iay, April 14, 103» __ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ny Advantages Seen In Newest Gas Ranges ff»r the housewife of south­ ton the very latest in ctstk- jc. H and t<< meet an ever in- - demand for an efficient ¡piiaiice, the California l‘a- Jtilities company has Just 4 u solid carload of new lUHhed ‘ rung»'*, good fM “ ...... “ from the factory to help thin yrur h year of ll-Ul I the advantages of the new ¿s rate to I«- enjoyed, and posatole on Idl'd I savings ------- — modern rangm. the widc- homemaker will acclaltn >nomy <‘f cookery. y woman will want thi- i cooking on one of the new wood ranges and owes her­ e hour« <>f well earned irla- I comfort that these modern ices make possible No long- j she I m - a slave to a hot kitchen The satisfaction rflnlti ■> iving of time, furl »risking food are easily hers tedgewtMMl's latest improved s <,f cooking ,ni home economists ¡stint , great health value of vlta- found in fresh vegetables her fissis, and the need for ring them But the problem lining vitamins when vrge are cooked was a difficult ow the answer has come In w Speed-pin« Hlmmrr bum- ’ ind <>n WedgewiMsl burners irner is easily adjustable to Hmmer flame, which insures cooking pris-rss Under this I, vegetables can be cooked Ittlr or no water, thereby ring ail of their health-glv- Isimns and bright natural Ing. too, him reached a new ion on Wedgewood'« A«to- tor-lniw broiler. Steak« and are delici<»u«ly tender, a« •w type broiler ncarn both •t the meat at once, holding the natural Juices Another wllng feature of the Aato- i the easy acccsalbliity of While broiling The broiler ’ and grill pull out, elimin- (’ edty of handling hot The grill rotor-diac revolves I touch of a fork •<> that hart <>f the food ia thorough- led without the nuisance of [ each piece individually ovena of thear new gas I have received marked at- from the engineer«. There kg Having in focxl ah rinkage lore of the natural flavor OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT and Juices ure retained when cook­ ed In a Wedgewood oven 'Hi,, heat is ho evenly distributed that a cake can I m - Istked on the lower or up­ per rack without turning Therm­ ostat« have been perfected to give accurate control of temperatures So that When you set the control you can I m - sure that the roast or cake will cook evenly at just the right heat Ho well insulated are these new ranges that the kitchen always stays coo), even In the hottest wea I her A heavy blanket of special spun glass heat resistant material completely «urrounda the oven ami broiler compartments, so that the heat Is held in the range instead of escaping into the kitchen GAS RATE REDUCTION WMrt the use of GAS Is confined to the parpooe e of Domestic Cooking and (or) Refrigeration, a now low In Cooking and Refrigeration Costs le Now waNable upon application at your BAS Company DOMESTIC COOKING - LOWER THAN EVER COOKING ANO REFRIGERATION COSTS TO DROP Art you using GAS for Cooking In your home? If not, you will be defi­ nitely Interested In the new Low Rate and the Introductory offer shown below. NEW. MODERN. FULL-SIZED. WEDGEWOOD BAB RANGES, equipped with the latest features . . . Reduced In Price to m H for M Low M $79.50. And monthly payments m NMte M |BJB. (Continued from page 1) for cooking, I».! per cent are using gaa for water h.-ating, it» per cent for refrigeration and tt«i per cent for home heating "The new butane gaa we are furnishing " Andrea continued "to entirely different from the ’ old manufactured gaa formerly used ' in «outhern Oregon Butane gas has the name origin aa natural gas that la . piped directly ____ from __ the fleldn to supply cooking and heat­ ing requirement« of a” large ma- ina- Jority of the people in a consider- ablr number of metropolitan area«. • since It la not practical to pipe our gas direct from the field« "due to l te distance factor, we uae the tactical method of converting the gm: to a liquid at its point of ori­ gin. loading the liquid into special­ ly constructed tank cara and then converting the liquid to its natura) state before it is placed in the lines to our consumers Butane K« h is a pure, clean, safe product like natural gas. burning with a clear, blue and hot flame, highly suited to fast economical cooking at extremely low coats The devel­ opment of this new method of fur­ nishing a better gas to American homes haa more than ever empha­ sized the true statement that more people cook with gas than any other fuel." Automatic WATER HEATERS REHTAL-S1.00 PER MONTH Servel GAS REFRIGERATORS SILENT-NO PARTS TO WEAR NOW — You can RENT a new 1939 FULL Automatic GAS HOT WATER HEATER for $1 00 per month ... No Installation charge and the rental payments may apply on the Different from all others . . . SERVEL ELECTROLUX alone gives you all the ad­ vantages of the Freezing System with no moving parts to wear out . . . long service . . . permanent silence ... and savings more than pay for H! purchase price N you desire. MORROW — IN V ESTI BATE! CALL TO­ GAS H FAST, CLEAN, ECONOMICAL AND SAFE The Choice of Experience! GfiS California-Pacific Utilities Company YOUR GAS COMPANY - && wandt ad $3650 X FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY. EASY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $3.83 PER MONTH. ON A BRAND NEW QV edgewodd G as R ange MODEL 1475 E OT The many advanced features make this beautiful Wedge­ wood one of the most extraordinary values in modem table-top gas ranges! You'll be thrilled with all of its outstanding cooking conveniences, designed to make the daily meal task surprisingly easy and economical. 1 ||e Heavily Insulated Porcelain-Lined Oven 2 Speed-plus-Simmer Burners Astogril Rotor-Disc Broiler Self-Lighting Top Burners __ __ _ • Oven Heat Regulator • 4-Piece Condiment Set • Easy gliding Utility Drawer • Wedgewood Quality Construction REGULARLY. $109.00 SAVING $ 29.50 Special -**~*t3 MODEL 845 E BK CT A gas range preferred by thousands of housewives. In addition to the convenience of a high oven, this splendid Wedgewood has a Wood or Coal Firebox, Extra-Low- Temperature Oven, four Speed-plus-Simmer Burners, and many other Wedgewood economy features. M00ÍL 2475 E OT— ■ •. . tuiik /ìtùU-ùt Qal GiAculatúUf ¿Itale* Promoting a higher standard of convenience and °Hi< lency, this Wedgewood la more than Just a Gas Range. Betides all of the many features de- *rrlbed above It combines the utility of a Gas Cir­ culating Heater built right Into the range without Large Kitchen Heater High-Speed Low- Temperature Oven 4 Speed-plus-Simmer Burners Astogril Smokeless Broiler REGULARLY $136.00 SAVING . . $ 36.50 Spacial Self-Lighting Burners Oven Heat Regulator Easy gliding Utility Drawer Wedgewood Quality Construction REGULARLY. . $145.00 SAVING $ 35.50 Increasing floor space requirements. It will heat •overal rooms quickly and economically. CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO. « YOUR GAS COMPANY Special 285 East Main Street, Ashland