ffi TAFEO M / f OONTAW4 PFH ASAiM’-l? T ÇNPW MAU. IMF FAT HF. AD 'N ho L GOT IT, ILL kriOCK HIM SILL-/ H «y it J INDSIGHT N SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOU NO CORDING to the preview of he spring football game reeii the high school seniors the varsity candidate« for next on. Coach Sheet O’Connell will tble to place a better than av- e Grizzly lineup on the field, r fall Material prirspects )<">k nixing, and several individual « are likely to develop Ithougti the seniors won, 12-6 ll they would, the siiow-offs), varsity eleven had the game on r hip when the final gun «|>ut Jert Miller’s feet Martin Her- 175-p<>und fullback, caused lh comment from the sidelines, among the senior« after he’d the line a few times. Vernon h and Ardis Warren also made >ral nice runs. Ardis recovering own fumble to score the vnr- ’« only touchdown However, younger member of the War­ clan had valuable assistance u teammates, ax every senior itn reach wax busy coughing lite out of his mouth when ic scampered to |>ay dirt. With Herrin's unusually ef- ctive ki< king and drive, iuid Ith Rusli’s s<-iun|M*r, the 1939 HUnn of Hie tshiaml high ,'hool Grizzlies should do rrttj aril for themselves in Mithern Oregon competition, he line, including .Jacoby, 'osier, Newhry and Silver, lesterberg, Schilling, Smith, ilth grinning little Dale Wil- *iia In the game frequently o confound the foe, will be omething to reckon with, :ven for Medford. r r t rhix dejutrtinent was surprised no Billy Huien in evidence the game with notepaper in id and worried eye making ck calculations. We thought ly would tie over in full regalia, ter sweater and all (Willie has most handsome letter sweater >r seen in these parts with :key Mouse pictured in bright across the chest I. f r f rhe sound and fury of nofttmll pady has descended upon thin Kcful little city, and nt reel cor­ ■s and cafe counters are buzzing ■ bOMtg and plans The i<- |xirt lx cui lent that Parker Hex« hax papeied the town with con- , trai ts, while Johnny Dougherty of Fortmiller’s lx questioning a few of the boys Hess protiably will line up an outfit with several as­ sociated business firms ax «|xm- nors, While Fortrnlller’s, the Elka and the Miners arc certain en- I tiants Otach O’Connell lx starting his charges off on a brief spring ca- reci of xoftlsill and will compete with other high school outfits. Grants Pass already has definitely p No 25 turned out for the hike to Pilot HK'k Saturday after- nixni The boys carnix'd at the r