—Oregon 6uC All Flavors SUGAR—C&H, 10-lb. bags 54e Each LARD-Swift Silverleaf, 2 lbs 23e COFFEE-White House 1-lb jar 23c TOILET PAPER-Astoria, 6 for 23c BUNCH MATCHES-6-box carton 16e VEGETABLES OR ANGES-Sunkist, each le CARROTS BEETS GRAPEFRUIT—Arizona 6 for 15c TURNIPS 3 for ROYAL CLUB CANNED FOODS DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS 15e WHOLE KERNEL CORN 13c STRINGLESS BEANS-2 for 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—No. 2 10c GREEN ONIONS Swift’s Pound 19c ’J* AND THE FOLLOWING DEALERS CITY ELECTRIC STORE J. P. DODGE AND SONS ELHART’S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE JORDAN ELECTRIC WICK’S FURNITURE X-L ELECTRIC MECO PEAS-No. 303, 3 for 25c MECO STRING BEANS-No. 2 10c MECO PEACHES-No. 2| 14c MECO CATSUP 10e ASHLAND CREAMERY PINT 15c QUART ... 29c