irli 21, IW» SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ENT • ..ivlce station ga­ li damaged by fire ’■orisidcrablc dam- !, equipment Del- Lhanlc. »uttered L.i and leg and bwner of a coupe [|ng repairs nt the blight burn on one [ was damaged to Lui »I«« Dogg pass«’«* “w“y L at th«’ Cfcm- hn Ashland from SPOTS! link will ie value of and one t in your may cause financial sc of din- inaurance ny weak Agency ATE and gl’KANCX 41 East Main major bum* received In a fire that completely destroyed the family residence one mile south of Talent early Sunday morning Dr Kellogg and family moved here from latkeview one year ago He was buried In the Andei ton Creek cemetery Wednesday. Their many friend* iuk I neighbor* wish to extend their deepest syrnpa thle* to the family • The Talent fire department, un­ der the leadership of Chief Sim­ mon*, I* to be highly commended (or the Nplendid work at the two fire* of the past week A quick response was made to the service station fire and it was soon under control and the department re­ sponded to the Kellogg fire south of town in quick time, but it wim too fur gone to save anything • H H Lowe, who teaches school at Sam* Valley, spent the week­ end with hi* family here and at­ tended the operetta Friday eve­ ning • Mrs Verne Decker, who ha* been visiting the past month in San Diego, Calif. returned home Saturday evening. • The Talent Swingsters of the i Talent high nchl played for a , dance at Central Point Saturday { night. • Mr* Elvis Cochran and small daughter I>ee spent this week in Talent visiting relative* • Roy Coffman of Phoenix was a business caller here Tuesday. • A Graham and son have leased their sawmill to Mr. McKeene of Redding. Calif • Mn Ban Hart »* vMttag raia live* in Palo Alta. Calif. • Mr and Mr* Vic Milbum of Thompson Creek spent Thursday visiting Mr and Mrs R F. Park • Hm i. in Lowe, who i* atetioned at Vancouver, Wash , with the United States army, spent the latter part of the week visiting hi* (atrents • Mr* Earl Allen, who was called to Eugene to be with her .«later who 1* ill. returned home Sumiay. • Snow White and the Seven Dwurf* was presented at the school gym Friday evening. The ' operetta was directed by Marian >ould The following characters were Included In the east: Snow ^hile, Annabelle Riggs, queen, Jlulda Estes, Prince, Gerald lxi< ke, Seven Dwarfs, Dick Hervy Jackie Walty, Alvin and Buddy Graham, Dale Imbbins, Barney Itlgg* and Fred Prettyman The gills glee club sang the chorus ac- «•ompaniments and the high school orchestra gave the music. A large audience enjoyed the program • Mrs M Wilkinson of Dead Indian Soda springs is a guest of her son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs. Claude Jones • Jeannette Gore, Elva and Ix/is Thompson. Ruby Dobbins and Ag­ nes lutcy attended the vesper ser- /><•*- Pre*hyterian church In Medford Sunday evening. The Masons were honored at this service. • Tlie Study club met at the home of Mrs. Henry Mason Frl-