Friday, May 12 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 ies and candy were served on the MISSOURIAN! lawn. • Several ladies of the D. A. V. from Central Point, .Ashland and Talent spent Thursday at the • Talent Boy Scouts were given home of Mrs. George Schuler. a grand surprise Thursday night Quilting was the program for the when troop 23 of Jacksonville, un­ day. der the leadership of their scout • Mrs. Steve Nye. sr returned master, Mr. Lewis, and a patrol home from an extended visit with of explorer scouts under Leader her daughter and son-in-law in Earl White and Assistant Leader Texas Hofer paid this troop a visit and • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wheeler conducted the court of honor cere­ of Grants Pass have taken up monies. The court of honor was their residence in Tame's auto the first held since the organiza­ camp for the present. Mr. Wheel­ tion of this troop and was held in er is employed at the Talent mar- honor of the advancement of nine Rot members of the troop from ten­ • Mr and Mrs. George Thurston derfoot rank to the rank of sec­ who are employed in California ond class scouts. The Iti Boy spent the week-end at their home Scouts from Jacksonville were in south of town. uniform and the six explorer • Albert Plasinan left Saturday scouts, young men ranging from for his home in Portland after a 18 to 21 years and the officers week's visit with his sister, Mrs. were dressed in blue uniforms and A. Olson. made a very dignified and impres­ • The Girl Scouts under the lead­ sive appearance as they went ership of Miss Jeannette Gore, had through the beautiful candlelight a party at Jackson hot springs investiture service. The scouts of Saturday. Those who attended in­ Talent troop No. 14 who were cluded Beverly Malone, Clarice given their badges for their first Homes, Lydia Davis, Sharon Van- advancement were as follows: derwall, Elaine Thompson, Nadine Dale Dobbins, Jerry Stephens, Graham, Merrilee Thomson, Mar­ Arduth Spneill, Harry Withrow, jorie McGrew and Marjorie Yar­ BUI Witt, Floyd Yarnell, Rodney nell. Mrs. Parr and Miss Larson Riggs, Elvin Welsh and Lawrence were guests at the party. Sowell. A cordial invitation was • Guy Staeger is confined extended to the Talent troop to at the Community hospital in attend a court of honor in Jack­ Medford with a broken leg. the sonville on May 18. The troop ac­ result of an accident at the Or­ cepted the invitation and ask that chard-Park farm where he was all parents of scouts make this employed. AIAKSHAI.I. CARTER, above trip with the scouts. Cars will be • Several men are employed in­ the ex-lniverslty of MN provided for those who do not stalling an extension to the gas sour I wrestling coach, who have transportation. main to connect with buildings re­ meets Sgt. Bob Kennaston in • The jurors selected for the cently constructed on the new the top main event at Medford Heckthom and Walters trial vis- highway. armory next Munday night. ited the Walters home Thursday. • Quite a bit of hay was damaged Pete Beli-astro and Joe Smolln- by the recent downpour of rain • Mrs. Frank Staska, an elderly skl meet in the middle bout and lady, passed away at her home on this week. Sailor Dick Trout returns to the old highway south of Talent • George Whelpley is employed face Eddie Rogers in the open- Saturday morning. Mrs. Staska with W. W. Maxwell on Keene er. had been U1 for several years and creek in the wood business lived in Talent when they first • Mrs. Lydia Oatman of Medford arrived here from Colorado six was calling on old friends and the yard, adding with the contract loggers, to the annual payroll of years ago. neighbors here Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrickson • F. M. McKeen, who leased the the area. of Klamath Falls were business Graham sawmill, began operating • Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of callers here Thursday. May 1. The mill has a capacity of Tule Lake vvisited friends and rel­ • Saturday afternoon Mrs. Phei- about 20,000 board feet of lum­ atives in Talent this week. fer gave a birthday party for ber. At present cedar is being • E. N. Butler of the Butler Jackie, who was six years old. handled for pencil stock. Later the apartments in Ashland was a Sun­ Those present were Geòrgie Bay­ mill will handle a considerable day caller here with the Walters lor, Carl Cowdrey, Mrs. Roscoe amount of fir lumber for mining 1 and Ottinger families. Campbell and small son and timber and also much pine lumber • Mrs. Elvas Cochran and small daughter of Jacksonville. Games is handled annually. Nine men are daughter of Klamath Falls are Mrs. Cochran's were played and ice cream, cook- ' employed in the mill and five in visiting with • TALENT • ' mother, Mrs. la'aining, and M re. I Fklith Cochran • The Talent Grange gave a dance Saturday night at the Grange hall. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served ax refresh- mente. • M IM Inez Sowell, who 1« ein- ....................... ployed ut the Ashland hotel, , Ull- derwent a major operation al trie Community hospital in Ashland Thursday morning. • Collier Learning of Klamath Falls visited his mother and other relatives here last week • Mr and Mrs Brownie Biacof here of Medford Friday • The Talent Townsend club held their regular meeting; at the city hall Tuesday night. Mrs. Martha Spanker of Medford was the speaker for the evening. • Tlie Talent high school orchea tra visited the schools of Phoenix, Griffin Creek and Bellview in the Interest of the forthcoming senior play. • Those who have relatives or who are interested In the Stearns cemetery are requested to meet at the cemetery Sunday with rakes and shovels for the pur|>oec of cleaning the cemetery. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Mann from Bagley Orchards spent Sun­ day in Ashland. • WANT ADS • lc per Word per Insertion AT THE FORD GARAGE USED CARS FORDS 1938 1935 1934 1933 1932 1930 1936 1935 De Luxe Tudor DeLuxe DeLuxe DeLuxe DeLuxe Pickup Ton Tudor Sedan Tudor Fordor Roadster Truck 3695 3295 3325 $295 3215 3135 3395 3395 OTHERS 1937 1937 1935 1931 1931 1930 1929 1926 1927 1937 Plymouth Sedan Chev Town Sedan Plymouth Coupe Buick Coupe Nash Sedan Buick Coupe Packard Sedan Ikxige Sedan Chev Coupe % Ton Pickup..... 3545 3565 $425 $175 $165 $135 $75 $25 $565 Open Sunday and Evenings Giri meets boy...girl falls in love with ’ hoy...girl suggests week-end together! ) What a girl! What a spot1 What a picture! SUNDAY MONDAY A PRISCILLA As up-to-date as the 20th century and twice as streamlined! A young architect . . his only designs are on Priscilla! JEFFREY ASHLAND, OREGON CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Phone 22 FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) A GREAT WEEK­ END SHOPPERS’ PROGRAM! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES A EVENINGS Kiddies 10c Hopalong Cassidy “Topper” just missed being Priscilla’s father by two words ... “I do!” ROLAND YOUNG Rides the Open Range Again ! i Ma is broad-minded . . Ma has been in jail 19 times (approximately) BAINTER She got her man with lipstick and powder— gun powder! A MAY ROBSON “PARDON OUR NERVE” United Staten Department of the Interior, General Ijuid Office, O. and C. Administration, Portland, Oregon. Sealed bids, marked outside "Bid for Timber", and addressed to the Chief Forester, O. and C. Administration, 410 Custom House, Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 a. m.. Pacific time, May 23, 1939 for the purchase of , Umber upon the tract hereinafter described; the cutting and removal of the timber to be carried out in accordance with the forest prac­ tice rules approved on July 7, 1938 by the Secretary of the Interior. Each bid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species or class of timber. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Each bld must be sub­ mitted in duplicate and be accom­ panied by a deposit. The deposit must be Ln lhe form of a certified check on a solvent national bank in favor of the Chief Forester of the O. and C. Administration. The amount of the deposit will be com­ puted at the rate of at least 20 per cent of the first 31000 of the bid, plus at least 10 per cent of any addiUonal amount of the bid in excess of 31000 and up to $10,- 000, plus at least 5 per cent of any addiUonal amount in excess of 310,000. The deposit of any suc­ cessful bidder will be credited as a first installment in the payment for the timber. Checks of unsuc­ cessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the bid. A bond will be required in an amount com­ puted at the rate of at least 20 per | cent of the first 310,000 of the bid, plus 10 per cent of any additional amount of the bid in excess of 310,000. Payment for the timber will be required in advance of cut­ ting and at the opUon of the pur­ chaser may be made in a number of installments scheduled to keep pace with the rate of timber cut­ ting and payable upon demand from the Chief Forester. The suc­ cessful bidder will be required, prior to the approval of the con­ tract, to furnish a »worn financial statement showing ability to ful­ fill the terms of the contract For copies <>f the form of proposal, form of contract and bond, ami other information. application should b<« made to the Chief For­ ester, O. and C. Administration. Portland. Oregon 'Hie limber vol­ umes, given In the following ap­ praisals. are estimated and may be more or leas than the stated In Jackson Comity: I SN 8 it 4 E. Bee 1. S'» White Pine 640 M feet B M ; appraised at the following minimum price of 34 00 per M feet B M Other h | m «- ciea ax follows may la« purchased Hi option of the bidder; Ijirch 1740 M feet B M . White F ir 600 M feet B M . Red Fir 2240 M feet B M ; nunc of the timber to tie »old for leas than 31 50 |M«r M feet B M for the Istrch and Red Fir. 3100 per M fret B M for the White Fir. In Klamath County: T 38 S B 5 E, Sec 5. SW'.NE'a, NWQNWQ. S'^NWN'»SWl 4 and SW'iSW1 /White line 1195 M feet B M Sec 7, All. White I’inc 1390 M feet It M ; none of the timber to be aold for Iras than 31 00 per M feet B M Other apc- clca as follows may be purchased at option of thr bidder, Sec 5 Sha ita Fir 3315 M feet B M . Red Fir 780 M feet B M . White Fii 1350 M feet B M Sac. 7 I su ch 4610 M feet B. M , Red Fir 21X0 M feet B M . White Hr 2030 M feet B M . none of the Umber to be sold for leas than 31 50 per M feet B M for the Larch and Rod Fir, and 31 00 |>er M feet B M for the White Fir and Shasta Fir In lame Comity: T 20 S, It. 1 W„ Sec 35. NW'»NWYellow Fir 2660 M feet B M Hemlock 100 M feet B M ; none of the timber to be sold for less than 32 00 |>cr M feet B. M. for the Yellow Fir, and 3100 per M feet B M for the Hemlock, felling of the Hem­ lock to be at the option of the purchaser In Linn County: T 14 s k 1 e . See ■!■> NBH Yellow Hr 1315 m foot it M Hemlock 290 M feet B M T 15 S ft 1 W See i. sw . se 1, Yellow Fir 1975 M feet 11. M.; none of the timber to be sold for leas than 32 25 per M feet B M for the Yellow Hr. ami 31 00 per M feet B M for thr Hemlock; the Hemlock to be taken at the option of the purchaser The right to reject any and all bids is reserved Dated at Port­ land. Oregon, this 20th day of April 1939 W H Homing. Chief b n ester. O. and C Administra­ tion A 2H-M 5-12-19 LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday Edith Fellows In “THE LITTLE ADVENTURESS” How to se SAN FRANI WORLD’S your «. p. A»k n.ur Imai agent Q I'eir information 4n<■*» ami budget youriripd Save Finio, Energy! lake lhe train In «a«J more fun at the I J • •Hr J and ready f.,r U tintili Ruling it noyi than driving TRY THE T p 4 Traine have < hanged are deep < uahiuord ag dilmned. Sleeping iw low 10 and 15 tent tcrvice. Free pil|(lwt Southern local S I* agent or OXMANI1Y Gao r,„ Paclhc Hulldin,. Porli, HOMI DEPRECIA it a house is kept mi condition and ropsia promptly and coni made, the expense s ally small. However, it re pain allowed to go unatta arger and more ex pa repairs will be r.scs ater on. 'Io longer need yo;! naking needed r»p ¡'he simple econot ABC Monthly Paym«! irranges for small, wa convenient monthly nents. Como in and bout your house. She rides straight Into your heurt In a picture jammed with laughs and excitement. ------plus- “WEST OF SANTA FE PHONE 2i OAK ST. at KA Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ‘THREE SMART GIRLS GROW UP’ Deanna Durbin Nan Grey Helen Parish MONDAY 3 AIJ.-ST' MAIN EVE in with Lynn Bari—Guinn Williams Michael Whalen Medford A COMING TUES-WED-THURS SUNDAY MATINEES NOW 25c Evenings 35c Kiddies 10c never varies! GLADYS GEORGE GEHE LOCKHART Pliturc ----- pill! BOY SLAVES” COOKS CHEST 0 Here’s Quick Their DIST“1“ The annoying chest nr throat. soothing, warming """.J Better than a terole gets action a salve. It’s a ••rountff- J lilting, it penetrate* th* hel|>sto quickly acnesand pei'1* llinl by million"'"^ 'J mended by many .„ijr.l In throe strength»: (mild) end Extra btr<> by Good HounekwP«* " 1 (urne) Pay.