Friday, April 14, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER day anniversary of Kenneth and Mabel Metcalfe and Mr. Talbot. • Mrs. Leslie Lusk of Ashland visited Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Archie Kincaid. • Bob Bell, who is employed at • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Bly, and Lynn DeMille. who is em­ Central Point visited Friday eve­ ployed at Klamath Falls, spent the ning at the home of Mr and Mis. week-end visiting at the home of Walter Brahs and family. Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. • Mrs. O. Ayres, with a group of Bell. Kenneth Bell returned with other Royal Neighbor members, them to Klamath Falls Sunday, attended a convention of the Roy­ where he will have employment. al Neighbors in Klamath Falls • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ayres of Monday. Days Creek visited Easter Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gowiand at the home of Mra Ayres' par­ entertained at dinner Easter Sun­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bialis day Mis. Long and her daughter, Mrs. Dora Clark of Ashland Din­ and family. • Miss Nina Hazelwood visited ner was in honor of the 80th Hazel ' birthday anniversary of Mrs Long. Tuesday at the home of * Mrs ” " • LeRoy Ayres returned Wednes­ Fems ui Ashland. day from Days Creek, where he • All members of the Bellview spent several days at the home of home extension unit are requested his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. to please bring two small towels Mrs. Elmer Ayres. and two small jars with them for and • Mr and Mrs. Louis Oland of the next meeting w’hich will be Wagner Creek visited Friday eve­ Friday, April 28. ning at the home of Mr and Mrs. • The Bellview Grange announces Walter Brahs and family. a dance for Friday evening, April • Mr and Mrs. Walter Sexton 14. Refreshments will be served at and daughter Elizabeth of Klam­ midnight. Schumaker's orchestra ath Falls visited several days re­ of Medford will furnish the music cently at the home of Mrs. Sex­ for the evening. ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed • The birthday club enjoyed a Grimm. picnic near the Klamath junction • Miss Paulajune Gerges of Kla­ Sunday. The afternoon was spent math Falls is visiting this week at in playing Chinese checkers and the home of her friends, Mr. and visiting. Those attending were Mr. Mrs. Willis Byrd and family and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Mr. and • Patricia and Sammie Bell at­ Mrs. Louis Pankey. Miss Marie tended a party for the members of Walker, Mrs. Ella True, Miss Eu­ their Sunday school class at the nice Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Presbyterian church in Ashland DeShazer and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Saturday afternoon. Kincaid. • Misses Iris and Maijorie Mo­ • Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. drell, who have been 111 for the Earl DeSota of Yreka visited at past several days, are improving. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie • Mr. and Mrs Willis Byrd made Kincaid. a trip to Medford on business • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon of Tuesday. Grants Pass spent Easter Sunday • Misses Patricia Bell, Eleanor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ George and Barbara Helm were ter Brahs and family. hostesses to a group of their • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth and friends at the home of Eleanor son Jimmie and W. E. Seibert Saturday evening in honor of the moved last week to Pinehurst, birthday anniversaries of Patricia where they have apartments at and Eleanor. Miss Betty Hollings­ the Pinehurst Inn. Mr. Korth and worth. who celebrated her birtn- Mr Seibert are employed near day Friday, was unable to attend. there. Other guests were Misses Julia • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Talbot of Quinby. Norm3 Wenaus, Hazel Ashland. Miss Lola Talbot of Parmen. Ola May Gniam Betty Butte Falls Mar­ , ills and Miss Louise Mar- and Chai ken Byrd, tin were dinner < _ guests Easter Sun- | # Mrs d R ~ E and ___ Marjorie j„..» day at the James Metcalfe home. | made “a trip~to Medford on‘buri-1 Dinner u’as in honor of the birth- * I ness Saturday. • Mrs. Pauline Parmen, who has ; been spending some time with rel­ atives in Myrtle Creek, has moved to Lay's auto camp. • C H Modrell. who is employed in Stockton, visited Saturday and | Sunday here with his family, j At /»'• Merle Talent returned to Stockton i He has employment ; with him there. • Walter Longstreth, who haa « spent the past several months in Klamath Falls, where he was em­ ployed. is now at home here. • The Community club held their 1." meeting at the Grange hall Wed­ »4 nesday. For the program. Mrs Vai Inlow conducted several games FOB with Mrs. James Chamberlin win­ ning the first prize. During the QUALITY AND SERVICE! business meeting, members dccid- ' ed to send a box to the Children's Farm home near Corvallis. The home stated their need for tooth brushes, tooth pastes, tea towels DAIRY and aprons. Each member is re-| quested to bring one of the follow- , • BELLVIEW • Laud Jackson County As Health Pioneer ing to the next club meeting, which will be in May Each article will be put in the box and sent to the home. The May meeting will be in the form of a covered dish Jackson county delegates re­ dinner, as it is the last meeting be­ turned from the annual conference fore the fall season Hostesses for of the Oregon Tuberculosis asso­ the 12:30 o'clock dinner arc Mrs. ciation in Eugene Friday evening George Helms, Mrs. J J. M Crow, They reported the meeting as one Mrs. Vincent Lamm and Mrs. Al- of the most successful held in re­ bert A mold, During the business cent years, there having been over meeting the new officer* will be 300 delegates in attendance installed. Jackson county figured promin­ • Mrs C H Modrell left Tuesday for Klamath Falls, where she is ently in the conference Mrs J C. attending the PT-A convention as S. Weills, county president, s|H>ke a delegate from the Bellview Thursday morning on The Place I’T-A Mrs. Modrell, sr, of Medford, of the Public Health association is staying at her home with her in early diagnosis,” and Wednes­ day morning reported the year's children while she is away. activities of the Jackson county • Miss Veda Williams returned health association. Many promin­ Monday evening from Portland, ent speakers »poke of Jackson where she attended the wedding county as having pioneered health of Miss Edith Arnold to Dr. Rae work in Oregon The Jackson Foster. county delegates invited the asso­ • Thursday of last week the ciation to hold next year's meeting Home Economics club met at the in Medford. Burns also extended Grange hall to work on a quilt. A an invitation The board of direc­ covered dish dinner was served at tors will decide on the acceptance noon. Tuesday of next week they of one of these at a later date. plan to meet there again and sew Delegates from Jackson county for a needy family in this district. were Mrs. J. C. S. Weills. Mrs. Any lady, whether a member of Moore Hamilton, Miss Helen Bul­ the club or not. is invited to conic lis and Mrs. J. R Knight of Med­ • The Bellview 4-H cooking club ford; Mrs Jack Spaulding and met Monday at the home of their leader, Mrs. C. H Modrell. After the meeting the members enjoyed veil with Med pearls, and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the an Easter egg hunt. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold re­ valley. The maid of honor was turned Monday evening from Port­ Miss Yvonne Olney and Misses Mary land where th,ey attended the wed­ Pauline Luckterhend ami ding of their daughter. Edith, to Edwards were bridesmaids Dr. Dr. Rae Foster. The marriage John Easton of Portland acted as ceremony was read by Elder best man. George E Pettit of the Sunnyside • Achievement tests were given Seventh Day Adventist church in the students of the Bellview school Portland The bride was gowned in Monday by student teachers of the white satin She wore a finger tip SOCE. Mii. <->, C. Palmer of Phoenix; • Mr and Mra. Keimet}! Mr» Roy Stanley of Eagle Point, und son Robert of Klang and Mr». Earl Leever of Axhland. visited here with friends < lives laut week-end • • Mr and Mr» Joe Mercer <»f Klamath Fall» visited friend» in Ashland Sunday • Mr and Mr» S H Short made a trip to Grants Paaa Sunday • Marchtal Stansbury underwent an emergency appendectomy Isst week-end. • J E Hoxie anlntineii| •DEPENDARI.E sili\| UK ARK KX( l.l sl\t: AGKNTN FOR HOLLYWOOD VAC-M-MOP SI. For ciraning rugs. linoleum, all kinds of floors, walls and windows. • (O.MPIXTE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS SPRINKLERS 25 FT. HOSE $1.25 up WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO TAYLOR R. WILLIAMS You Are Invited To Attend The PHONE 23-F-2 CLOVER LEAF I ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TADLES FOR LADIES A-ONE DRAFT DEER FEATURING 5C SELBY CHEVROLET pergl.» Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-Oz. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB co. 100 EAST MAIN STREET, ASHLAND AL BROWER, Proprietor 1 A NEW, FINER DRAFT BREW! A-ONE BEER SOLI) IN KEGS ONLY! ASK YOUR DEALER • A-ONE BREWING CO., MEDFORD And to inspect the new offices, show room and shop, including paint and body room, lubrication department and service department! 1 Saturday, April 15th Refreshments Will Be Served