OUTHERN O regon miner The Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! n ASHLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 EARL ROGERS IS NAMED AS HEAD OF JUNIOR HIGH EXPERT declare« that justi- sl noise doesn’t bother p«»ple they're used to II 'rhe guy bly never got home late for r on the day hl» wife burned nul l, K«d a runner in a new had her I mmi I Sumlay wax bright and Ashland anil many a ral- .laden lady walked a good into her new shoe» r r < imedian« Fred Allen and Jack y probably will never refer to recent court appearances on fun program» They learned smuggling is no Joke r r < batable Issue« usually Inspire schools of thought, but most he arguments come from the ley-players. 1 1 1 From u> European version: comes man, and with powder etumeth. 111 uasohni says he won't take CC. but when he gets Into the g pan as he surely must, he'll hr had some 111 xmblc with crackpots like k Wood, there’s never a win­ handy to throw ’em out of 1 1 1 trou|>e of male dancers ap- Mcdford theater this Bk and husbands of southern Lon cooked their own dinners I 111 fcurupcan dictators appear to be Ling a chip on their shoulders, ■ to the windward it smells like low chip < < < bne difference between America P Germany la where people do lir concentrating here It's done [public IlbrarlM, there tn camps 1 1 1 bpinions on the outcome of rlil hostilities differ Some bc- vr war is certain within a few k*ks while the avowed pacifists •ar It won’t com? for h I moat a P]ARL ROGERS, for 11 year« rueniber of the Ashland Junior high school faculty and athletic <-oach, Friday afternoon was nam­ ed a« Muccmaor ----- to — Principal 11a M yers whose resignation was ac- copied recently Miss Myers had served in the local system for 30 years and will retire at the close of the spring term Rogers, well known as health and science instructor, ax well ns coacli at the junior high school, has enjoyed outstanding success with his athletic team« ami will continue, in a measure, a« an ad- visor ami assistant to his xucces »or, who Is yet to be named Supt - Elect Theo J Norby at the May meeting will submit a recommend­ ation for the opening to the school board Filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Mias Grace Peck will be Ml«« Margaret Macy, grad­ uate of Willamette university, who will teach English and history at the same school. Accorihng to Norby, Rogers’ duties ■« principal will occupy the larger share of his time, but Rog. era expects to be able to devote some of hi« attention to a contin­ uance of the athletic development at the junior high school. Rogers' basket ball team this year again claimed the mythical state cham­ pionship by right of the most out­ standing record among junior high school of Oregon Rogers coached such star« as Bob Hardy, who has been a regular University of Ore­ gon "player for the last two years • That such ideal ski slopes and low conditions existed almost Ithin a stone's throw from this ty came as a surprise to a num- tr of Ashland ChBAbM* of Com- rce members Tuesday night en they viewed motion pictures the McDonald basin area shown Kenneth Denman and Aubrey 'fris, members of the Rogue lownien The exhibitors explain­ that the basin, possessing every Ulted type of ski slope, nestles nong 7000-foot peaks at the OO-foot level making for perfect ow conditions for an unusually ’K season, Benmnn and Norris urged local operation In the effort to secure t construction of a forest service nd to the area, located 23 miles >m Ashland via Talent and ngner gap. The members pre» I Voted to request that the amber membership Join in en- rsenient of the project. Post master John H Fuller spoke Inefly to the open forum gather- m explaining the coming state Mtmasters convention to be held r Ashland in June. Fuller declar- F that many outstanding postal FPartinent heads would be here i"r the sessions, ax well as post- pasteiH and their families from l . over the state. An effort is ng made to have Postmaster p „ Karlpy here at that time, uiler wax assured full cooper- irr°n *oca> booster group in anging an outstanding civic ter^amc ior the voting postmaa- I’OSTS BAIL HERE Lfik«. J ” -'''»»»cjr, ' uiliujiu wer Dorney, x Portland beer Ieri top“.”’ Thursday morning post- n.n, u ,al1 ln A"hland police court hia arre*t on charges of rUnkenness the night before ‘••■-'■s FORESTRY JOB k Johnson, Ashland high Mn/i’ ansc graduate, left he inr Car,abad. N. M . where nark ' aflsume duties as national hv vu ranKer. He was accompanied s wife, Johnson is the son of tti» ci'iy MrR Robert Johnson of KDWARD MARTIN BATY M,o»i ral a,>rvlccR «Min --------- for Edward of m . Baty. seven-year-old »on died a a!Kl Mra- p- M Baty, who » il i? AI n ,r r ll l ,0 10, ' were held tn in Klam- ath Of th a» APril 12 under direction r&1 chapj/ I>Odge and Son" Fune‘ NEWEST ASHLAND IMPROVEMENT! SELBY CHEVROLET PAINT fi BODY REPAIR STORAGE REST ROOMS AAA SERVICE «soil« T he newly remodeled and redecorated front of the Selby Chevrolet company, above is shown as Lloyd Selby prepired for his formal ojvenlng fr >m 3 o'clock to 6 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, April 15. at which time visitors will be shown this city’s latest business improvement which Includes not only the front modernization but also streamlining of showroom, offices, service, lubrication and imint and body departments. Shown in the picture are Verne Hastings, car sales; Frank Culp, service manager, and Selby, standing beside a 19.89 Chevrolet sedan. New computing pumps, included In the Improvements, are shown In the new drive-ln entrance. (Bushnell photo.) Mrs. Forsythe Named To State I’-TA Post - I LOYD SELBY. Ashland Chevro- Mm B C Forsythe of Ashland let dealer, will hold open ho'ise wax elected regional vice president from 3 o’clock to 6 o'clock Satur­ of the Oregon Parent-Teachers as­ day afternoon, 15, in his sociation this week during wwrtorui newly remodeled April quarters 100. of the convention of the congress East Main street. Selby, who at came of parents and teachers held in here recently from Tule Ixike and Klamath Falls this week Mrs. Falls, where he was well Clarence W Walls of Portland wax Klamath known in the automobile business, named president. the late Dan F. Kay a^ The congress approved plans for succeeds Chevrolet sales and service fran­ completion of a $2000 fund-raising chise holder. campaign to commemorate Dr The building has been remodeled John Mclxiughlln through pur­ and redecorated in addition to of­ chase of a bust fice remodeling and other improve­ ments in the service department. Dilley Elected i An enclosed paint and body room, specially equipped lubrication de­ Bellview partment and service departments ; have been provided making for Ralph Dilley, former SONS stu­ I greater efficiency. dent now teaching at Mt. Pitt Back shop personnel includes ach), has been named principal for next year by the Bellview i the new service manager, Frank school board to succeed Jack Raid­ Culp from Stockton. Calif., who ing He will teach the seventh and has been associated with Selby for the last year; William Kerr, parts eighth grades Two other Bellview teachers manager, with the Kay Chevrolet were reelected for the following company for a number of years, Prince, lubrication ex­ year, Miss Eunice Hager, first, se- and Arthur who has been with Selby for cond and third grades, and Miss pert Julia Quimby, fourth, fifth and the last three years The Saturday afternoon formal sixth grades. opening will include interesting ------•----------- and informative inspections of the BICYCLE RECOVERED A bicycle belonging to Keith display rooms, offices and back Haines stolen Tuesday night while shop Refreshments will be served the youth attended a Boy Scout between the hours of 3 and 6 p. meeting was recovered by city po­ rn., to which the general public is invited. lice early Wednesday. Qas Users Get Rate Cut Here Number 15 TO CRYSTALLIZE JULY 4 PLANS AT MONDAY SESSION ASHLAND’S July 4 celebration committee, under the chairman­ ship of H. L. Claycomb and assist­ ant chairmanship of I. C. Erwin, will meet in the Chamber of Com­ merce office at 7:30 p. m. Monday, April 17, to formulate definite plans for this year’s Independence day observance. Monday night’s session also will result in sub-committee appoint­ ments for the big event which an­ nually attracts thousands of visit­ ors to this city. According to Clay­ comb, already two carnival outfits have asked for dating here during the holiday week and they will be contacted further concerning fi­ nancial details. A larger parade than ever is be­ ing talked by the committeemen, while wrestling matches in the Elizabethan theater, bathing beau­ ty contest and diving show, special kiddies events and other tradi­ tional attractions have been out­ lined in general. Exhibition soft- ball games and championship log birling features were suggested at the committee's first meeting last Monday night. Ashland’s Lithia park, as usual, will be the focal point of many visitors during the holiday, which may be spread out to include a three-day program—Sunday, Mon­ day and Tuesday—July 4 occur­ ring on Tuesday this year. Champ McShain Will Meet Lott in Return Romp in Armory Ring World light-heavyweight wrest- I ling champion Danny McShain will go to the post again at Medford armory Monday night when he > faces Jimmy Lott, the Alabama sonnenburg king who won a foul Elementary Principals decision over him last week. Lott, not saying anything about Mc­ Gather at Shain, was dissatisfied with the way he won and requested Mack Saturday Lillard to give him another chance to show the mean titleholder that The Southern Oregon College of he’s not quite As tough as he Education Saturday will be host thinks he is. to a hundred elementary school Pete Belcastro, the wild W’op principals from southern Oregon A reduction in rate was today from Weed, Calif., returns to the counties for their second annual North Bartlett street arena of regional conference sponsored by announced by the local gas com­ cauliflowered ears to face Vern pany, directly affecting those con ­ the department of elementary Clark from Detroit. Clark has yet school principals of the Oregon sumers whose use of gas is con­ to be beaten in Medford where he State Teachers association and fined to the purposes of domestic tamed bad boy Joe Smolinski last the state department of education. cooking and refrigeration or one Monday. He will have just such of them alone. The new reduction, another job to do when he gets SOCE President Walter Redford according to I. F. Andres, manager will deliver the welcoming address of the California-Pacific Utilities in the ririg with Pete for the at 10 a. m. in the administration company, is the second lowering Italian will stop at nothing for a building of the college, followed of rates made by his company victory. by discussion panels on subjects within the past eight months. Another rematch is scheduled the opening bout when Ken related to school work. "During the past year,” said for Dr. Cecil J. S. Bowling of the Andres, "there has been a decided Ackles, the youngster from Chica­ SOCE faculty will be principal and gratifying trend towards the go. locks grips with Phil Romano, speaker at a noon luncheon in the use of our new butane gas for the big Aztec Indian. Ackles dis­ Lithia hotel, and Rex Putnam, cooking, water heating, refrigera­ played some clever work on the state superintendent of public in­ tion and home heating. This last card but was outsmarted by struction, will explain recent movement to gas has been partic­ Romans for the odd fall. This go will get under way at 8:30 p. m. school legislation. ularly evident in the cooking and sharp. ----------- •----------- refrigeration field, and our com­ ----------- •------------ pany's volume has reached a point BALL CLUB ORGANIZES where we have been able to justify Island Will I a lower rate for our customers.” The Ashland-Talent baseball As evidence of a definite trend club Thursday night elected I. C. Get Landscape Work towards the use of the new butane Erwin president, Stanley Robbins The tiny park island in the city gas, he stated that of 29,000 homes secretary-treasurer and Charlie plaza will be landscaped and beau­ built during 1938 in an area where Skeeters manager. A tentative tified. according to a decision of this fuel is available over 91 per game was arranged with Hilt to the city council Tuesday evening, cent of the dwellings.installed gas be played there April 23. (Continued on page 5) and Park Supt. Chester Corry’s 1 plans for improving the triangle were to be carried out starting late this week. Officers Be Laying of flagstones, shrubbery | Installed and hedges will be included in the ; By MAUDE POOL I Mrs. Al Floyd, exhibition commit­ work. tee; Mrs. Lee Port, Mrs. J R Mc­ Recently elected officers of the The council also authorized the A/j RS. A T. LATHROP of Cen- Cracken of Valley View. Mrs Jen­ American Veterans of the tral Point, Jackson county nie Hutchinson, Mrs. Mabel C. repair of broken curbs along Sis­ Disabled World war, chapter No. 8, will be delegate to the Associated Country Mack, hostesses; Mrs. Bertha kiyou boulevard esplanade, with installed in special joint ceremon­ Women of the World conference Glasgo, Mrs. O. C. Maust, Mrs. work to get under way next week. ies in the Medford armory Satur­ ----------- •----------- iri London next month, will be Nora Strauss and Mrs. I. C. Wil­ day, April 15, according to Raleigh honor guest at a silver tea given liams, refreshment and serving MOUNTAINS GET SNOW Freeman, chaplain. at the historic home of Mrs. Effie committee; Mrs. Bertha Young, The new commander, Carold J. Montains, which surround Ash ­ Birdseye on the Pacific highway Mrs. Mabel Thornton, registra- land in stockade fashion, this Parker, will be inaugurated, as south of Grants Pass Sunday, 1 tion. Mrs Leila Ousterhout and week received welcome blanket­ will other officers including Luth­ April 16. The tea is sponsored by Mrs. Rita Myers will assist Mrs. ings of snow, with the precipita­ er Tingley, senior vice commander; the mem tiers of the county exten­ Lahrop in pouring. Miss Claire tion starting Tuesday and contin­ Homer Brown, junior vice com­ sion committee and alumni and the Hanley is in charge of costuming. uing throughout the week. Scat­ mander; Raleigh Freeman, chap­ public is cordially invited. Hours The following articles are a few tered showers brought some need­ lain; Harvey Cassman, treasurer; will be from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. ’ of the varied collection which will ed moisture to city and valley Otto DeJamett, adjutant; L. H. TINY JONES observing that The Birdseye home, built In i be exhibited: soil, although ranchers and stock- Allred, officer of the day; Frank CHARLIE (G-Man) WARREN 1854, and the only dwelling in Strong-box—Once chained be- men are inviting additional down- Holbrook, service officer; George has gained in weight since join­ Oregon of that age standing as neath the driver’s seat on the fall. Shuler, sergeant-at-arms, and Cliff ing the Ashland garbage system. JACK BENTLEY coyly but­ when first built, was the inspira­ Wells Fargo express and was used Lockman, hospital chairman. tion for collection of an extensive to ship gold out of Jacksonville. Many notables of the DAV will toning his shirt over pajama exhibit of historic articles from It cost $1 to send a letter in this be in attendance for the initiation, tops of a brilliant hue. Larry Porter KEITH HAINES being lectur­ pioneer homes of southern Oregon, j box. including State Commander Ker­ and Companion rigan, Capt. Cicero Hogan, Lyle ed about locking his bicycle by which Is in charge of Miss Alice I*lpe of peace- Smoked at foot parent, DR. (He Should Hanley, pioneer Jacksonville farm of Table Rock during Indian treaty Are Invited to Be Guests of the Dailey and Floyd Dover. Ladies his woman and club worker. All arti­ i by Col. John T. Ross in 1853. of the auxiliary are arranging en­ Know) HAINES. MANLEY BROWER wishing and details. cles will be authentically labeled Southern Oregon Miner tertainment Buckskin suit Worn by Col. ---------- —----------- he had cut the tree down instead and will be placed on display both Ross at time the treaty was made. To See Their Choice of of merely pruning it, after a MARGARET ANN NAYLOR indoors and out so that guests may Both suit and pipe are in posses­ the Following head-on meeting. Funeral services for Margaret view them at their leisure. sion of John E. Ross of Central MARY DRU EBNOTHER be­ Ann Naylor, 67, who died at her Mrs. Lathrop, now in Corvallis Point, only living son of Col. Ross. Varsity Theater home on Harrison street April 5, ing promised an office job when where she is sending her three Grape vlne-Mission vine was were held at 10 a. m. at the Lit- and if a typewriter becomes Programs: younger children to college, will planted by Clara Fleming Birdseye willer Funeral home April 8, with available. come south for the event and will in 1856. It was given to her by (Friday and Saturday) GAY NEBEKER developing Dr. D. M. Brower officiating. In­ tie one of those chosen to pour. Granville Sears, then a resident of “WIFE. HUSBAND AND an allergy to open mouths. terment was at Prospect. She is state president of the Ore­ the old stage road north of Jack­ FRIEND" plus --------— •----------- WALTER LEVERETTE miss­ gon state council, having been sonville. THE JONES FAMILY in ing a party in his honor to at­ MARGARET ADA WINTERS elected at their annual meeting in Soap trough Hewn from a p:ne "BORROWING TROUBLE” Funeral services for Margaret tend the Lithia theater. log in the 70's by Sam Mathis, Corvallis this year. HARRY HOXIE biting his A