Friday, Apr SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 187 East Main Street A8HLAND, OREGON 4MP TkrM MN MAW W oul P TÉLI. NT T h £ milTY OF nrt Its ath­ letic program out of the budget and not be dependent ujs>n gate receipts to carry out the pro­ gram If it can't do this they should get out of athletics or out of education, indicating that he didn't ttynk that the two go together The supposition that a winning team brings prestige to the school and dollars to the endow­ ment fund was refuted by the fact that aside from Yale and Harvard the University of Chica­ go has attracted more money to its endowment fund thnn any . other schools and yet its football | Pfl SA APRIL FULLER Big Si Buy .1 Pay Asu PHO* OAK ST. t of government projects, which possibly contribute an artificial stimulus to business. If the European situation were settled, thus writer believes that the United States would enter a new era of prosperity unknown to us formerly This has not been as the result of political reasons, but because this country has a capa­ city of solving its own problems, not shared by any other country. There is every reason to feel confident in our own resources and our own abilities. If we can keep out of the Euro­ pean squabble, and there is no real reason why we can’t at the pres­ ent time, we have every reason for feeling confident of the future.— I^ake County Tribune. Little acts of thoughtfulness which we endeavor never to overlook, has won us lasting friends. Funeral Service Since 1897 record snivlbi Yule's aren't m« He IS 10 2 present poMition, A few weeks l^ outside member Ry MINER STAI F WRITER directors of th« exchange becaim reopen the W lu; qoMK thoughts <>ii Robert Muy some of the Isig nurd Hutchins: Three time« the ed for next hvig faculty of the University of Chi­ Exchange euinr, cago, of which he 1« president, W. O. Ihmgliisi have voted down the following | the supreme <l instead Finally, at St Johns College of AnnujM.iis, President Hutchins has been allowed to try out his theory and the first year student starts in reading the ancient philosoph­ ers and scientists and reconstruct ­ ing their clumsy contraptions with which they discovered the law of gravity or discovered the principle of the telescope and gradually , working up through the ages un- I til in their fourth year they are | studying the internal combustion engine and the manufacture of | rayon from a. foundation absorbed step by step getting fundamentals | and learning that the old wireless telegraph and television are the same thing Isisically. BUY YOUR NEXT RUTOmOBIliE THRU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK • ••and you open Credit for I PERSONAL LOANS and FHA LOAN® "I for Buying, Building or ModernixWl a Home! At Any of 42 Branches** first n RTionnii briii STEVEN ». SCHUERMAN OF PORTLAND TH! LEADER IN OREGON IN FINANCING TH! CREDIT Phone 334-R REQUIREMENTS OF TRADE, COMMERCE AND industry • METROPOLITAN IJFE INSURANCE CO. M E M B E It I