Friday. May SOUTHERN OREGON MINER National Capitol "The Oklahoma Kid." with James Cagney in the title role, is the surging drama of an empire in creation, a rousing melodrama of the open spaces laid in the (Continued from page 1) planations to make to their con­ stituents. # # # National Defense Alibi With the administration spon­ soring a gigantic national defense program, members of congress are attempting (with more or less suc­ cess) to have their pet measures enacted on the theory that said measures are vital to the defense of the United States against ag­ gressor nations. Bunk instances: Proposal to build a tunnel under Chesapeake Bay (it would cost millions) would aid national de­ fense; a canal across Florida, leaving the lower end of that state an island; a few million for grass­ hopper control to save the forage which is necessary in war; an in­ terlocking network of power lines from one end of the country to the other; wider and heavier roads which can stand up under the pounding of mobile anti-aircraft , equipment and mobile big guns; bonus for airplane manufacturers; more and better landing fields maintained by the federal govern­ ment, and so forth and so on. There is supposed to be magic in the appeal “for national defense." ITS THE SWING- SINGEST BIT or TIE TUB' # MACK' DICK POWELL ANITA LOUISE Ronald REAGAN *• BILIM JENKINS WALTtB CATLETT H1B0LD HUBII i sum nei ta ut i ncTtn uni w nu WBIBI Tit GLAK0UX Or Tit WOBLD II 1011! # # Approximately 92,000 govern- ment workers have the jitters. This is the estimated number of men and women on the federal payroll who are affected by Pres­ ident Roosevelt’s “reorganization plan, No. 1." About 85,000 of these employees are in the field, which means that they are not employed in Washington. D. C. Thousands have civil service sta­ tus, but that does not prevent them from losing their jobs. It does, however, give them a prior­ ity if there is a chance to hook on to another government position. Government jobs sound imposing, but the average pay is around $1200 a year and an employe may remain at that figure as long as he or she continues in the service. And, if you believe all you hear, promotion is a matter of favorit­ ism and not merit. A senatorial committee recently was told that a plain girl is generally passed over for one who knows more about cosmetics than dictation, typing or filing. Of course, there is political pull within the civil service—always has been. White House Lady Eleanor not infrequently holds three teas or receptions at SUNDAY MONDAY ANNOUNCING days when homesteaders were erasing the last frontier in the United States. It is a semi-historic tale of the great land rush and other events which followed the opening up of Oklahoma territory to settlement in 1893. Humphrey Bogart, Rose­ mary Lane and Donald Crisp are in the supporting cast which will start a three-day run at the Var­ sity theater Sunday. vice men guarding the president never look at him -they watch the crowds, which is a different sys­ tem from that in vogue in other countries. The one man who can boss the president is the head of the secret service detail attached to the president. Housekeeper of the White House must keep track of every broken dish and all sil­ verware, these articles being the property not of the presidential family, but of the United States Favorite dishes of the Roosevelts: hot dogs and scrambled eggs • WANT ADS • A HOME-OWNED THEATRE A MIGHTY TRIBUTE TO THE MEN WHO BUILT AMERICA! Friday, Saturday HE COULDN’T SAY NO” He Loved and Learned —Nothing! Frank McHugh Cora Witherspoon Jane Wyman “HERO OF THE HILLS” A Mesquiteer Picture! also March of Time “Young America • WED & THUR» Sunday, Monday and Tuesday NEWSDOY’S HOME” with Jackie Cooper Wendy Barrie Edmund Lowe And the Little Tough Guys SELECTED SHORTS Coming Soon! Three Smrat Girls Grow Up” B M . White'*3 M . none of tliri for less than $ jj M for the i.,irc( ■ In­ ubo «ili meri Eddle Itoger» of Detroit in thè opener of Mark l.lllard'» wr«*t- llng card ut Medford armory next Monday night, Peti- Bel caxtro and llob kennnxtoti clash in thè malli event and Marshall Carter meri» Joe Smolln»kl In thè middle go. DON’T FORGI TO SEND TH MIRAC M feet B M . White Fir «00 M I. . t B M . Red Fir 2240 M feet B. M . none of the timber to be »old for less than $1 50 per M feet B M for the IJirch and Red Fir $100 per M feet B M for thr White Fir In Kianiath County: T 38 S . R 5 F... Sec 5. SW'.NK'«, ¡ A FLAVOR All ITS OWN THAT) NW , NW . 8 NW i N' 8W1 4 and SW'iSW'. White Pine 1195 MILIIONS PREFER M feet B M Sec 7, All. White I AT THE FORD GARAGE USED CARS FORDS 1938 1935 1934 1933 1932 1930 1936 1935 DeLuxe Tudor DeLuxe DeLuxe DeLuxe DeLuxe Pickup 1 *4 Ton Tudor $695 S295 Sedan ...... Tudor. .. . Fordor Roadster . $325 $295 $215 $135 $395 $395 the White House in an afternoon. One group of women scarcely Truck leaves before the next batch ar­ rives and the third crowd is mov­ OTHERS - ing toward 1600 Pennsylvania avenue in taxicabs before the sec­ 1937 Plymouth Sedan $545 ond company makes an exit. Mrs. 1937 Chev Town Sedan $565 Roosevelt, on these occasions, 1935 Plymouth Coupe ... $425 merely appears for a few minutes, 1931 Buick Coupe ......... $175 smiles, bows, and says a few re­ 1931 Nash Sedan ........... $165 marks and leaves. A peculiar gift 1930 Buick Coupe ......... $135 of the president is that he can dis­ 1929 Packard Sedan ....... $75 cuss local affairs (particularly 1926 Dodge Sedan ........... $25 political), of any part of the 1927 Chev Coupe ..... $39 country with all the authority of 1937 % Ton Pickup......... $565 a native. In public the secret ser- Open Sunday and Evening« LITHIA Sgt Bob Kennaston of Gold Hill, world’s junior heavyweight wrestling champion, gels anol he: chance for sweet revenge at Med ford armory next Monday night. May 8, when he takes on Pete Belcastru, the mad Italian of Weed, Calif., in the top main event of Mack Lillard’s weekly mat pro­ gram. Kennaaton lost no time in trouncing Joe Smolinaki two straight falls last week to get even for beatings at the hands of Smolinski earlier in the cham­ pion's career ami the Gold Hill pride and joy will have the same thought in mind when he goes to the post against Belcastro. Kennaston showed himself much improved performer Monday in presenting a new hold which he named the "Gold Hill swivel." It consists of taking th«1 opponent’s lower part of the fuce in one brawny arm and locking it with the other in the form of a headlock, then swinging it for dear life. It usually results In the victim yelling "uncle" long and loud. Marshall Carter, the clcvei Mis­ sourian. takes a big chew in 8n><> linski in the middle go. Carter, who likes to keep his work in the bounds of the rule book, will be up against a one-man riot in Smolin- ski. Eddie Rogers of Detroit return« to face Phil Romano who has yet to lose a match in the Medford ring prior to the approval of the con­ tract, to furnish n swom financial statement showing ability to ful­ fill the terms of the contract For copies of the form of proposul, form of contract and bond and other information, application should be made to the Chief For­ ester, O. and C. Administration, Portland, Oregon The limber vol­ umes, given in the following ap­ praisals, are estimated and mny be more or less than the amounts stated. In Jackson County: T 38 S., R 4 E , Sec. 1, S'.» White Pine 1c per Word per Insertion 640 M feet B. M.; appraised at the following minimum price of $4 00 per M feet B M. Other spe­ FOR SALE Caterpillar tractor, cies as follows may bo purchased 30 hp., overhauled, painted. at option of the bidder: Iairch 1740 $625; will deliver. M VanVliet, Grants Pass, Ore„ route 1. box 0 655, highway 99. (16p) • Evenings 35c—Kiddies 10c Pine 1390 M fret R M the timber to la« so|,| f,' $4 00 per M feet B \| , civs ax follows may 1», nt option of the bld(d Shasta Fir 3345 M fe-ctl ...---- ---- M - fret ■ , fret B M fret It M !<-, ‘Oklahoma Kid’ Will Gold Hill Marine To Bring Action, Thrills Get Second ( rack A To Varsity Sunday Weed Wop Monday ¿3650 O r a beautiful Rew (yVio«wooD G as R ange «*¿4 ßuUt ül (fa Cèiculaiùt^ CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. FOR SALE—New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) Complete With • Large Kitchen Heat» • High-Speed Low-T» perature Oven • 4 Speed-plus - Simw Burners Astogrll Smoketai Broiler Self-Lighting Burmn Oven Heat Regulatw Easy gliding Utility Drawer REGULARLY $13600 SAVING $ 3650 United State« Department of the Interior, General Luid Office, O. and C. Administration, Portland, [ Oregon. Sealed bids, marked outside "Bid for Timber”, and addressed J to the Chief Forester, O. and C. i Administration, 410 Custom House, Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 a. m., Pacific time, I May 23, 1939 for the purchase of timber upon the tract hereinafter described; the cutting and removal of the timber to be carried out in [ accordance with the forest prac- , tice rules approved on July 7, 1938 ' by the Secretary of the Interior. Each bid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species or J class of timber. No bid for less | than the appraised value will be I considered. Each bid must be sub­ mitted in duplicate and be accom­ panied by a deposit. The deposit must be in the form of a certified check on a solvent national bank in favor of the Chief Forester of the O. and C. Administration, 'rhe amount of the deposit will be com­ puted at the rate of at least 20 per cent of the first $1000 of the bid, plus at least 10 per cent of any additional amount of the bid in excess of $1000 and up to $10,- 000, plus at least 5 per cent of any additional amount in excess of $10,000. The deposit of any suc­ cessful bidder will be credited as a first Installment in the payment for the timber. Checks of unsuc­ cessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the bid. A bond will be required in an amount com­ puted at the rate of at least 20 per cent of the first $10,000 of the bid, plus 10 per cent of any additional amount of the bid in excess of $10,000. Payment for the timber will be required in advance of cut­ ting and at the option of the pur­ chaser may be made in a number of installments scheduled to keep pace with the rate of timber cut­ ting and payable upon demand from the Chief Forester. The suc­ cessful bidder will be required, $9950 GA°SRE|SE FAST C00CI G\7„HAN ANY °™ER FUEL. FAST — CLEAN - ECONOMICAL AND SAFE. 77>e Choice of Experience! Gfls Callfornia-Paciiit Utilities Co. Phone 72 your gas company Ashing