Friday, April 28, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 LAY PLANS FOR CONFAB HERE (Continued from page 1) traction for the visiting postmas­ ters, who will enjoy a large picnic lunch in the cool retreat. Band music and one of the convention's principal addresses will mark the outdoor repast. The general committee on ar­ rangements, headed by host Ful­ ler, includes the postmasters of Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Roseburg. Local conven­ tion committees will be appointed soon by the Ashland Chamber of Commerce, which is actively spon­ soring the entire program. Local business men and citizens also will cooperate to make the gath­ ering one of the year's outstanding events in the city. • • Subscribe for The Miner today. One year $1.50, six months 80c. EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY! Shoppers Week-End BARGAIN PRICES 25c MATINEES AND NIGHTS Bob Kennaston Will Return to Armory To Smear Joe Smolinski --- • ___ I Congregational Church Boulevard and Morton Streets Rev. II. S. Wannaniaker, Pastor The regular services for this church will continue. Bible school at 9:45 a m. with fine teachers and Mrs. Glenn Prescott as super­ intendent. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock with Rev. Frank E. Carlson, Supt. Oregon Congregational conference will speak on the subject "Does God have Favorites.” A new opportunity for worship and service is offered to any and all who desire to serve. ----------- •----------- Church of the Nazarene E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth and Streets WHEN THESE STARS SHINE ON YOU... You’ll be in Enter­ tainment Heaven! "The church where you are never a stranger.” Sunday school 9:45 a. m. T. S. Wiley, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor, "The Spir­ it's Anointing and Power." Evening worship 7:30 o'clock. Pastor will preach on “Your Cor­ rect Weight.” A hearty welcome to you. —•----------- “A troupe of male dancers ap­ peared in Medford this week,” re­ marks Len Hall, "and husbands of southern Oregon cooked their own dinners.” Since when has Hall cooked a dinner of limburger cheese and beer?—Weston Leader. Fred MacMurray in “SING YOU SINNERS i Selection of a date for Jackson county day at the Golden Gate international exposition has been ■ equested by the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland association in com­ munications to Ralph Billings and A. H. Banwell, Jackson county I members of the Shasta-Cascade exposition commission The asso elation is anxious to take full ad­ vantage of publicity opportunities offered by Wonderland county days at the exposition, ami has received assurance from exposi­ tion officials that dates selected by the various counties will be ap­ proved provider! there is no con­ flict with days already set. Although official county days may be selected as desired during the run of the exposition, the Wonderland association urges that preference be made as soon as ¡Missible to preclude chance of con­ flict. It is necessary for the asso­ ciation to file requests with the exposition company and make out applications for admission of bands or musical organizations ac­ companying county delegations Assistance of Jackson county council officials of the association is offered the local exposition com­ missioners' and organizations in working out plans for any excur­ sion planned for Jackson county day. Walter H Ia-verette is director and Karl Janouch is chairman of the Jackson county council of the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland asso­ ciation. • Bob Kennaston of Gold Hill, former sergeant in the United States Marines and now world wrestling , heavyweight junior v.—...K............ champion, will ....... return to the Med­ ford armory Monday night. May 1, to face Bad Boy Joe Smolinski of Doland in Mack Lillard's top main event. Smolinski won the right to meet the villainous champ by lit­ erally beating the socks off Pete Belcastro last Monday. Since winning the belt from Dude Chick in Hollywood, Kennas­ ton has toured the midwest and south where he has met with re­ markable success Smolinski used to whip the ex-Marine just for practice when the title-holder was starting out in the game, but since becoming champion, Kennaston has learned just about all there is to know about the rough stuff and has set Monday night as his time to get even. Phil Romano, the grappling medical student from Mexico City, will go to the post against Pete Belcastro, the Wild Wop from Weed, Calif. m the middle bout. Romano likes his work clean but knows Pete won't let things go i that wai so will be out for the Italian from the opening gong. Marshall Carter, the man with a thousand holds, returns to the North Bartlett street arena again to collide with Harry Cooper from Chattanooga. Tenn., in the opening bout. Cooper, although defeated last week, won a lot of fans with his clever work. —i A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday —plus— “DOWN THE STRETCH” Here they come in a great racing drama — a cour­ ageous hoy and a gallant horse! Sun., Mon., Tues. PLAN ‘JACKSON • WANT ADS • DAY’ ON ISLAND Ic I MT Word ¡MT IllNCrtioll On Medford Card! I LL TAKE ROMANCE” with GRACE MOORE MELVYN DOUGLAS STUART ERWIN USED CARS FORDS 1938 Di-Luxe Tudor 1935 Tudor 1934 DeLuxe Sedan . 1933 DeLuxe I’u I II 1932 DeLuxe Fordor 1930 DeLuxe Roadster 1936 Pickup 1935 1 Ton Truck $695 $2t»5 $325 $295 $215 $135 $395 $395 OTHERS $545 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Chev Town Sedan $565 $425 1935 Plymouth Coupe $175 Buick Coupe 1931 $165 1931 Nash Sedan $135 1930 Buick Coupe $75 1929 Packard Sedan $25 1926 Dodge Sedan $39 1927 Chev Coupe $565 1937 •\ Ton Pickup a Open Sunday and Evenings CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO FOR SALE New and used desk«, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford (49tf) In Luir < odili y: T 20 S Mec 35, NW'.NW', Y« .'660 M tee! Il M H.,, M feet H M none ,| t) to lie soli! for less than M fe.-t H M foi tl . ■> ,. and $1 )><• sold for le-, th.if, I M feet B M foi t Y.i nd $1 OO pel M feet R \( lleinlo. k the Heli,) .. , ut the option of the |,q Tile right to reject ..ny | M reserved I nil , j land Oregon, this 20th April 1939 W. Il Uomini Forester O and C Adq Don A • MAKY JEAN III \ll| Funeral services for Ma Dunham, still-born daun Dr and Mrs Clyde Dunhj tw held Monday ut the ¿ Funeral home with the Iley 11 Edgar officiating • a Jimmy potter left Tueg Los Angel.« where he w$ ills home .i BEEF STEM A Completi* Meal for 15c Hr Are Still llriuiquai For Delicious Home-Made Pie Pete's Lun EARI. D. (PETE) NU SAW ANYTHIN |Ua LUSTER-FOAM > 10 MAKI TI1TH & SPARKLE. ó Amazing NEW “Bubble! rids teeth of ugly, dul ll • Incredible I hr way ID ST t.Tlnr 1 ooch I* mu >. miiMlnlnit l.iuis- <1 UTK.-nt, makes U gUsU - and* Tlieln.tant hnud.a:>'1**lit*i<'>x41 roam deicrasnt, it sunns into al Uli», active bubblew. which S' U S and doay breeding an-aa that <-»• n. n not reach And ax II sw.vp« o< ■urfanw and Into minute m iica whole mouth Unglea d. llghtfulb .. Ux Ul lake on t>uw )M>U»ii and lust* Th.- r.-milar alze tulie 1« 2!W But 1« b-iy 1» the l.x tulie cont.ilniS than q |Kiund of till« modi-rn. " d.-ntlfrl.-. Al all di, K count, r» 9 Pharmacal Co., Hl. Ixiul» Mo IHN NEW FOAMUIA LISTERINE TOOTH PI A A A hupermarved with K _______________ LUSTER “ 'Ill WET FEET? 9 Subscribe for The Miner today. in Coming Wednesday AT THE BUIO GARAGE United States Department of the Interior, General lauid Office, <>. Caton Installs New mid C. Administration, Portland. Headlight Tester Oregon. Sealed blds, marked outside Clyde Caton, owner of Caton's "Bld for Timber", and addressed QGT. BOB KENNASTON of Junction garage at the south city to the Chief Forester, O. and C. Gold Hill, world’s junior hea­ limits, has installed a new head­ Administration. 410 Custom House. vyweight wrestling champion, light and brake and wheel testing Portland, Oregon, will lx- received until 10 30 u in. Pacific time, who will meet Joe Smolinski in machine. the main event at Medford arm­ The machine, which conforms to May 23. 1939 for the purchase of ory Monday night. standard testing requirements, will timber upon the tract hereinafter accurately gauge car lamp focus, described, the cutting and removal brake equalization and alignment of the timber to be carrier! out in accordance with the forest prac­ of wheels. ------ •----------- tice rules approver! on July 7, 1938 What Other Editors VISITORS TO FAIR t,v the Sc. r.-tarv ot th.- Interior Residents of Jackson county Each tsiri must state the amount ¡irr Are Saying! who have recently visited the thousand feet, board measure, that Shasta-Cascade Wonderland build­ will be paid for each sjiecles or OREGON COAL ing and exhibits at the Golden class of limber. No bid for lens The State Department of Geol­ Gate International exposition on than the appraiser! value will be ogy and Mineral Industries is Treasure Island include Mr. and considered. Each bid must be sub­ starting a worthwhile project in Mrs Ed Webber, Marian Harwick, mitted in duplicate and be accom­ that of testing the many coal de- j Fred Einkopf, Misses A. and panied by a deposit. 'The deposit Katie Kehelhor, Robert E. Young, must be in the form of a certified posits in the state. All that many of them have Homer H Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. check on a solvent national bank been good for in recent years has George A Bourne, Mr and Mrs in favor of the Chief Forester of been as objects of periodic promo- | Irving P. Beesley and Mr, and the O. and C. Administration The tions that cost money and gained Mrs. Stephen A. Moore, all of amount of the deposit will be com­ nothing. With a few possible ex­ Medford: Mrs. 8. M Brown, Sam puted at the rate of at least 20 ceptions, Oregon coal has little Brown. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Koo- per cent of the first $1000 of the value in the ordinary sense as a • zer, Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Olden­ bid, plus at leant 10 per cent of domestic fuel. To learn just what burg and J. V Othroon, all of Ash­ any additional amount of the bid value it may have in other re- I land; Mr. and Mrs. H Montag of in excess of $1000 and up to $10,- spects is the job to be undertaken Mclx-od. and W, M McDonough 000, plus at leant 5 per cent of any by the state department. Ruch. additional amount in excenn of ----------- . Much of a constructive nature $10.000 The deposit of any suc­ has already been accomplished by ARMY CARAVAN PASSES cessful bidder will be credited nn a this department and much more .More than 100 army vehicles firnt installment in the payment good may be expected in the fu­ were in caravan through Ashland for the timber. Checkn of unsuc­ ture. Oregon is full of valuable Wednesday enroute to Medford, cessful bidden will be returned minerals other than gold and the where they encamped overnight upon the award of the bid. A bond state's future is dependent upon on their way to Washington from will be required In an amount com­ finding how to put them to profit­ the Presidio. The equipment and puter) at the rate of at leant 20 per able use.—Grants Pass Bulletin. men were from the 30th Infantry, cent of the first $10,000 of the bld, ----- •----------- United States army. plus 10 per cent of any additional • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCollum • amount of the bid in excess of and family who have been living SENTENCED HERE $10.(MX). Payment for the timber in Montana for the past few Warren Mayca, Grants Pass, ‘ will be required in advance of cut­ months have returned to Ashland and Kenneth Free), Rogue River, I ting and at the option of the pur­ to make their home. Monday were sentenced to 150 chaser may be made in a number • Mrs. Jim O'Neil of Klamath days in the county jail and fined | of installments scheduled to keep Falls visited here this week at the $75 and costs each by Justice of pace with the rate of timber cut- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Peace M. T. Burns on charges tin, and payable upon demand W. S. Smith. of driving while intoxicated and from the Chief Forester, Tile suc- • Jasper Reynolds who under­ resictlng an officer. Their driver's cessful bidder will be requlred. went a major operation earjy last licenses were suspended for one prior to the approval of the con- week was discharged from the year. The pair, when accosted by tract, to furnish a sworn financial Community hospital Monday. city police Saturday night follow­ statement showing ability to ful­ • John Hakanson of Oakland, ing drunken driving complaints, fill the terma of the contract For Ore., is visiting with friends here put up a fight and hit and kicked copies of the form of proposal, for several days. He is a former arresting officers. form of contract and bond, and student at SOCE. other Information, application —•----------- START PLAZA WORK should lie made to the Chief For­ WILLIAM BROTHERTON Workmen this week have been ester, O and C. Administration, Funeral services for William engaged in laying flagstones on Oregon. The timber vol­ Newton Brotherton, 70, who died the plaza triangle under the di­ Portland, given in the following ap­ April 25 at his home on Bush rection of City Supt. Elmer Biegel umes, praisals, are estimated and may street, were held at 2 p. m. April and Park Supt. ChestA Correy. be more or less than the amounts 26 at the Litwiller Funeral home. Following laying of stone, a hedge, stated In Jackson County: T. 38 Interment was at Lyons, Ore. flowers and' lawn will be planted. 8., R. 4 E„ Sec 1, 8M, White line ----------- •----------- ----------- •----------- 640 M feet B. M ; appraised at • Mrs. R. J. Cole underwent a BABY GETS •GODFATHER* the following minimum price of major operation at the Commun­ Juanita Mina Carey, month-old $4 00 per M feet B. M Other spe­ ity hospital Thursday. unusual daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cies as follows may be purchased ----- •------------ William Carey of Talent, this week • Subscribe for The Miner today. was assured continued hospital at option of the bidder; Inarch 1740 One year, $1.50; six months, 80c. care when Mr. and Mrs. G. S. M feet B. M , White Fir 600 M feet B. M , Red Fir 2240 M feet Butler, local couple, pledged fi­ B. M ; none of the timber to be nancial assistance to the baby. Re­ moval of the tot to her home was considered inadvisable and Butler, a well known philanthropist, be­ came interested in aiding the in­ fant with the misplaced bladder. KAY FRANCIS STOLEN HOLIDAY” i'oit SALE Caterpillar tractor, 30 hp., overhauled, |>ainted, $625; will deliver. M VunVIiet, Grants Hiss, Ore , route 1, isix 600, highway 09 ( iup) sold for less than $1 Ml J II M for the t-arch .injj $100 per M feet It J(| White Fir In Klniiiulh I. 3N S It 5 E He, , s-j NW.NW',. S',NW , J and sw.sw, v M feet H M H im T, . Pine 1390 M feet R M the timber to be sold for $4 00 per M feet B M (] cli-s as follows may I m > i at option of the bnldJ Shasta Hr 3345 M Ititi Hr 7H0 M feet B M ■ 1 1350 M feet It M s. I6ip M I. . I B M . Red M feet l< M . White |.|J feet H M . none of the I tie sold for less than || N feet B M for the |jireh| Fn nisi $1 oo pel M f< fol the White hn , VIC’S INN SOUTH CITY LIMITS, ASHLAND GABGLE LISTERINE Prompt action may forestall trouble Wet feet . . . cold feet . . , drafts . . . and fatigue, may lower body resistance so that germs in the throat get the upper hand and colds develop. After such ex­ posures, why not help Nature to combat such germs by gargling with Listerine Antiseptic. Tests showed that regular users of Listerine Antiseptic had fewer colds and milder colds than non-users. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louin, Mo. BUG SCREENS FOR ALL CARS 9 NOW AT Western Auto Supply Taylor K. Williams ZENITH RADIOS NEW RADIOS »9.95 UP Have That Radio Checked at Dickey’s Radio Service 727 Boulevard Phone 421-R A Brand New Dining Service Invites You to Try Our Fine Steak and Chicken Dinners Bring your family or friends where you receive the utmost In courteay iuid service. Dinner Served from 6 to 9 P. M. On Week Days Also Light Lunches SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Served from 12 Noon to 10 P. M. For Reservation» Phone 6W-