prit 7. 19« 19 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 nt People You Know! I Hriugs of Oakland, n \Mhlaml l<»r *v w,.,*k at the home >r Hertha E Haw- it imide a business I Wednesday. ,n and Guy punsniuir Monday right of Weed was home of her par­ ir» M C. IJninger, rk (tnlverslty of Ore- |»lteng Beach, C^ilif ,„1 here last week e of Mr and Mrs Henry Schaffer ;e Schaffer visited inday Harry McNair are ind 4>!e of M* physician 77 link street • Albert Hookatra of laikcview Visited here for several days this week at the home of his parent). Mi and Mrs Ed Hookstra • Arthut i< enhowei made a laisi Hess trip to Yreka Inst week -end • Mrs Ellis Uninger returned Tuesday from a months viali with relatives in Corvallis. • In Carl llryuil of Klamath bulls Is spending several r• :■ I BIG SAVINGS! 1 I 5 lbs. Bath Epsom Salts 19c 1 pt. Squibb Antiseptic Mouth Wash 27c 1 doz. Cans Velvet Tobacco $1.19 1 doz. Cans Prince Albert $1.19 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol $1 Size Nervine........... 100 5-ffr. Aspirin Tablets 1 pt. Cod Liver Oil 100 Hinkle Pills 25c White Shoe Polish 1 lb. Moth Balls Wax Paper Powder Puffs Pot Cleaners 10c 69c 12c 47c 13c 10c 23c 2 for 6c 2 for 6c 2 for 6c Kodak Finishing-Free Developing Prints 4c Each ‘“*). S Wiley Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Tile Mother Singer» chorus of Inger of Ban Fnin- r last week-end lit "Christ, the First Fruit»," 1» the Ashland will present u program in and Mrs Guy Ap- subject of the »ermon of 'Hie young people will meet at the Southern Oregon College Education auditorium at 9:50 a. " W H McNair i. 80 p The evening service at 7:30 m. Monday, April 10. under the McNair made a o'clock "The Resurrection in Song leadership of Miss Lucie I^andon. I recently The chorus also will take jiart in of Loa Angel»'» is and Story" will I m * the theme of the state Parent-Teachers asso­ h friends and rela- the evening Prayer and conference meeting ciation convention to be held in I ly night at 7 80 Klamath Falls Wednesday, April I Mrs H T Parks n \v. r« R W Johnson 12. y to their home in The chorus membership includes ig a visit in Ash- Mesdames H. C. Beebe, R. I. Fla- of the Rev. and harty, Verne Cary, C. Jordan, R. T. L Crosby. M T Bums, L. Wilson, E. E. Wordsworth, Minister ngle and son Glen P D. McDougal. John Payne, E. Inorili and C Streets ly from a trip to O. Smith. Earl Rogers, C. M. Lit- 1 San Francisco, willer, I. C. Erwin, Bertha Denton. "TTie church where you are T. Williams. Barile Duffield, Vio­ ir returned last Chiloquin where never a stranger.” let Milford, M P. O'Harra, George Sunday school 9:45 a. m. T. S. Mason and C. E. Corry. guest at the home -------•------------- In-law and sister, Wiley. su|>erinten