SOUTHERN OREGON MINER out People You Know! | L Mrs Hkeet O’Connell ||, | Sharon Lev visited L Sunday at the home I Mm To'" »»‘Hurra L Mrs Kurl Nims am! | im \V 1» Whittle made b,. .. .nt City Syndny arry Hoxie visited in lunday. | Mrs Claude Boyer ■ of ►’nils visited here for [ys this week nt the I t' and Mrs B II Boyer |l Ford of Dunsmuir un- Imajor ojHTiillon at the L hospital Monday. Lovost made a buaine»« L< t Monday h Mrs George Gonwick Ln Union creek Sunday. | Gearhart of < Imnti L,| liele Inst Week-end lit [of her parents. Mr and | Gearhart. Li l.mmger ami Emmitt ¡•pent Sunday at nah Yeo of Grants I'ass via Bust week-end hire ami Joe Price of kill visited here Mon- ■ > J. Price [, Scribner visited with L Fort Jones Sunday left this week lor rails where he will be k Kinney left Tuesday Hue in Oakland, Calif, a visit here at the home Xel Hall limea of Oregon State Sited here Tuesday with Lloyd I u-Mers of Yreka it.- Monday at the home p !■: MMi [ Enders left Sunday for I»-1 trip t«> New York via cisco kd Mrs Arba Ager of lie viaited here | laat KITH RADIOS I lit dios *9. m rr rhul Radio ( herked at k’s Radio Servier Bellini Phone 421-R week end at th., home of Mrs Ma < lamiall • Mi ami Mi |;,j Guetzlaff ami son hied of Gohl mu Suir.ay ut tin. home of Mr and Mt« Ted Guetzlaff. O .Ml« Roland Pinks nml daugh­ ter Illumed to their home in Sprague River Monday following a vbiil here ut the home of Mrs Wolter Bevington • Mi and Mrs T .1 Noi by ami children of Vancouver viaited laut week end nt the home Of Mr and Mr». .1 W McCoy. • Wally Wolcott of ................ Klamath bulls visited here Monday with i datives • Mi and M in »'h'lo'fuln were here thia week by the of (.•hila 1 ctersen. • Mis Onim Shadd* »■ of I.os Angeles arrived here Monday tor a visit at the home of Mr and Mrs P p Whitmore • Mi ami Mrs J II Hardy and Mrs C. C. Wolters visited _____ thin week with Boil Hardy and <’hii- lotte Wolter«, both students nt the UniveiMity of Oregon • Mr ami Mi« p R Finnell «pent several day« in Portland and Pendleton thia Week. • Itoix 11 Reynold« underwent ui app<-mle< tomy at the Community hospital recently. A Mr« Bob PitiNon ami non Bob of Dunsmuir were visitors early in the w«k nt the home of Mr ami Mr« John Hughs. > Mt and Mr« Sam Koehler of <’entnil Point vinltcrl here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr«. E G. Davin • Mr and Mr« Jesse Ferren \i«- Itcd in JackNonville Sunday • Nlxson Denton left for Corval- ds hint week-end following a visit here ut the home of hi» mother, Mrs lierlha Denton Denton i» a student at Oregon State college • PETF.It JOSEPH MEYERS Funeral services for Peter Jos­ eph Meyer». 78. who died at hi.« home here on May 6. were held Muy 7 nt the I.itwiller Funeral home with the Rrv E E. Words- worth officiating baxi biili game Sunday The game ¡went 11 innings • Mis K K Meltzler of Ixai An­ gele« is visiting Mrs R. Schlappi. • Mi and Mr« Norton and Mr«. i Halfhill went picnicking in the Lithia park in Ashland Sunday. • Mi ami Mrs. Fred Bayli«« and «on Billy attended church ser- I vice« in Medford Sunday morning. • Mi and Mr«. ix-onard Pullen and family »pent the week-end at Kerby, Ore. —•—---------------- • I he Hilt I „title« Aid met at the < lub house Thursday afternoon, with Mrs H Mitchell leading the d.-votionalH and in charge of the meeting Those present were Meudame« Mitchel), Crandall, A lamenz. W Dutro, E Hjertager. v Nebeker. Roop, R Elliott, H I »<• Jarn.-tt, W Poff, w Holmberg, A Sam Uf I mod , T Anderson. Bern- heisei, J J>,. Witt, is.iiry, J Clark, flight and T Quamme. Plan« Wert completed for the benefit «ujijMT and ««sial to is- held Fri- dny evening. Mrs. De Jamett wa« host*«« Refreuhmentn were serv­ ed following the business meeting. • Mr and Mrs. W A. Gran and »in Billy, Mi«« Enid Gran, Mis« Margery Clark, Evelyn Nelson and Bob Ohlund were in Yreka to the Junior jday Friday evening. • Among those who attended the county track ined at Yreka Sat­ urday afternoon were Mr and Mrs. Coleman. L. Alphonse, Mrs Wright, Mr« Roy Hard, Mr. and Mrs. W Gran, Russell Williams, lot! George, Irvin Mendes, Mr. De Clerck and «on« and Joseph Van De Weghe and Ernest Dutro • Mr and Mrs. Harry Kennedy and Larry «pent the week-end in Grant« Pas.«. • Mr. ami Mrs W. W. Walker I and family »pent the week-end in > San Francisco at the _ fair, __ _______ retum- Ing home Tuesday. • Mrs E. E Gran and soh Rob­ | ert and daughter Naomi, and Jewie Reigel of Kerby visited in Hilt Sunday Mrs. Gran remained with her daughter, Mr«. G. G. Black, and Mi«« Enid Gran, who ba»* been visiting here the past week returned home with them Sunday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Baumgartner attended the PT-A party in Horn­ brook Friday night. • Mr ami Mr«. W. Tallis and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fox attend- «1 the auto races in Medford Sun­ day. • J. E. Trombley and W. E. Smith of the Bumblebee mine were in Hilt Monday. • Mrs A Samuelson went to Marshfield Sunday to visit rela- lives • McCloud »cored a close 5 to 4 victory over Hilt at the McCloud STOP fin COOKING PROBLEMS > A DIPLOMAT IN YOUR HOME! The housework in many families, still using old fashioned cooking meth­ ods, is a continual war against soot, smoke, ashes and grime in an overheat­ ed, unhealthful kitchen. The DIPLOMAT (so called because it solves your cooking problems with quiet, efficient dignity) is a marvel of cooking effi­ ciency. Equipped with attract­ ive opal glass platform light, supported on two bright chrome mountings ... 1 Corox Economizer and 3 standard surface units, the world’s ¡leanest cooking units, supplying greater speed than ever . . . large, lutomatic, super oven with 2 speed heaters, scientific heat evener de- ivering perfectly balanced heat, 2 shelves and broiler pan ... 3 borage compartments . . . automatic appliance receptacle . . . beau- iful, gleaming vitreous enamel finish trimmed in red and black . . . [enuine WESTINGHOUSE, Kitchen Proved quality. $5 down and $3.97 nonthly in your home. ON DISPLAY AT G® PC® AND THE FOLLOWING DEALERS CITY ELECTRIC STORE J. I». DODGE AND SONS ELIIART’S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE JORDAN ELECTRIC WICK’S FURNITURE X-L ELECTRIC Congregational Church Boulevard and Morton Street« Church school at 9:45 a m with Mr«. Glen Prescott an superintend­ ent. The morning worship hour at 11 o'clock will be devoted to Mother’« Day service by Rev. Frank E Carlson of Portland .who will speak on the timely topic of "Mother." This will be the final service by Dr. Carlson for several weeks and we of the Congregational church urge ail friends of the church to hear this sermon. • .MARTHA JANE FREDERICK Funeral services for Martha Jane Frederick, 86, who died May 8 were held May 10 at the J. P. Dodge and Sons Funeral chapel •with the Eastern Star of Central Point and the Rev. James H Ed- gar officiating. Interment was in Mountain View cemetery. • • Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Walker made a trip to Portland last week­ end Page 3 First Baptist Church Charle» E. Dunham, ¡’autor • Howard Scroggins of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end with friends. Church school meets at 9:45 a m. C. N. Gillmore, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock "Mothers of Men” is the subject of the pastor's sermon. The annual Mother's Day tea will be held at the parsonage from 3 to 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Young People’s Union will meet at 7 p. m. Mrs. Willis Aus- land has charge of the program. The evening service at 8 o’clock. The pastor will preach the sermon. Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. .MARY HOLECK PEACHEY Funeral services for Mary Hol- | eck Peachey, 77, who died at her home May 7, were held at the Litwiller Funeral home with the Jehovah Witnesses officiating’. In­ terment was in Mountain View cemetery. Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft DRY BLOX DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! ASHLAND PLANING MILL Local Sawmill—Phone 287-1 I