pril 14, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER it People You Know! I Robert Pinson and • Mr and Mrs Orville Hall and ..... “’■» childien of Klamath Fulls visited 1Bllluii were guests , the home of Mrs here Monday at the home of Mrs tn, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Esterling . Hob Curves and ^ge. Cahi . visite,! I the home of Mr. Barkmiale i Cliff Mcl-een of „) hen- With rrla- j Sunday Mrs Mr- iii.loyed here for u tl< !<««*! telephone vi«it,’d the exjx»si- iK-lsco early in the , (Jene Ritzlnger «• a hip to Crania rt.n of Keno visited >tif Salem I Slade, council president and Bing Six For t week-end at the Beasley of Me.tford, council execu­ tive. gave talks on Scout organiza ­ and Mrs John tion procedure ami training Al) of the local leaders who attended , Ixmnlc Scroggins this meeting came home with en- visited here with thu-laarn for the promotion of rienda laut weck- Scout activities in the local or- : ganization I Otis Johnson of SUN KIST hen- for several • Mrs U-roy Olsen and Mrs t the home of Dr. John Hamilton have returned I home from Wakefield, Kas , where accompanied their sister, Mters of Eugene | they Ith relatives last Mrs Furer, with her husband, who i was taken there for burial three F. S Engle re­ weeks ago inan a allori va< a- • Mr and Mr« Carrol and «on EACH and daughter of near Prospect at 'omia ■ left Monday for the Ditsworth ranch were Talent university in Sa- shop|»crs Saturday. visit here with his • Mr and Mrs Anders moved uid Mrs. Frank Into the Thomas property east of town, cGcv of Klamath • Mr and Mrs Hugh Dumbest here thia week at and .laughter Betty spent Easter ’ parents. Mr and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chive i . Jenkins in Ashland. •r of Medford waa • C C Hartley of I’hoenlx was r here early in the a business caller in Talent Wed­ nesday. Elmer Ayem re- • Mrs Ethel Allen was called to to their home at Eugene to be with her sister who wring a visit hero underwent a major operation. Ir and Mrs W W. • Mrs Inez Sowell has accepted a ' position st the Ashland hotel as Jverett of Bacra- [ cook and began there Monday. i Easter holiday« • Hilly Glemis left Sunday for »other, Mrs Cora Quincy, Calif., where he win bo employed in a logging camp i Harry May of • Mr Cole and son who have ------------------------------------------------- nt the Raster va- been visiting Mr. and Mrs Ben the home of Mr. Hart for the past two weeks left • Hilt Ladies Aid met at the club for their home in Colorado by the house Thursday afternoon at 2 ■ May M E Kaegl vts- | way of San Francisco fair and o’clock and was very well attend­ ed Mrs J Clark and Mrs Bern- 1« in Grunts Pana other places of interest • Mr and Mrs Andrew McMahan heisel were hostesses Guests from and Mrs. Ben Clark attended Yreka were Mrs. Pearl Malone, Mrs Edith Harris. Mrs. Hazel El­ church in Ashland Sunday • Chosley Lindsey of Ashland was more. Mrs Haze) Brown, Mrs. transacting business here Satur­ Opal McKenney, Mrs Doris Glenn and Mrs J. M Dollinger. After the day. • Esther Cochran is having a new business Session, delicious refresh­ screen porch added to her lunch ments were served. • The Community church was room in the rear. I THLY • The Talent Townsend club held filled Sunday morning at the Eas­ their regular semi-monthly meet­ ter services conducted by Rev VIENT ing Tuesday evening at the city Lowry. A number of the Horn­ hall A good crowd was in attend­ brook congregation attended the AN • ance in spite of the inclement Hilt services in the morning. weather On Wednesday evening, • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rushton of April 19, Charles Wettcrman, the Medford were in Hilt Sunday to national headquarters representa­ visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs R tive in Oregon, will speak at the Williams. city hall. Before the meeting a • Del Bagley went to Sacramento potluck supper will be served at Monday night by train. 6 30 o'clock for the Townsenders. • E Hjertager. J. De Witt and Mr. Wettcrman is making a C. A Baumgartner attended a CEDED speaking tour of southern Oregon meeting of the Cyrus chapter in at this time under the manage­ Yreka Tuesday night. ment of Walter Sumner of Rogue • Mr and Mrs. Fred Haynes and River, who is the district deputy of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward made a southern Oregon. Mrs. Harriett business trip to Medford Monday Bales conducted the program for evening. the evening. ’ mighty ex- • Mr. and Mrs. Del Black attend­ • A quilting party was held at ed the show in Ashland Monday i off needed the home of Mrs. Clarence Homes evening. For example on Tuesday. The usual hot dish • Margery Clark visited with luncheon was served at noon. The Miss Nina Mae Hess in Ashland the roof can ladies present were Mrs. Long, Friday night and Saturday. ! plaster and Mrs. Hayman. Bertha Hayman, • Mr and Mrs. J. Francis and Winnifred Mason, Mary Mason, family spent Easter in Medford Mary Withrow, Mrs. Keith and with Mrs. Clifford Cowan and Mrs. Clarence Homes. family. n- it zx r>__*-------- By U-0 Professor A series of 14 "don’ts” for peo- i pie buying real estate, which if ' observed would save considerable time, money and grief, have been compiled by Dr. Daniel D. Gage, associate professor of business ad­ ministration at the University of Oregon. Dr. Gage, who has spent much of his time in study and re­ search in the realty field, has also written a book and numerous arti­ cles on titles. Dr. Gage’s final ’’don’t” is “Don’t ignore the specialized ser­ vices available to home builders from the realtor, escrow agent, title assurer, attorney, home finan­ cier, architect and contractor.” His other "don’ts" are: 1. Don't sign an agreement to purchase real estate unless the seller agrees to give you a mar­ ketable title. 2. Don't accept an old abstract or policy of title insurance. 3. Don’t fail to have your attor­ ney read the abstract immediately. 4. Don’t accept a realtor’s ad­ vice on title matters. His function is that of brokerage. Title examin­ ation is entirely different, requir­ ing a specialist in law. 5. Don’t buy property until you know the condition of taxes and assessments. 6. Don't buy a lot until you know deed or tract restrictions. 7. Don’t buy an unimproved lot from a seller who promises to put in utility improvements later. R. Don’t pay any substantial pert of purchase price to seller until he can give you simultan- eously a deed or land contract and some form of title insurance. 9. Don’t accept a deed that hasn’t been acknowledged. 10. Don’t fail to have the deed Ashland high school tennis play­ recorded. 11. Don’t expect the clerks in ers Saturday lost four of their the county court house to be title seven matches with netmen of Grants Pass high in the Climate advisers. 12. Don't start any building op- City when Ed Cate and Joe Burdic eiations, if you’re financing won their singles matches, and through a mortgage loan, until ad­ Burdic and Dale Williams won vised to proceed by the mortgagee. their doubles match. Coach Hollis Beasley’s AHS ten­ 13. Don’t build on a lot in a sparsely settled area without a nis team will play host to Grants Pass here April 22 Medford April survey. 14. Don’t complain because a 26 and Klamath Falls April 29. mortgage or building and loan ; The local team will play in Med­ 10. company charges you an inspec­ ford May ------------ •------------ tion fee during construction. They can prevent substitues of cheaper • Mrs. Billy Hulen and daughter materials or correct other details Joan of Medford visited with friends here Sunday. that might lead to trouble later. -------- •-------- ------------ •------------ • Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Woods • Subscribe for The Miner today. One year, $1.50; six months, 80c. made a trip to Salem this week. Ashland Netmen Drop Four Matches to G-P Housecleaning? ★ ★ ★ That means curtains to launder and stretch. It means blankets, quilts, comforters, pillows, spreads and rugs to clean. ★ FLOOR SANDING ★ ★ They are all hard to wash well at Willard L. Dudley home. Phone 1732, Medford, Oregon Let us relieve you of this hard work. Y’ou w ill be pleased with • them when they come back from the DRESSMAKING ★ for WOMEN and CHILDREN Hooked Rugs Quilting Prices Reasonnl>le MARY SPENCER Comer E. Main and California I ★ ★ ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. G 165 31 WATER STREET “For the ideal washday, Just call, That’s all.”