r SOUTHERN OREGON MINER New Station Is $10,600 Investine ♦---------------------------------- —------------------------------------------------------------ SHELL UNIT IS [ About People You Know! FIRST OF TYPE IN ALL OREGON A SHLAND S newest business improvement, a new and ultra­ modern service station, will be " opened for business Saturday, May 20, with Lou Rogers as manager, assisted by Bud Gandee and Carl Harris. The station represents a total investment of about >10,000 on the part of J. D. Mars, local business man, owner of the lots at the corner of East Main street and Siskiyou boulevard where the new building has just been com­ pleted. Under 10-year lease to the Shell Oil company, the station will re­ place the one operated at the cor­ ner of East Main and Second streets now by Rogers, and will bring the newest in facilities and equipment to this city. The new station, of modem lines and compact arrangement, includes a full concrete apron and yard, grease room with new safety type hoist, office, rest rooms and computing pump island. The sta­ tion occupies a corner vacant for several years, and fills out the business picture of this section. The concrete station was erect­ ed by the Teller Construction com- I pany of Portland, which hired all local labor and employed local sub­ contractors for the job, with all materials being purchased locally except structural steel. ------------ •------------ • Mi and Mr» Ole« l’r.>m<.tt vi» ’ 1 "si m Slmdy Labe home of Mrs Ida Crandall \ 11 un.w .¡M-iit «et with .Lh„ their Kihicdoa • Mn Bsrt WrigM 1 vl* “,.tl here Sunday at 0» ” ’ ’" M uln • Mr 1 and Mi* Eminitt Width un Mr and Mm M <’ Lininger Huintay. 7 M p Jone« »' “ • t *« rl M «belle • Elaine Quigley vislt.M at Horn Fri» lay, inaile a trip to Ulke O' the Wood» with hei p-i" meeting Sunday end. • Mie H I. Wardle returned e Mr aad Mrs Curtis Tucaday front Vancouver. Wash ,’n Floyd returned to th.-ir boil . A i • • ' ••«■n .vUltlng ut Ih. at Manteca, Calif Sunday foil w and Mrs Mu rulla 11 homo "f Mr ing a visit here at the home of ghielda. Mr and Mrs I. K «-U»k and Mr • Mi and Mr» J*»i»er Heyno’tl» • rd ip*, and Mrs Noel Heard of Grani» 1’»«« vl»ltcd bere laat Visited here l.r • Mr. and Mrs. > D. Millei relativ.» Bnd week-end .1 trip to BU(«M M W«A vn.l * •Ray Uamplwll of Yreka j • Hazel McNemy returned Mon- • Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Johnny Collins dav from Castella. Calif . where I and children of Klamath Falls vis- she has been visiting with rela­ i ited here Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bessie Landen. tives. • Mr. and Mrs. George Codding • Mr. and Mrs C. L. Spindler of Medford attended the catfish spent the week-end with relatives derby at Emigrant dam Sunday. [ in Eugene. • Mr. and Mrs. H Lucero of • Mr. and Mrs. R. Reeves are the Weed visited here Monday with ! proud parents of an eight-pound friends. daughter, born to them Sunday at • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clark of the Community hospital. Harbor visited here with friends • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barnum and relatives last week-end. and family returned recently from • Spencer Radcliffe of Merrill vis­ a two weeks trip to the bay area ited with Ashland friends Monday. and southern California. Kingdom Congratulations, Mr. J- D. Mars FOR YOUR FAITH IN ASHLAND AS SHOWN BY YOUR NEW ÿlO.OOO.OO Mrs. Jordan Gives Dolls Gay ’90 Garb QF INTEREST to a great many people is the collection of old dolls on display in the window of Jordan’s House of Color on the plaza. The dolls, most of them over 50 years old, have been dressed by Mrs. Frank Jordan in the modes and materials of the lat­ ter part of the 19th century from a collection of fashion books published during that per­ iod. The oldest doll in the col­ lection is between 80 and 90 years old. The dolls have been on dis- Ciy since Mother’s day j and ve attracted many ¡»copie | from Medford as well as Ash- land. ------------ •------------ • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Culmer and Mr. and Mrs. Foss Cramer spent I Sunday at Fish Lake. Join the CRATER EXCURSION TO SAN FRANCISCO WORLD’S FAIR STATION AT EAST MAIN STREET AND SISKIYOU BLVD. OPENING SATURDAY FRIDAY, JUNE 2 $9.00 ROUNDTRIP IN COACHES $10.10 in Tourist Pullmans plus berth; lower $1.60 $13.45 in Standard Pullmans plus berth; lower $3.15 Lv. Ashland 7:00 p.m. Ar. San Francisco 9:50 a.m. RETURN •n regular train within 20 days Take advantage of these special rates to join your friends and neighbors in a gay excursion to the great World’s Fair. Sponsored by MEDFORD CRATER CUIB Ask local R.R. agent for details We are glad to have been participants in this newest Ashland development, and we extend our sincere con­ gratulations to Mr.. J. D. Mars, whose investment has made this possible, and also to the Shell Oil Company lessees of the new station, and to the men who will give Ashland a better Shell service, Mr. Lou Rogers Mr Bud Gandee and Mr. Carl Harris. Here’s our best wishes for all of you! TELLER CONSTRUCTION CO., General Contractors, 315 Couch Building, Portland, Ore JORDAN ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS JORDAN S SASH AND CABINET WORKS—MILLWORK, GLASS PAINTS M. C. LININGER & SON—SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED ROCK KNOX LUMBER COMPANY, BUILDING MATERIAL, PAINT, FUEL