Mayj SOUTHERN OREGON MINER LIFE’S BYWAYS! '•ha UtiVuj FOR S aue not! OU Ft iriirrMi of Table Rock were guests of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Homes Satur­ day evening • W. W. Of Keene Creek wax hxiklng after business affairs here Saturday • Mrs McMahan ami children of l-os Angeles arrived in Talent re­ cently and are living in the Foster house Mr McMahan will join his family later They are former resi­ dents of Talent. • I he Talent Community club were guests of the Valley View club last Thursday Those who attended from Talent” were Mrs Jay Terrill, Mrs Charles Hold- M fm . Mary Withrow, Mrs. Winnie* Manon, Mrs. loaming, Mrs Enberg and M th Harriett Bates • Mrs Myrtle Simmons returned to her home this week from an ex­ tended visit at Sacramento, Calif, • Mr. ami Mrs Bob Logan visited in Prospect ami at Crater 1-ake Sunday. • The Community club held their semi monthly meeting at the club Wednesday afternoon with a g'xxl attendance • I' rank (}. Manness of Hoopa, Calif , is visiting his sister, Mrs. E M ix-aming. • A. Vanderwall and family who have lived at Tame’s auto camp for the past six months, moved to Klamath Falls this week • Crate McElfresh opened up a shoe repairing shop adjoining Try­ on’s store last week. Page 3 Origin of Names Of Oregon Pioneers With County’s Towns Is New Crime Laboratory Interesting Review Oregon’s new crime detection laboratory authorized by the re­ By WPA Federal Writers’ Project cent legislature will make this That Persist was named by Wil­ state the first in the Union where liam W. Willitts, pioneer settier, state, county or city peace offi­ cers may obtain scientific aid because, it required 18 years of without special charges, said Dr. persistent effort to secure a post­ Frank Menne, head of the path­ office for his immediate neighbor- ology department at the Oregon hood; that Orcal is name made up Medical school, in an address to by railway officials by taking the the faculty Triad club at Oregon first part of the names of the State college. States Oregon and California, and that Tolo, named for Yolo, Calif., received itx name through a mis­ take of the postal authorities who read the "Y" as "T”, are a few of the interesting origins of Jackson county place names found by the federal writers' project of the WPA in the research being con­ ducted on the sources, origins, pronunciations and meaning of all Oregon place names. This information is often ob­ scure as much of it is pioneer lore which has not been written down. The federal writers’ project wants to obtain, for a permanent record, all available data on present place names, or names by which places used to be known for an exam­ ple Tolo was first known as Wil­ low Springs but an early resident, disliking the commonplace name, in 1886 petitioned the postal au­ thorities to have it changed. Any­ one having source information I concerning geographic names- - rivers, towns, lakes, mountains or any place worthy of a name is asked to write the federal writers’ A resolution of appreciation to project, Elks Building, Portland, the Southern Oregon Miner and Ore. other newspapers of the Shasta- Cascade Wonderland region that have constructively supported the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland asso­ ciation and the Shasta-Cascade exposition commission in their promotional activities to develop and publicize the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland scenic region and con­ struct and maintain a creditable building and exhibits at the world's fair on Treasure island, was adopted at a joint meeting of PHONE members of boards of supervisors and county courts and association members in Klamath Falls Satur­ day. The meeting was in connec­ tion with a session to provide adequate financing for the expo­ sition exhibit, and ways and means of taking full advantage of the promotional possibilities it affords. At the same time the meeting unanimously deplored and con­ demned, in the same resolution the action of those newspapers who have failed to evidence a commonwealth spirit by support­ ing the work of the two organi­ zations and, in certain cases, have printed allegedly unjust criticisms an«l misleading stories without even attempting to obtain true facts from officers of the organi­ zation. The meeting was attended by approximately 50 representatives of all nine counties of the Won­ derland region. It was the con­ census of opinion that the Shasta- Cascade exhibit has been splen­ didly conceived and constructed, properly managed and is a credit and a valuable asset to the region. --------- •------------- Dr. Menne, who has built up a famous crime detection laboratory as a sideline to his regular work, will on July 1 turn over the direc­ tion of the expanded facilities to Dr. Joseph Beeman, who partici­ pated in the program here. Scien­ tific apparatus which permits al­ most unbelievable identification of materials in crime detection work was explained. Dr. Menne believes the next major step in coping with crime in Oregon will be to replace Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu. ft DRY BLOX DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! Miner Com mended For Support of Fair bout People You Know! and Mrs lairkin Grubfe and John and Milo, fished <>n Indian Sunday beri Yeo of Grants Paas vis- here Inst week-end at t be of his parents. Mr and Mrs. 1 Yeo and Mrs R E Poston a trip to the coast Bunday s Virginia Expy of Corvallis d recently to spend the er here. and Mrs. P. R Hardy are ig in Spokane this wrek amt Mrs R L Lindner, y Lindner ami Bill Jungwirth i trip tO Klamath Falls Betty Cliff Mclx-an, Robbins and Alice Harker ;i trip to Chiloquin Sunday. M i ■ < Sarence Walls of y visited here last week-end e home of Mr. and Mm E C ili Wiley of Granta Pass last week-end here at the of Mayor and Mn T 8 and Mm. J T Rosen an* «rents of a son, Larry Wil- boni to them at their home ftri-ct April M an Billings, who attends Uni­ ty of Oregon, visited here week-end at the home of her nt*. Mr. and Mrs Homer Bili- azel Bowers in working thin t in Yreka Irs Hattie Burnett of Klam- Falls visited with friends here day Irs T<-d Schopf and daughter f of Chliner. [Mr and Mrs Robert Gillmore Tt'''l at the home of Mr. and n L C. DeCarlow on the ^•tnsprlngs Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Verne Marker of yerhaeuser camp visited here aday with friends Joe Kin^- Hnd DaJe o.Harrn *d on the Klamath river Mon- I leased the Graham sawmill took i ver the business on May 1. <) Mr and Mrs A. Graham moved from Gibson avenue, where they have been living for the past year, into the Enders property. <3 'Hie Boy Scouts met Thursday evening at the club rwin with Bert Simmons, scout master. There were 16 members present. • Mr and Mrs Clyde Collins moved from the Ashland Mines Saturday into the Bradley house formerly the Richfield station. • Mrs Martha Spanker of Med­ ford was a business caller here Monday. • Mrs Gladys Hedrick of Rose­ burg visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Young, the latter part of the week. • Edward Jones of Central Point wax a Talent caller Monday • Mrs Riley Niswonger of Klam­ ath Falls came Saturday to visit her mother. Mrs. Mary Work«, who celebrated her 82nd birthday Saturday. • Carl Bommtr of Mêdford visit­ ed Talent Saturday. • Wayne Wheeler who is employ­ ed at the Talent Market spent Sunday aftemixin at Grants Pass with his family. • The 1*T-A held a dad's meeting at the school Friday evening Af­ ter a short program cake and cof­ fee were served. There were 40 people present. • Raymond Stone of Syracuse, Kfm . arrived here Monday to visit his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. Raymond's mother, ,M.s, Mabie Stone, has been here for UM past month visiting her parents and will accompany her son home by way of the San Fran­ cisco fair. They plan on staying in California for a week. • Mr. Wedge, an elderly man, fell out of his hay loft Sunday while attending his stock and broke a couple of ribs and injured one of his shoulders The Wedges live one mile southwest of Talent. • Art Eastland left last week for Idaho on a combined business and pleasure trip. • Mr and Mrs Clifford Collins Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nlckademus no parents of a baby boy. “r ‘‘eiri and Dudley Estes ™ dinner guests of Mr. and Joe Tryon Friday. ,Hpn Hart returned home .„7 .Alto’ Ca,lf ■ after a two . ■•■•v Uluru, ^ere n