Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 21, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, April 21, ty
Ashland AAUW Told
Of Potent Sessions At
Convention in Salem
• Bob Bell, who is employed at
Bly, spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting here with his family. Wal­
ter Seitz returned Sunday with
him to Klamath Falls where he
has employment in a box factory.
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon,
Mrs. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Ern­
est Rhodes of Grants Pass visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Biairs. They all en­
joyed a fishing trip and picnic at
the Emigrant Creek dam
• Misses Patricia Bell, Barbara
Helm and Norma Wenaus were in
charge of a cooked food sale at
Miss Helen King, who recently
returned from Salem where she
attended the state convention of
the American Association of Uni­
versity Women, April 14 and 15,
to which she was a delegate from
the Axhiand branch, reports a
busy and profitable convention.
Friday afternoon the delegates
were entertained at tea in the
home of President Bruce Baxter
on the Willamette campus, mem­
bers of the Salem branch being
hostess. Friday evening a banquet
was held in the mirror room of
the Marion hotel, attended by 275
persons, among them Chancellor
and Mrs. Frederick M Hunter of
the state system of higher educa­
tion, President and Mrs. Bruce
Baxter of the Willamette univer­
sity, President and Mrs. George
A Peavey of the state college at
Corvallis, and President and Mrs.
Donald M. Erb from the Univer­
sity of Oregon at Eugene. The
principal speaker at the banquet
was Dr. Louise Pound, national
vice president of the AAUW, pro­
fessor of English at the University
of Nebraska, and internationally
speech. Dr. Pound is an advocate
uf the easy American manner of
speech as opposed to a stilted or
acquired accent, whether the so-
called Oxford or other manner,
and urges that Americans be
proud of their own speech ways
and strive to foster rather than
to stamp out those regional dis­
tinctions which so interestingly
characterize the different sections
of the broad country. Dr Pound, a
witty speaker, and warmly ap­
plauded throughout her address,
announced that she had eaten and
spoken her way through Oregon
rtf put this
the Safeway store Saturday of ies. It was well attended, with ap­
last week, held for the benefit of proximately 75 present.
the student body of the Bellview • Miss Marjorie Scobert, Miss
Margaret Lininger and Miss Lois
• Mrs. Pearl Jennings of Ashland White of Ashland, with Mrs. Ar­
visited Saturday and Sunday at chie Kincaid and (laughter Eunice, I
the home of her friends. Mr. and made a business trip to Medford
Saturday. Miss Scobert is plan-
Mrs. Ed Hininger.
! ning to arrange for these girls to
• Mrs. Charles Miller and her I attend the state music conference
daughter Evelyn of Klamath Falls at Forest Grove April 28 and 29.
visited Sunday at the R. E. Bell
home. The Bell family and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Byrd have
Miller and Evelyn enjoyed a picnic | returned to Dorris, where Mr.
I Byrd has employment.
in Lithia park at noon.
• Mrs Leslie Lusk of Ashland
• The girls of the Bellview school visited Monday afternoon at the
attended and took part in the home of Mr. and Mrs Archie Kin-
ULL into my station
music festival held in Ashland caid.
and let me sign you up as
Thursday and Friday of this week, I • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth and
a new member of the Shell • Warren Fichtner of Medford son Jimmie and
W. E. Seibert of
Share-the-Road Club. It’s
visited Tuesday evening at the Pinehurst visited Sunday at the different ways of using milk in
a nation-wide crusade
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter home of Mr. and Mrs W. O. home cooking.
• Mr and Mrs W. O. Martin and
AGAINST “Screwdrivers”
Brahs and family.
and their traffic boners . . .
• Mrs. Miles Farmer and daugh- • Thursday of last week, Curtis Louise and J. H Williams visited
FOR common-sense driving.
ter Betty Lou of Dorris, who had Byrd returned to his work at Dor- Wednesday evening at the home of
several days visiting at the ris and Miss Paulajune Gerges, Mr and Mrs. D. F Korth at
We can cut Stop-and-Go
home of Mrs. Farmer's parents, who has been visiting at the Byrd Pinehurst.
25% right now, say leading
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd, return­ home, returned to her home in • Mrs C. H. Modrell returned
traffic experts—if we all do
Friday of last week from Klamath
Klamath Falls.
to their home Sunday.
our part. So let me attach
• Miss Alice Metcalfe was a din­ • Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Arnett Falls where she wax sent as a
the handsome Share-the-
ner guest at the home of Mr. and and daughter Suzanne and a group I delegate from the Bellview PT-A
Road emblem to your car
Mrs. W. O. Martin and Louise of their friends from Klamath to the state convention.
FREE. I’ll also give you a
Falls visited Sunday afternoon at • Miss Nina Hazelwood spent
free booklet showing how
• Mrs. Heilmeyer is ill at the the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wednesday in Ashland at the
“Screwdrivers” and their
home of her son and daughter- Bell and family.
home of Mrs. Hazel Ferns.
traffic boners pile up need­
in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Heil- • Mrs. Willis Byrd and Mrs. c. • Mrs. H J. Kunl of Medford is
less Stop-and-Go. p
H. Modrell were the delegates of visiting this week at the home of
• The Neil Creek school board the Bellview Parent-Teachers as­ Mrs. C. H. Modrell. She is a sis­
Remember—for the Stop-
held a meeting Monday evening sociation who attended the county ter-in-law of Mrs. Modrell’s.
and-Go you CAN'T avoid,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. council at Rogue River Wednes­
you’ll save with Super Shell.
Archie Kincaid.
They hired a day. The report on the meeting • Mrs. R. J Mcalrell of Portland,
who had been visiting for several
teacher for next year during the was given by Mrs. Byrd.
business meeting.
Miss Lucille • Mrs. James Chamberlain is to days at the C. H. Modrell home,
be the leader of the girls canning left Tuesday for Stockton, where
Neiter was the one chosen.
• A Grange dinner was held Sun­ club which has been recently or­ she will spend an indefinite time.
Second and East .Main Streets
day at the Grange hall for all ganized. She is taking the place She is a sister-in-law to Mrs.
Grange members and their famil- of Mrs. George Helms.
• The program which was pre­
sented by the Bellview girls, as
well as students of other rural
schools, at the music festival was
as follows: Songs; Cossack dance
—Dusk, April, Well May the Keel
Row, Sun and Showers and Carol
of the Shepherds; dances; Sweet
Monuments and Markers
Kate, Gathering ~
Pea ~
Pods and Si-
of Bronze and Granite
AND SECURITY comes only when one knows that
At Prices You Can Afford
• The Bellview PT-A plans to
his home, his belongings and his car are fully pro­
hold a meeting at the Bellview
tected from sudden loss or damage through adequate,
school hose Friday evening, April
dependable insurance! Our Oregon Mutual Fire In­
Next Door to Post Office
21. The program is to be present­
surance Policies cost you less, protect you better.
ed by all the students of the
C all Office 118. Res. 248-R
Play safe,
school. The girls will present the
Evening Appointments
songs and dances which they gave
at the festival. Several selections
will be given by the toy orchestra,
and the violin sextet will present
several selections.
I • The Bellview Home Extension
i unit holds its meeting Friday,
■ April 21, at the Grange hall. The
lesson is to be on good grooming,
, and will be conducted by the two
I leaders, Mrs. Claude Conley and
Mrs. Henry Stenrud. They request
that each member will please
bring two small towels and two
small jars. A covered dish dinner
will be served at noon by the host­
ess, Mrs. Albert Arnold.
• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long-
streth attended the junior-senior
I prom at the Ashland high Friday
• Dale Williams spent last Sat­
urday and Sunday visiting at the
home of Don Nosier in Ashland.
• The girls 4-H cooking club held
a meeting Monday afternoon at
the home of the leader, Mrs. C. H.
J Modrell. Misses Eleanor George
and Joanne Neil demonstrated the
Life - Auto - Fire
comes with SECURITY
and wax enthusiastically enjoying
her stay in the Pacific west
of special Intciist I" the Ash­
land branch is the assurance that
the* new state president of AAUW.
Miss Beryl Holt of Salem, will
visit the local branch during the
coming year. 'Olis visit will I m « the
first made by the state president
since the association wax organ
ized by the former state president,
Mrs V. D. Earl of Eugene, three
years ago.
Miss King, who has been chair­
man of the International ltela
tions group of the* local AAUW
during the |>axt two years, states
that she attended a breakfast
with representatives of this group
in Salem on Saturday morning,
and reports that the* stat«« chair­
man wax favorably impressed
with the work accomplished by the
Ashland chapter, requesting the
Axhiand delegate to repeat her re­
port of the local branch to the as­
sembled group.
At a business meeting of dele­
gates. reports from 1!» branches of
Oregon contained Information as
to OttM groups in U«
are doing. Information ■ t.J
Ashland delegate hope <
valuable' and helpful for tij
branch next year. Coiupjj
|s>rt of these matters
given al the* next general]
Ing of the association
Tile convention closed J
luncheon at the Marion h<>M
urday noon
CORNS cura
W•TIC'S ••!••••' J
€•<• 0W «Maréala
•aak wal«M Mra id
• 0 Miad»« vlthwulJ
Willard L Dudh
I’honr 1732, Medford,
O ih
Lower train fares and
*all-expense"tours make this th«
c/ieapesf, eas/esf ray fo go!
Our new low fare« make riding cheaper than driving. And
they give you the comfort, «peed and iwfr/y of the tram.
Where will you »lay? What will your trip cost? Ju»t
a»lc about our "all-espen»e" tour« that include practically
everything but meal«. Hotel «pace it a««urcd.
Travel while you «leep to grt there quicker and have
more time where you want it
a/ ibf Farr,
You won't want your car
Spsre your »el I the burden of a car in crowded San
Francisco. Street can and taxi» are plentiful and cheap
Ferries directly to Treaturc bland, 10c
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Touritt an</ Sttndttd Pull-
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J day» tn San Francisco
Rounditip coach tato, botti
laaia. room ttchot to Fair,
JO mi Io tight »ootng trip
A ah about long
or and moro
olaborato tour».
Southern Pacific
see I. C. ERWIN
> - Choose
y^HETHER it’s developed by passen­
ger car or tractor, we dote on
knowing when it is right, and in know­
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any gasoline engine trouble, whether it’s
a one-Innger off the washing machine
or a straight-eight, we can help you.
Our mechanical department is complete
and up-to-date ... on all model cars,
tractors, engines. We want to help you.
Our price is reasonable, our work guar­
* ♦
For cooking, water heating, elec-
Lricity is by far the cooler, cleaner
utility available to Ashland homes!
For refrigeration, electricity offers
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Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVICE Department’’