Friday, May j SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! • The Upper Valley Community club gave a chicken dinner for the teachers of the Ashland Junior high school recently. The dinner was in honor of Miss Ila Meyers, who is leaving the school. Mrs. 1. E. Deadmond was in charge of the dinner, and working with her on the kitchen committee were Mis. George Helms, Mrs. Floyd Sam- ford and on the dining room com­ mittee were Mrs. Walter Longs- treth and Mrs. Edwin Dunn Mem­ bers of the club donated the food. • Miss Aileen Inlow, who teaches school in Gold Hill, visited Satur­ day and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Vai Inlow. • Saturday, May 6, the Jersey Cattle association of southern Oregon will hold a meeting at the Ladino dairy ranch near Ashland, which is owned by Mr. Enders and operated by Richard Joy. All per­ sons interested are invited to at­ tend and bring a basket lunch. Coffee will be served by Mr. En­ ders and Mr. Joy. A business meeting will be held during the day, at which time the members will elect officers. I ning, the members voted to send • Miss Helen Dunn, who teaches | Dale Williams to the 4-H summer in Jacksonville, visited Saturday j school to be held in Corvallis in and Sunday at the home of her j June. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn, and at the home of her • The home economics committee grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. of the Grange held a meeting at the Grange hall Thursday. Other Peachy in Ashland. • During the business meeting of members of the Grange also came the Bellview Grange Tuesday eve- to the hall and a general clean-up of the grounds and building was I .......... ".......... completed. The ladies prepared I and served a covered dish dinner at noon. . raising club. Dale Williams is to icad the club. • The Community club will hold a meeting Wednesday at the Grange hall. A covered dish lunch­ eon will be served at 12:30 o'clock by the hostesses for the day, Mrs. George Helms, Mrs. J. M. Crow, Mrs. Vincent Lanini and Mrs Al­ bert Arnold During the business meeting members will elect offi­ cers. Each member is requested to bring her gift for the box which they are planning to send to the children 0 Special attention is called to a villis. ’s farm home near Cor- meeting to be held Monday eve­ ning at the Bellview school house • The soil conservation commit­ Phone 1732, Medford, Oregon for all boys in Bellview who are tee of the Bellview division, Edwin interested in organizing a 4-H pig Dunn, Glen Inlow and Henry Car­ ter, were at the Grange hall Wed­ nesday, Thursday and Friday of last week helping the farmers of Bellview to fill out the blanks given them. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longs- treth and children, Jack, Dale and Veeda Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helm and daughters Bar­ bara and Joanne, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crow enjoyed a picnic in Lithia park Sunday. • Mrs. Miles Farmer and daugh­ ter Betty Lou and Mrs. Daniel Farmer and daughter Dolores re­ turned to their homes in Dorris, Calif., Tuesday, after spending several days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd • Robert Bell, who is employed in Bly, spent the week-end visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bell. • Miss Fem Wenaus was remov­ ed to her home Wednesday from the Community hospital where she T he LOW COST WAY recently underwent an appendec­ tomy. She is well on the road to TO PAY FOR recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lusk and Denver Kincaid of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Howard. ANY BRANCH • Miss Marjorie Bell visited Sun­ day with friends in the Applegate FIRST NATIONAL district. • Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin and BANKor PORTLAND Louise and J. H. Williams visited Sunday at Pinehurst at the apart­ ment of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth. • Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rosen are the parents of a baby boy, bom Wednesday of last week. The baby has been named Larry William. • Misses Lois White and Eunice Kincaid and Ralph Gillmore FLOOR SANDING Willard L. Dudley Tom Walker returned from Forest Grove Sunday where they compet­ ed and won the music contest Others going weie Miss Margaret Lininger, Bill Willitts and Earl Warren of Ashland. • Mrs. Ix-slie Lusk of Ashland visited Monday afternoon nt the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Kin­ caid. • Miss Anna Mae Hazelwood, who lias been teaching School in Svl vies, returned to her home here Saturday evening for the sum- met vacation. • Mt and Mrs Elmer Ayres of Days Creek spent Saturday and Sunday visiting nt the home of Mrs Ayres' parents, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Brahs and family. • Mrs. R. E Bell and Kenneth made a trip to Medford Monday on business. • Miles Farmer and Daniel Far­ mer returned to their work at Dorris Monday after spending several days nt the home of Mr. and Mrs Willis Byrd and family. • Mr. and Mrs Walter Brahs vis ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon In Grants Pass. • Mr. and Mrs Earl DeSota and son of Yreka visited several days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid and family. Mrs. Ih-Sota Is a sister of Mr. Kincaid. • Misses Nina and Anna Mae Hazelwood visited Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Hazel Ferns in Ash­ land. • Mr and Mrs Max Wiggens of Roseville. Calif., visited Wednes­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Brahs and family Mi Wiggens is a br< >t her <>f M11 Brahs • Mrs. K. C. A vent spent Satur­ day evening visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid ---- •— JAMES E. MACFAVDEN Funeral services for James E. MacFayden, 74, who died April 27 in Livingston, Mont, were held here at 2 p. m. May 1 at the J. P Dodge and Sons funeral chapel with the Rev J. H Edgar officiat­ ing, Interment wax in Mountain View cemetery James MacFay­ den was the father of Mrs. Robert W. Pentzer of Ashland. • Mr and Mrs < ilt I.AUKA JANE HOWARD Funeral sarvices for lauira Jane visited with relatives Howard, 91, who tiled April 29 at ville Hunday. her home on IJberty street, were held al 2 p. m May 2 at the Lit- Wtller Funeral home with the Rev. James II Edgar officiating Inter­ ment was in Ashland cemetery CORNS C • • Mr and Mrs S. H Hhort and daughters, Charlotte and Margar­ et, spent several days at the fair In San Francisco last week. $50.00 REWARD .McNAlK I ill (IN £ ALONG THE HIGHWA Ql’T on thè road. <>a a l»usy highway, 1« no pi lo conault a mrchanic abolii your automati trouhlr*. and thal’a why wr suggrat thul you , ineiiilHT lo bave your molor rhrckrd for «munì drlvlng efflciency and dependabUity. Our All Time-1 p System m III adii plchup, mlleugr w «atlafiutlon . . . and wlll glvr un an tappo riunii lo detrai troublr that ni») br de velo pln g Tfc cast U «mali—and our servire la prompi. OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 Ouk StnM-t. A «Illune! • Corrine Robinson returned re­ cently from Loa Angeles STOP TOTO STO i HEL COOKING PROBLEMS KEEP A DIPLOMA in yo HOME The housework in many families, still using oli fashioned cooking meth­ ods, is a continual wf against soot, smoke, ash« and grime in an overheat­ ed, unhealthful kitchea The DIPLOMAT (so < alki because it solves your cooking problems witi quiet, efficient dignity) » a marvel of cooking effi­ ciency. Equipped with attrad- ive opal glass platfoni light, supported on two bright chrome mountings ... 1 Coroi Economizer and 3 standard surface units, the world* cleanest cooking units, supplying greater speed than ever . . . large Hw.ri?,ttl^.SfUPfr °r? Wlt? 2 8pccd Scientific heat evenerdr livenng perfectly balanced heat, 2 shelves and broiler pan ... I tiful. VaX vnX’u. enamei0”^ ¡.¡.ck^ monthly Ki^" „ua.i^d^ ‘ and $3-9’ AFTER THE GAME THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A REFRESHING BATH . . . WITH P-L-E-N-T-Y OF HOT WATER! ON DISPLAY AT C® PC© AND THE FOLLOWING DEALERS (TTY ELECTRIC STORE J. P. DODGE AND SONS ELHART’S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE JORDAN ELECTRIC WICK’S FURNITURE X-L ELECTRIC Electricity Safely and Dependably Supplies An Abundance of Hot Water at Low Cost! Ashland Light Department ZEF nf , w “Your SERVICE Department Have T 9 Dickey *•7 Houli I 9 I