rii 28, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER t People You Know! j K T L. O'Harru • Mr |U|n lust week end Mi and Mrs Term I.mgliuid returned icramrnto and Sun „hv has been vis- rek» •lurk returned to ¡arbor following a imc of her sister, In Bellview. I mnde a business Falls early in the 1 the Seattle office ('ill.>11 in relieving for a two week* 4.(.n of Kenn vir.it- igcnd at the home Ben Anderson. (rt returned to hla .nd Sunday follow- at the home of hia il Mr» Ralph Fo»- Roseburg visited I the home of Mr trr. ileer of San Fran- ere recently with •r. [hmim of Camas lere last week-end J hl» father, C. J. > made u business h Fall» this week i U <> Butterfield i dam Monday for pnth» Mr Butter- er at the dam. tn <>f Yreka visited «nd with friends ughman returned Wash Camas, been employed tor il>»>re returned re- eed where »he has aggina of Klamath friends here last rs Martin Nelson t» of a ls»y, born r Community ho»- m Bruce Lininger Ited with friend» in lunday and Mrs Arbu Ager of Jacksonville visited here last week end nt lhe home of Mrs Ida < ,'randall • Phil Htansbury who recently underwent an operation was dis charged from the Community hos­ pital Monday. • Mi and Mrs O E Lay left Bunday for their home In Wiscon­ sin following a visit here at the home of the Rev anil Mrs Chillies M Guilbert. • There’s nothing more appetiz­ ing on a warm day than a Waffle Shop cold plate lunch or a chilled salad • Mr rind Mrs Jr,ye Hwartsley marie n business trip to Grants Pass Bunday • Mrs Elton Kirby underwent u major operation at the Commun­ ity hospital Monday • Mr and Mrs Bert Wright of Weed Visited here Tuesday at the home of Mr and Mrs M C. Lin­ inger. • George Dunn was called to Portland last week by the Illness of rrlutlves • Mildred Beeson of Salem visit­ ed here Inst week-end with rela­ tives rind friends • Mr and Mrs Hal McNair vis­ ited In Table Ris-k Monday at the home of Mr anti Mrs (,’harles Angle • Ben Gibson of Klamath Frills visited here Monday ami Tuesday. • Iota Danton of Salem visited here early in the week nt the home of hla mother, Mrs Bertha Den­ ton. • Mrs George Briscoe underwent n major operation nt the Commun­ ity hospital Tuesday • Mrs Aubrey Miles. Mrs Helen lYrrter, Mrs Ellis Lininger and Mrs Paul Home attended a lunch­ eon in Medford Tuesday at the home of Mrs Billy Hulen • Mis Hugh M> ' .> • Mill» visited with friend» in Ash­ land for several days this week. • Mr» R uzm II Hull underwent a major operation at the Community hospital Wednesday. • Mr and M m C W DaCarlow and Mrs Ola Biers of l*inehurst »hopped in Ashland Tuesday. • Betty Rhoads vgho recently un­ derwent a major operation was ”r Y"’>“1 Visited with frienda here Monday evening. • Bob McCaulley of Fort Jones visite.l with friends here Tuesday • '• p*via returned fron a visit in Halem Tuesday. • Mrs Ituth Rosenstiel of Cor- y,l|lis visited here last week-end at lhe Bome of her mother, Mr». W L. Purdy. • Mix John Hopper of Redmond V sileil here Tuiwday at the home "I Mr and Mrs Ralph Foster • Lutz Nosier of Hilt visited with Ashland friends Tuesday. • • TALENT • • The Hilt 1 Julies Aid met Thurs­ day afternoon at the club house. Mrs. Nelson Watts was given a layette shower at the meeting and was the recipient of many lovely gifts Refreshments were served following the business meeting. • Miss Shirley Walker and Ger­ ald Goodwin were guests of honor at a birthday party Friday night at the dining hall. Quite a number of young folks attended the party. • Del Bagley returned home from Sacramento late last week. • Mr. anil Mrs. Lester W. Rey­ nolds and son Dean, Mrs. E. E. Gran and daughter Naomi and Robert Gran, all of Kerby, Ore., were in Hilt Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Robert Gran remained in Hilt for the week and plans to re­ turn home Saturday. • The second practice game of baseball was played on the Hilt diamond Sunday when the home team was defeated 7 to 5 by the Ashland nine. Bauman pitched the • Walter Seitz left recently for first innings and Walt Foster the Klamath Falls where he has em­ remainder of the game. The next ployment in a creamery. game is planned with Dorris on the Ijorri« diamond next Sunday. • Billy Gran and Robert Gran attended the show in Ashland Tuesday evening. • Mrs. Frank Ward has been con­ fined to her bed by severe illness but i« now rapidly improving. First Baptist Church Citarle» E. Dunham, Pastor Church school meets at 9:45 a. m., C. N. Gillmore, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. “The Beatitude of the Eye” is the subject of the pastor's sermon. The Young People’s Union will meet at 6:30 p. m. The evening service at 7:30 o’clock. The pastor will preach the sermon. Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock. Fir or Cedar Slabs, 2ccu. ft DRY BLOX DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! ASHLAND PLANING MILL Local Sawmill—Phone 287-J 15fr—FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY Macaroni or Spaghetti, 7 lbs. 25c Oxydol........................... 19c $1.32 Sugar, 25 pounds C&H Milk, Oregon Brand Fisher's Pancake, 9 lb. sack 42c COOKING PROBLEMS > A DIPLOMAT OLD KING COLE 3 for 29e Case $2.19 IN YOUR HOME! The housework in many families, still using old fashioned cooking methods, is a continual war ogoinst soot, smoke, ashes and grime in on overheated, un- healthful kitchen. The DIPLO- MAT (so called because it solves your cooking problems with quiet, efficient dignity) is a marvel of cooking efficiency. Equipped with attractive opal glass platform light, supported on two bright chrome mountings . . . I Corox Economizer and 3 stand- ard surface units, the world's cleanest cooking units, supplying greater speed than ever . . lorqe, automatic, super oven with 2 speed heaters, scientific heat evener delivering perfectly balanced heat, 2 shelves and broiler • • 3 storage drawers . . automatic applionce receptacle . . beautiful, ing vitreous enamel finish trimmed in red and black . . . genuine WEST- OUSE, Kitchen Proved quality. $5 down and $3.66 monthly installed in home ON DISPLAY AT • HILTS NEWS • • I he i H gir ls held a dance at • he city hall Saturday night, with a good crowd in attendance. The music wax furnished by the Talent Bwingsters. • E E Diamond of the United States navy is visiting with rela­ tive« here Mrs. Diamond has been a guest of relatives here for some time Mr and Mrs. Diamond will Hi nd meeting at the city hall Wed- leave In a short time for China. • Mrs Emma Moore, who has neaday, April 19. There were vis­ been visiting relatives in Palo itors from Medford, Eagle Point Alto. Calif., returned home and and Ashland and many from Tal­ will leave in a few days for De­ ent and adjoining neighborhood«. troit, Mich , her former home, for • Mr«. France« Kellogg left Wed­ nesday evening for Spring Valley, a visit. • Mr and Mrs Martin Luther Calif., where she will be located and family returned home after a for an indefinite time. • Alex Hayes sheared «heep for visit of a month in California. • Frank Stratton of Valley View Sam Hamilton Thursday. inoveil his cattle from his ranch to • Everett Bee«on and Cliff Gar­ the Wagner Gap and surrounding vin «pent one day thia week fish­ mountains Sunday for summer ing in Fish lake. • Melvin McGrew and family pasture • Tlie Talent Pinochle club held moved on Dora Smith’s ranch last their regular party Saturday night week. with Mr and Mrs. Clifford Collins at Table Rock. • Burman and Kenneth McMahan and Jerry Kraus of I-os Angeles moved into the Thatcher property at Hyde Park for the summer. • Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wooten and family moved from the Williams ranch across the railroad track to Medford. • Mrs I-earning is having her house remcxleled with asbestos shingles on the sides. The roof is PHONE being repainted. • Charles W Wetterman, nation­ al representative of the Townsend movement for Oregon, gave a very Interr-sting speech at the Town- I STOP ~i Page 3 discharged frorn th„ Community hospital early in the week CHEF DINNER BELL Oleomargarine Pound 12c LETTUCE SC FRESH TOMATOES, pound 18c G® FC® AND THE FOLLOWING DEALERS ORANGES, Sunkist, each 1C RADISHES, 2 bunches SC WICK’S FURNITURE X-L ELECTRIC 303 Size 3 for 25c J $1.19 Canned Food Sale PEAS.CORN STRING BEANS % » 49’s One-PoiHid Glass Jar MECO JORDAN ELECTRIC KITCHEN QUEEN ROYAL CLUB J. I». DOIXJE AND SONS ELHART’S book and music store SALAD DRESSING Quart 19c White House COFFEE BUY A CASE AND SAVE! A Complete Stock To Choose From CITY ELECTRIC STORE « ASHLAND CREAMERY ICE CREAM PINT ........ 15c QUART ... 29c * x 23e > Fresh-Frozen FRUITS I VEGETADLES FISH f SPECIAL! FRESH FROZEN PEAS 17C F