, May 5, 1039 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 shland* Medford Ball Feud Opens GUE OPENER T FOR PEAR TY DIAMOND < Southern Oregon league „.-ball season will get under Sunday. Muy 7. with Ash- ) Lithlans traveling to Med to take on their favorite bit- ivals, the Craters of Manager ¡, , Hoffard PUot Charlie ,.rH Will attempt to resume ind's habitual superiority the [war pickers of two years vlici! the locals dumped Med­ in five meetings opening pitch is s«d for 2:30 Ik on the high school turf and. hough exact strength of the ord outfit Is u matter of con- re, the last year's champions already bowed twice to the | Sons of Italy in practice sis while defeating Prospect Chiloquin. In Ashland's lone jee session, the IJthlans best- ilt, Calif rling for Medford will be two ie Ashland hitters' favorites. Erickson and Bill Rathke. > Dixon will be receiving for loffarditcs Dick Porterfield, er Uthian first sacker, will r the Initial bug, while Johnny >n will spike the second bajw- Arba Ager has been stat- d at shortstop, with Cook at j; Orval liamjH!l, left field. I1che, center, and Manager ard (himself) in right field ihland's lineup for the «wason er will probably include ik DlSordi and Wayne Com- on the throwing staff, Rich lers retching. Tiny Jones, bus«- Moore, second; Maxson, (Stop; Joanls, third; Ed Lea- ', Don Montgomery and Keith, (M her league openers Sunday take Grants Pass to Crescent Gold Hill to Glendale, and nath Falla to Dorris. ------ •---------- oe Taylor of Bly visited here y In the week at the home of elater. Mrs Cloma Burton, lorn Provost macle a business to Yreka Thursday. 'arrir May Smith visited with nds in Klamath Falla last k-end. lharlea Weaver of Port Orford led here Tuesday with friends In I.yle Anderson of Medford falling here this week at the >r of her parents, Mr. and Mrs H Balls Dr H A Huffman of Bend ted here last week-end at the «e of Mr and Mrs C E Huff- Junior Net men Drive Toward Title Hope The Ashland Junior high tennis team won its second consecutive match against a combined fresh­ man and sophomore team of the Grants Pass senior high by a 5 to 2 score, last week the locals de­ feated Medford, « to 0 Buddy Provoat defeated Bruba- ket « 0 and 6-0 to take the number one singles Charles Jamlreau playing number two man did nr?* ln k his match in straight sets from Huvani UWyatt Davis dropped his match to Everton. In doubles play the Provost and Jandreau combination won easily in straight sets Ashland's number w<> team of Albert Newbry and idiMar Ormond also won in straight sets If the Juniors can maintain the present pace, they will be able to claim the •outhem Oregon Cham- • pion«hip SOFTBALL NINES WILL PLAY TWO GAMES WEEKLY yy ARMING UP to their subject, including tentative feeling of muscles in throwing and batting arms, managers and representa­ tive« of the six teams entered in the Ashland Softball association for the summer Wednesday night talked schedule, roster deadlines and playing nights The confab, which was held in the Chamber of Commerce office, resulted in a three-night week being establish­ ed for league games, each team to schedule two games weekly Mon­ day, Wednesday and Friday nights were selected for the official games, with the league openers starting Monday, June 5 under the high school athletic field lights. The group also ruled that player rosters and entrance fees should I be turned in to President Howard Wiley and his rules committee (in- eluding Bill Snider and Clyde Young) not later than May 25. The association empowerd the governing committee to select an official scorekeeper for the en- tire season and voted to assess each team sponsor the amount re­ quired to pay the scorekeeper 50 cents per game for accurate tally­ ing. The assessment will be pay­ able with the entrance fee of |5 per team. Official team standings, batting averages and related data will be compiled throughout the season, enabling fans and team managers to have an accurate check on effective abilities of their players. Five of the six league teams have definitely been entered— Dodgers, Rogues, Pine Boxers, Elks and Miners with the sixth team tentatively signed on to be Ebe Dunn’s Bellview Grangers, re­ placing the proposed Provost en­ try. Dunn Wednesday night was uncertain whether he could place a team in the field, but said he would make an effort to bring a bunch of haytossers to town who would show the urban outfits how the game should be played. Intensive practice sessions are expected to get under way within the next 10 days, with several teams already having accepted practice game challenges from Medford and Grants Pass outfits. According to Manager John Imugherty, his Rogues will travel to the Climate City as soon as new suits arrive. ------------ •------------- • Gordon McCracken made a business trip to Medford Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Sam Jordan spent Sunday on Rogue River. • Bill Sander of Yreka visited here last week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sander. TOUGH But Oh 8o Gentle Tough—On OU Pumping Gentle—On the Cylinder Walls HASTINGS STEEL VENT RINGS Harrison Parts Co. Pboue 104 OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Life - Auto - Fire Claycomb Motor Co. INSURANCE HOTELS Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Price«« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Office 113, Ke«. 248-R Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop Ashland’s Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serves the beat food in town. Come in aa you are! FARM IMPLEMENTS OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER * AUTO PAKTS Complete Service Coder One Roof ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! 5c I Headquarters for FARM MACHLNERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 M. C. Lininger & Son Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS ASHLAND SIGN SHOP per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-Oz. Glass! • BOHEMIAN CLUB PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Prices Are Lower! If you’re «by on cash we’ll take part in trade. 40« North Main Street PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOB ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 Ak BROWER, Proprietor S’M ATTER POP— Pop Surely Saves a Lot of Experiment Bother By C. M. PAYNE Leslie Price of Chioo. Calif , ted here Tuesday with his bro- r. O. J Price. Mrs Sarah Reed and Thelma «1 >>f Eugene visited here for eral days this week at the MESCAL IKE sr s. t- The New Public Enemy huntlev WRESTLING NT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory them days are gone forever say okay ’ s ime -Raoooue. jooesy » í ’ hj E íze ' s a ieajr . cxíof «o nou «. ese ! DOio'T 1tuu ne T hkv a hmj (S aCAUN 6(%)MA CRy I you OK SOrf« If î. COCtV OMUY TA5TU Pie’’ THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER!