SOUTHERN OREGON MINER VOI i rc|^ Page 5 I nrn| ( o Ask Change in Softball Schedule I gue head to LL MEETING B MANAGERS K|U> WII.KY. newly-elected Kidcnt <>f the Ashland Soft- ...... Hon. indicated last Kat he would call together K'., of the six teams to tie ■ in the summer schedule Ithin n few days The pro- H , m hedule will ba I he „„Mi l,muon. Wiley indlcat- loine manager« have object- the five-game schedule In it four weeks of play. An Wlll be made to arrange inicH each week for each at least during the flrat ce y who was elected presi- t an organization meeting IJthiu hotel April 21, will etth Clyde Young and Bill ax a governing board for and will handle all pro- |et<*rmlne forfeits and inter- tuhs for players Umpires terr selected, with Jim Kri- Uid I C Erwin being named d arbiters They will tie aa- by Bert Miller organization meeting also that teams unable to place cgulur players on the field 10 minutes of scheduled time will forfeit their con- All teams must provide dis- ihing uniforms consisting of mm than caj>a and Jerseys, fflclal moles will lie kept of mes, affording accurate tal>- D of standings among trains llayri.M Roller limit was set I players, Including playing Lrt« and the inerting- also p.l down on Jumping player«, must sit out two games is- [becoming eligible with an­ trum Players must !»«• re- kl from within thr Ashland arra. including Talent on |orth and Hilt on the south. I ' etcrlll-lngle x I., y'x Hardware entering a co |or<~l D<»lgrrs outfit, and nlllrr McNali Bros - Elks tr shop entering theirRogues, hr Elks club entry, Pine Box any and Miner outfits al- ’ pledged, it remain* for Pro- Bros hardware store to ac- thrir Invitation to Join up to lete the desired six-team t. ilative playing schedule calls imr» on Wednesday and Fri- ilghts. with Mondays reserved unlor league games. It is this aec will be laid out into a f diamond, double-header games to be played consecutively. Although mo«t teams already have whole or partial rosters un­ der contract, deadline probably will be set at the next meeting for submission of rosters to the gov­ erning board, Wiley indicated Elaborate preparations are be ing made for hii outstanding soft­ ball season in this city, with near­ ly nil outfits already having or- dered new uniforms complete with sponsors’ lettering Limitation of the league to six teams. Instead of the mm* which played last HUM1. mer. Is believed to assure a better balanced brand of softball here. e BACKKRN |»!( r name The softball league entry si»on- sored Jointly by the Ashland Gro­ ceteria, Ingle Drug company, Har­ dy's Cash Hardware and lx-ever Motor company will be known as the "Dodgers,” according to J H Hardy, s|M>nsor of the outfit last year Another entry, backed by a combine of Fort miller’s, McNair Brothers drug store and Elks Bar­ ber shop (George Shaffer) select­ ed the "Rogues’’ ax their official moniker • Subscribe for The Miner today. r I ASHLAND COPS GAME AT HILT Ashland's Lithlans, under the managership of Charlie Skeeter«, Sunday rallied in the ninth to de­ feat the Hilt nine on the Califor­ nian«’ diamond, 7 to 5. Hilt led 3 to 2 until the final frame when a buirage of hit« drove in five runs for the Lithlans. Frank DiSordi, SOCK athlete, hurled the flr«t six inning«, yield­ ing three bingle« and two tallies, while Dumbest allowed three and three in his three «tanzas of work on the mound. The young I'alent twirler wax given credit a« winning pitcher. While Ashland (combined with Talent) wax defeating the north­ ern California league entry, Med- ford wax succumbing to the Weed Son« of Italy at Medford their second straight defeat when the Italian« took a 6-4 exhibition. Fur­ long and Rathke pitched to Dixon for the losers. At Grants Paxx. the Merchants of that city behind the outxtand- ♦----------------------------------------------------- I bles event« from Medford. Provost | and Jandreau were paired together for the number one team while Ormond and Newbry represented the school as the number two com­ The Ashland Junior high tennis bination. team won the opening match of This one-sided win over Medford the season in defeating Medford establishes Ashland as the favor­ Junior high 6 to 0 last Saturday ite to take the junior tennis in Medford. • championship for this section of In the singles events Buddy I*ro- the state. vost, Ashland’s number one play­ Klamath Falls and Grants Pass er, defeated Polk of Medford. will be played in the near future. ------ ------- •------------- Charles Jandreau, number two, de­ feated Buckingham. UiMar Or­ LAUDS MINERAL DISPLAY mond defeated Reynolds, and Al­ Bert Kissinger, Ashland man, bert Newbry defeated Wingate. LeWyatt Davis, Ashland’s fifth this week was enthusiastic con­ ranking player, turned an ankle cerning a new mineral display and before his match and was unable museum visited recently which Is open to the public at 602 South to play. Riverside street in Medford. Thou­ The locals captured both dou- sands of agates, minerals, fossils and Indian relics are cm display, ing three-hit mound work of Steve 90 per cent of which were found in Crippen dumped the highly re­ Oregon. More than 900 visitors garded Klamath Falls Red Sox 3 had registered in 30 days since opening of the display by E. R. to 1. Santo. The regular Southern Oregon league schedule will get under way Sunday, May 7, when Ashland will • Art Endris of Medford was a travel to Medford. Other opening business visitor Tuesday. games will see Grants Pass at • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. D. Jones Crescent City, Gold Hili at Glen­ of Dunsmuir visited friends here dale and Klamath Falls at Dorris. Wednesday. Junior Tennis Team Dumps Med ford Lads ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-Oz. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor S’M ATTER POP— Just a Moment While Pop Recollect* ALTO PAKTS TOUGH But Oh So Gentle Tough—On Oil Pumping Gentle—On the Cylinder Walls HASTINGS STEEL VENT KINGS Harrison Parts Co. Pbone 104 OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof Claycomb Motor Co. HOTELS New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop Ashland's Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comfort« of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serve« the beat food in town. Come in a« you are! FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 M. C. Lininger & Son Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS ASHLAND SIGN SHOP PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Prices Are Lower! If you’re shy on cash we’ll take part In trade. 406 North Main Street PRINTING CALL, THE MINER FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 By C. M. PAYNE Let Us Be Thankful 'WREST LING AT 8:30 EVERY IONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-8TAR MAIN EVENTS! edford Armory This in the Schoolroom.